Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

Luckily the only bad experience with this wonderful plant was my introduction to gravity bongs after a double+ shift chewing ginseng to stay awake....not fun...walking around barefoot in the snow to get away not fun.

That said, my first introduction to edibles was spaghetti ... Rasta Pasta Pesto as it was referred to back in college. Amazing fun time. Its still one of my faves :) The taste blends so well with a good garlic sauce.
Happy Sunday!!

Why not have a quick


Smokin' a little Platinum OG this morning with some fabulous coffee, Blue Mountain from Jamaica. Both of these things are expensive, rich, indulgent and delicious. The best things are. Reminds me of my wife. :p

The girls are all spreading out across the bottom of the scrog with blinding speed. Hard to believe it is only 6 1/2 short weeks since I stuck the first bean in the first plug. Everyone is identically green and lush...I must give a small kiss to my own ass...this strain is amazing. I've honestly grown 50 different strains in my "career" and this is hands down the best-performing of them all. Not that other strains haven't performed mightily, some definitely have, but you know what I mean when I say there's an overall top performance level that can only be reached by the best varieties and my Blue Hyena is right there. I'm so proud. :cool:

Okay sorry for that. Here's how we look:

Dese bitches be kickin' azz. Every couple days I do a motherly tuck and weave like a mother tucking weaver. This is the single portion of a grow where it's okay to touch your babies. Though it goes against my general no-touch policy I truly love to do it, so I assure myself it's necessary and only minimal contact is required. Even then, I wash and germ-x my hands and don't allow my clothes to touch the plants. Paranoid you say? Okay fair enough. But 7 grows now without a single introduced pathogen or insect foe is bliss and I want to keep it that way.

The two smaller ones are really showing some differences now, I'm sure the top one is a different phenotype than the other 8 which all seem identical in every way. It's not growing quite as vertically as the others and that combined with the broader leaves make me think we have an Indica-heavier version, a little genetic influence from Grandma Blue Dream.

I am interested in the plant because perhaps it presents something a little different and maybe even worth isolating, or maybe it will just be a shorter and less-productive version. It looks like it will have to fight for space because the Blue Hyena behind it is soon going to overgrow it completely despite creative weaving.

So here is our beautiful Queen Wrong Way the First, who will become the mother of all future progeny in the Blue Hyena line.

In my opinion it's a fabulous plant, solidly built and not a hint of imperfection. The ideal matriarch for thousands of children. I plan to keep her in here as long as I can, only initially removing her to spray her with the magic solution, until the male flowers are almost ready to pop. Then I will move her into her own tent to collect the pollen. Blue Hyena takes a while to flower so we will have plenty of weeks to grow a zillion big fat juicy seeds.

So I'm off to play some golf...it will be sunny and in the mid-40s F. Yes I'm a beast. Got to keep my healthy lifestyle going...

Always a way to get healthier!

Peace, Hyena
I like your writing style. Humorous prose, exquisite photography, and a great production plan. Very entertaining, and knowledgeable. Thank you.
I like your writing style. Humorous prose, exquisite photography, and a great production plan. Very entertaining, and knowledgeable. Thank you.

Bode, that's the nicest thing anyone ever said to me, except for my Mom.

Wait, she never said anything that nice. :oops: So thanks.

Peace, Hyena
It's Tuesday...what better day than this for a


The seed project rolls on, with phase two (veg) in full swing! The girls are filling the scrog with amazing speed!

Every day I tuck and tuck. My goal this time is to maintain some degree of order as far into this as I can. But we all know this many plants can only be held back for so long...

The left side has already closed the gap between plants, responding nicely to the side lighting:

There are two plants in the front bucket and once again, it shows that 2 in one pot produces no net gain because the two combined are not really bigger than any of the singles, they're just a lot more busy and tangled.

In the middle:

The girl in back is already a scary beast, trying to engulf and overwhelm little Indica in the middle. Poor little Indica. She picked the wrong grow to appear in, as everybody else is apparently the huge, fast-growing Sativa version. She will never be seen again in about three more days...

But because of the striking difference in her, I will be very interested to see what the seeds from her will produce.

-Will this plant end up being measurably different in structure, taste, yield, and effects?
-Will this "Indica-ish" pheno produce offspring with a greater occurrence of Indica-style phenos?
-Is this even a Blue Hyena, or did I somehow mix in another bean? (Quite unlikely, shit I hope not but I AM a stoner).

We shall see! :oops:

Right side:

Strong and vibrant growth, already filling in a lot of the scrog. Scrogging is a challenge. My goal is simply a nice branch through every hole in the net...that would be ideal. I usually lose control and shit gets too tall to bend before I know it, the last two grows I thought I could have done better.

So this time, once I get a branch to its final destination I am going to top it:

This one fills the corner slot nicely so we will now slow her down and let her thicken out in place. I did this with a few around the perimeter and hopefully this technique as we go will make for a more even canopy overall before everything becomes a vertical race.

Amazing growth, Queen Wrong Way is only a foot tall yet she has leaves bigger than my hand. And I have big hands. And of course you know what that means...

I wear big gloves. :D

So with this posted, it's back to my idyllic lifestyle of continuous cannabis consumption. I own an internet business which makes plenty of money and only takes a handful of hours a week, so I really do spend most of every day savoring the deliciousness of the over 50 strains of prime nuggage in the vast Hyena bud cellar. Getting high is like a career field the way I do it.

It would be really easy to hate me, so try not to, okay?

Remember, I love you. :love:

Peace, Hyena
I am amazed at how much they filled in since the last time. Such a nice job!
It's Saturday!

I love Saturday!

Especially when there's a


It's been a great week for my girls...every single one is growing like there's no tomorrow!

The lush, green leaves are exploding. I opened the lab to refill the two supplemental water reservoirs, a process that takes about 15 minutes total since I have to lower a hose, run it into the laundry room, and connect it to the faucet in there. Then it steadily refills their roughly 50 gallon capacity.

What I noticed is these girls are starting to drink a lot of water. At the just-past-seven-week mark they now collectively use over 5 gallons a day.

Left side:

The two Mars 300 side lights are making these girls very happy, they have already completely spanned the gap between them and are packing on branches.

In the middle:

Front, our seed mother Queen Wrong Way is pristine. In the midle The Indica Pheno as she's now known is holding her own and starting to put on height. Maybe she will not be overgrown after all but Big Blue in back is obviously trying to take over the world. That plant is perhaps the most vigorous Blue Hyena I've seen at this stage, the stems are so thick and strong she's a real challenge to bend and I've had to give up on further scrogging the mainstem and just topped it.

Right side:

Everybody is just exploding. I tried to weave the branches that needed adjustment while the water filled and still needed more time...it's a challenge now to scrog faster than these babies can grow. It requires attention every day which I'm happy to give.

Like I always say I minimize my time in the grow room for many reasons but it's still so damn fun to be in there. The scrog weeks are that opportunity to do it guilt-free.

But anytime I want to look in on my pretty girls I just click on my lab monitor:

Tells me the temp in there and shows me everything is A-OK. Honestly my wife has never asked me why I have a baby monitor on my desk. That surprises me because she's pretty detail oriented but so many things in life hide in plain sight...my little grow lab is perhaps the ultimate example. We pretty much only see what we're looking for. :oops:

So cyber Monday is coming and I'm thinking about a nice Christmas sweater.

Does this pot sweater make me look high? It does? Oh, it's not the sweater...?

Have a great day and Go Buckeyes!

Peace, Hyena
It's still so surprising how the scrog fills up so fast. You have seriously found what works for you! It's fun for me to see your grow all the way through to get a handle on how good your Bado Buckets work. Impressive. Storyline is fun also!
Holy balls. The images on your resume on page one blew me away. Even recent pics are crazy. You da boss.
Happy Monday!

My girls are all having a party and growing up simply too fast. As their Dad (and Mom, weird) I hate to see them getting to adulthood already. Sad when your babies grow up...then you kill them. :oops:

At any rate they are delightfully on pace. Three days shy of eight weeks since dry beans hit the soil, so to speak:

Isn't nature amazing?

Now, how about a flashback showing how these girls looked exactly eight weeks ago?

This is SOOOO FUN! The impossible perfection of all these plants so far has me honestly wondering, have I figured out the magic formula for growing, or is the Blue Hyena strain just really this amazing? I do everything by instinct and don't even measure my nutrients so it is obviously the Blue Hyena. It's a cross of Blue Dream and Ripper Haze and every plant is identically vigorous, with that F1 magic on full display. Only one slightly different pheno out of the 20+ I have grown over 5 grows so apparently it has reasonable genetic stability. Her strong structure, with thick stems and huge leaves, plus her fast growth and easy nutritional requirements all make her an ideal candidate for general market introduction. Keep in mind I have barely given any nutrients compared to what most growers usually use...probably 1/10 or even less than what the bottles recommend. You can see why I think this super-Sativa should be on the market. It's a winner.

I have side lighting on the left:

This really helps bulk up the entire side. I would do it on the other end too but I am within range of my total power availability and don't feel I have another 600 watts to add safely. I don't want to come home one day to no house.

Queen Wrong Way just keeps shining like a regal jewel. She will soon become a He...I hope!

I'm going to wait until I have the entire scrog packed before I flip. I could probably flip right now and have a decent canopy in 3 weeks but I'll probably give this another week...I want maximum seed production. Tall, loaded colas. We're going to go big!

This grow is now using 7 gallons every 24 hours. A very steep increase in transpiration in just a couple week's time. The reservoir needs refilling/rebalancing every three days now.

I have it nice and warm, about 75 degrees...I think that warmer water three times daily helps them grow faster. No science there, just my guess. When I put my hand in the ambient-temp reservoirs they feel like they are freezing though they are actually about 60 degrees. I know what I would rather be bathed in.

So on it goes. In the spirit of the 420 Mag community I'm trying to reach out to newer members to share this journal with as many people as possible. There's a lot here for new growers in particular so send a friend, okay? Let's get every spare bedroom in America to go green!

It's so fun to grow a cannabis plant for the first time...I want everyone to experience that joy. Takes me back to the first time I tried weed...

Yeah, it was something like that. :ganjamon:

Catch ya tomorrow!

Peace, Hyena
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