InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

It’s just like the theory that larf is a result of hormone distribution.. the seed sites that are pulling the most nutrients and energy from the roots are the ones that make it to full maturity, so you wanna make sure every seed site is in maximum lighting.
It’s just like the theory that larf is a result of hormone distribution.. the seed sites that are pulling the most nutrients and energy from the roots are the ones that make it to full maturity, so you wanna make sure every seed site is in maximum lighting.

Just need to get it hardened off, and sprayed every morning to disable loose pollen!
Define "cheating"!
Cheating: Using unfair and illegal tactics to better your fellow competitors.

We all see that the center of gravity of your funnel/collection jar is much too high and therefore likely to be very tippy and at a high risk of falling over and spilling the precious collection on the floor. The rest of us would soldier on, trying to balance the rig with perhaps a forearm while simultaneously trying to coax the flighty pollen into a place it didn't want to go.

That's all part of the sport of it.

Then here you come along with your fancy logic and scientific principles like "stability" and take the extra step to ensure a better outcome. Sure, you could accuse us of just being too lazy to take the extra minute and a half to do the same.

We would counter with "Man up, dude. You're painting the rest of us in a bad light."

Ergo, cheating.
Working hard is not smart, and working smart is not hard! We all pick up knowledge as we age. We have learned to work smarter in our golden years!
Great job with the pollen presentation! I hope it works out for you!! Happy Smokin'
Cheating: Using unfair and illegal tactics to better your fellow competitors.

We all see that the center of gravity of your funnel/collection jar is much too high and therefore likely to be very tippy and at a high risk of falling over and spilling the precious collection on the floor. The rest of us would soldier on, trying to balance the rig with perhaps a forearm while simultaneously trying to coax the flighty pollen into a place it didn't want to go.

That's all part of the sport of it.

Then here you come along with your fancy logic and scientific principles like "stability" and take the extra step to ensure a better outcome. Sure, you could accuse us of just being too lazy to take the extra minute and a half to do the same.

We would counter with "Man up, dude. You're painting the rest of us in a bad light."

Ergo, cheating.

Ohhhhhhh, that kind of cheating! For sure. :high-five:

But to be fair to Shed, last time he didn't cheat and this happened:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
It's tough keeping up with all the comedians around this place but I do my best. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Depends on the individual. To some, it'll come a little at a time. To others, it'll come like a mule kick right between the eyes. Growing smarter will keep up living older! :love:
Always a fleet foot to keep up with you. Curious about what medium recipe you mixed up for the Chiquita, JH and um can't recall the third (Just to avoid it that mix). I kind of am with GranddaddyBlack on it isn't their fault what home we throw them in. I feel sad for the 3 amigos. I know if you were in your old standby pro mix they would be beasting but like that you went outside your comfort zone. If any of that makes any sense.
Ground weed is put in the labeled container
I put mine in mason type jelly jars, put a 62% Boveda pack in there, seal it up and put in in one of those cheap thin koozies to keep the light out.

After looking at them last night I may keep the CB
I may actually cull both the CB and JH and start over.
I'm going back and forth on the Chiquita Banana.

Open the box and see all the people!
Here’s the church, here’s the steeple.
Curious about what medium recipe you mixed up for the Chiquita, JH and um can't recall the third (Just to avoid it that mix)
I mixed it 50/50 with Kellogg's Patio Plus soil/perlite and that seemed to be not enough soil for the roots to grab hold of the nutrients, or something like that. Either way the CB and JH stalled, but the Sour G just grew slowly.
I kind of am with GranddaddyBlack on it isn't their fault what home we throw them in
I'll take the blame, but that has nothing to do with which plant stays and which goes! :cheesygrinsmiley: They're plants and overall, the kingdom is pretty happy with me.
I know if you were in your old standby pro mix they would be beasting but like that you went outside your comfort zone. If any of that makes any sense.
Thanks Kis! If ProMix HP hadn't disappeared from SoCal we probably wouldn't be having this conversation. :rolleyes:
Well done Sir! Pollen collected ready for test! Sueweet!
Thanks dynamo Otter! ;)

I put a paintbrush of pollen on a tiny bud with some nice white pistils this morning, so fingers crossed. :nervous-guy:
I put mine in mason type jelly jars, put a 62% Boveda pack in there, seal it up and put in in one of those cheap thin koozies to keep the light out.
We don't have room for that many mason jars sitting around with easy access, and luckily (for the ground buds at least) the RH stays in the comfort zone most of the year. My family wants to use the 420 jars for storage but I prefer light-proof like you, so I'd have to tuck them away unseen anyway!

Also, CB stays, JH goes. Dropped a seed in water last split yet.
Here’s the church, here’s the steeple.
Wow 1300 pages Hi I've been watching and learning from you a long time thank you
Howdy BP and :welcome: to my perpetual journal! I'm glad there's stuff you've learned from my adventures (and misadventures), and as always, feel free to ask questions.

Welcome aboard!
Good job on the pollen collections , i think that sounds good to try it out so you will know , and take the guess work out .
Thanks sb! I hope to see those pistils turn brown soon as a positive sign that the pollen took. We'll see...
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