InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I put a paintbrush of pollen on a tiny bud with some nice white pistils this morning, so fingers crossed.
Brilliant Shed. Fingers crossed. Another great presentation bookmarked : ) Thank you.
I put a paintbrush of pollen on a tiny bud with some nice white pistils this morning, so fingers crossed.
I roughly followed the @beez0404 pollination method yesterday morning on the last bit of larf left on the Tin Can Kush. beez describes it here:
I get hold of a couple of those plastic bags that french bread comes in at the supermarket. I eat the bread. When you're ready to pollinate take one of the bags and slide it over a branch you're wanting to dust with pollen. Do the same with the other bag if you want to pollinate more buds (hit 2 for me) put a bag over a second branch. Put a tie on the opened end and seal it was tight as you can. I always do two branches right next to each other. So the bags are on and sealed. Now take a spray bottle with a mist head on it and mist all the buds around the bags. You don't have to DRENCH them but you do want to make sure they're wet. Hit all the pistils. Now gently shake it so no water drips down on your covered branches when you remove the bags. So take off the bags, use a tiny artists paintbrush and gently apply pollen to the tips of the pistils. I slide the bags back on again, seal them, and lightly spray the uncovered buds again. I wait a few minutes and lightly shake the plant again with the pollinated branches still covered. When the exposed/sprayed buds are looking nice and dry take off the plastic bags and you're done.

Everything above takes about 20 minutes. It's not complicated, and the more careful you are the more contained your pollination will be.
I didn't have a French bread bag so I used a cut-down grocery bag:

After covering the branch I sprayed the whole plant down with 1% citric acid spray for powdery mildew, shook off the excess, and uncovered the branch. Here is the tiny bud to be pollinated:

I didn't slide the bag back on after I brushed on the pollen because the tie point was too close to the tiny bud, and I didn't want to disturb the pollinated pistils. I just left the plant alone.

Here is the bud about 12 hours after the pollen was applied:

And here it was 24 hours later:

Does it look like it worked, at least on that one browning pistil? Let me know @ChefDGreen @dynamo1 @StoneOtter and any other experienced pollen chuckers out there!

Dropped a seed in water last split yet.
Still no split this morning, and — in spite of Amy's voice ringing in my ear about planting after 24 hours in water regardless — I left it in the bowl and dropped in another one! We'll see...

Until I get a new sprout, the stunted Jack Herer lives on.
I do believe I see some crooking over of the tips of the pistils that haven’t turned brown. Certainly does look promising, but nothing guaranteed until you see the seed pod forming.
Well, I’m not a pollen chucker, but I’ve seen pollinated pistil action and that looks pretty damned promising to me!! Yay Shed! It’s really nice to see it and be excited, instead of gut punch!!
Thanks double H! I really like promising!
I do believe I see some crooking over of the tips of the pistils that haven’t turned brown. Certainly does look promising, but nothing guaranteed until you see the seed pod forming.
Did I mention I like promising even without guarantees! Thanks Chef. :)
I would pollinate again to increase chances for success and multiple seeds.
Thanks dynamo! This is just to see if the pollen is viable. I used the TCK since this is the only plant with fresh pistils, but I have no use for the seeds. If I get a seed pod I'll know the Candida STS pollen in the fridge is good to go!
I roughly followed the @beez0404 pollination method yesterday morning on the last bit of larf left on the Tin Can Kush. beez describes it here:

I didn't have a French bread bag so I used a cut-down grocery bag:

After covering the branch I sprayed the whole plant down with 1% citric acid spray for powdery mildew, shook off the excess, and uncovered the branch. Here is the tiny bud to be pollinated:

I didn't slide the bag back on after I brushed on the pollen because the tie point was too close to the tiny bud, and I didn't want to disturb the pollinated pistils. I just left the plant alone.

Here is the bud about 12 hours after the pollen was applied:

And here it was 24 hours later:

Does it look like it worked, at least on that one browning pistil? Let me know @ChefDGreen @dynamo1 @StoneOtter and any other experienced pollen chuckers out there!

Still no split this morning, and — in spite of Amy's voice ringing in my ear about planting after 24 hours in water regardless — I left it in the bowl and dropped in another one! We'll see...

Until I get a new sprout, the stunted Jack Herer lives on.
Yessiree Shed! Those shrunken dark pistols look pollinated to me! Maybe try another bud for a few more seeds just for the sake of the importance of this plant to you?
Edit: you answered the question earlier thanks.
Tuesday update and it was drizzling this morning! Still very grey outside but the plants are getting their dose of fresh air, if not maxing out the lux.

The second Jack Herer seed was cracked open this morning, while the first one was just like a little stone. Completely different color I noticed, so probably not viable:

I planted them both in a single peat puck, but not before cutting open the bottom so as not to tangle up the tap root:

The split one went in the middle as usual, and the dark one is off toward the edge. Into the Shoebox of Light® at a balmy 80ºF!

In other news, the Candida STS with the seeds is looking pretty unhappy :( :

Last night I transplanted it into a slightly bigger pot (2 gallon) with ProMix HP left over from the Durban Poison, because the roots didn't look good, and this morning I poured 32 ounces of 3% hydrogen peroxide through it:

...followed by some 4.5g/gallon nutes. I hope that happys it up enough to keep it alive long enough for the seeds to ripen!

If this had been a mother plant it would have been root-pruned twice by now, so it really is getting long in the tooth. I'm not too bummed about it really since I'm feeling more confident about the STS process if I need to do it again with a couple of the many Candida clones I have now. But we'll see!


Stick a cup right next to them at the base. It doesn’t need direct light. C’mon Shed, just try it already!!
I would if I could, but the Candidas are on 12/12 in the tent. Last night the desk had the 17 split clones and the two Sour G clones, and on the floor in front of it were the Candida mom, the JH, the CB, and the Sour G - all sharing the 23w CFL. Now I've added the Shoebox to the desk which means there's no room for the 19 clones up there (no idea where they're going tonight) the cutting in perlite will have to wait until the next JH goes into a solo cup. Then I'll have 21 solo cups on the desk. :eek:

Yessiree Shed! Those shrunken dark pistols look pollinated to me! Maybe try another bud for a few more seeds just for the sake of the importance of this plant to you?
Edit: you answered the question earlier thanks.
Thanks Otter! If it works on the TCK I'm looking forward to pollinating an entire branch of my next flowering Candida. :thumb:
It defiantly changed , LOL
No question about it! Next step will be seeing a seed forming. :popcorn:
I leave my seeds in water until they crack or get cloudy goo.
Goo= bad seed that's breaking down.

Took 50+ hrs for my ATF to crack.
The only seeds that didn't sprout for me were some very questionable bag seed and the shitty WIFIs that a certain company sent out for testing. Some turned to dust when rolled between my fingers.
I don't count them because they were shitty seeds.

Normal healthy seeds can take more than 24 hrs in water imo. Just don't forget about them.
Have I ever mentioned that I’m partial to JH?
You have now!
I leave my seeds in water until they crack or get cloudy goo.
I usually do, but not without thinking about what Amy says about the 24-hour-max-and-then-into-the-peat-pucks-regardless-of-crack. She lets them do their cracking planted and has excellent success with that method.

Lucky for me almost all mine split in 24 hours. I think the dark JH is just a dud since it doesn't look like the rest.
Took 50+ hrs for my ATF to crack.
That's dedication, and a nice lack of goo!
Normal healthy seeds can take more than 24 hrs in water imo. Just don't forget about them.
Forget about them? No way! I check on them morning noon and night (if I'm home at noon). The last thing I want is a floater.
Completely different color I noticed, so probably not viable:
As an experienced seed killer..:(.. I've found that the ones that turn black are duds, every time.
They usually turn black after 4 or 5 hours soaking- I still let them soak for 48 hours or so, but none have ever sprouted .
As an experienced seed killer.... I've found that the ones that turn black are duds, every time.
They usually turn black after 4 or 5 hours soaking- I still let them soak for 48 hours or so, but none have ever sprouted .
And folks need to listen to anyone with experience as vast and wide as yours! I don't have any expectations of another sprout coming up at the edge of the peat. :)
That's why folks like me. I'm dedicated and lack any unnecessary goo.
Among many many other reasons. :hug:
Open the box and see all the people!
I was trying to remember what little rhyme that came from... :hmmmm:
Here’s the church, here’s the steeple.
And then BigD13 jogged my memory. :thanks:
Dropped a seed in water last split yet.
What did you drop? Sorry if I missed that detail.. :eye-roll:
dropped in another one!
What's in the water?
Then I'll have 21 solo cups on the desk. :eek:
Oh come on Shed! I've got 11 plants going right now....oh, 21 vs 11, nevermind! :cheesygrinsmiley:
As an experienced seed killer
LOL! :laugh: Not sure that's a resume builder! I need to go back and Fix That For You. :high-five:
I don't have any expectations of another sprout coming up at the edge of the peat. :)
Said the guy who's gonna have another sprout come up at the edge of the peat. :p
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