InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I’m not sure what it is about tops but I‘ve never had the best of luck cloning them either. Seems that the lowers are the easiest to get rooted.
Not sure why it is but I think I've rooted only two tops in all these years. If these don't take I'm sure there will be some lower growth to remove when I strip before flipping.
I like the look your ALK has got going. She’s taking a good shape.
Thanks Nev! I don't want to wait too long before I flip for two reasons: space and time. I need these to be done before my eventual (spring?) trip to NY.
Gotta love topping day! Were the nodes alternating or side by side at 8? Good luck with the tops, I have the same luck.
Still symmetrical nodes...47 days and not mature yet. ♀️
Hey Shed, Love what your doing with you ladies, looking great as usual.
Thanks gr8!
I just topped my ladies this morning for the first time, and may be the only time I top.
My buddy who provided me the clones topped his plants only once and they are just loaded with buds.
This is the plant, in the foreground, that he topped only one time. That is some bud production.
Looks like a typical terrific clone grow with tons of branching. Flowers look great too. 🌻
Hoping my ladies produce like that.
Hope you do not mind me posting pic in your thread.
No problem at all. :goodluck: with the plants!
It want grow nothing but A bud > looking good all toped out with the quad start .
Thanks sb! I wish I had the discipline to grow a quad but I really like having all those nodes producing for me. This time I've got 6 and 7 nodes on these (I took off the first node when they went into 1 gallon pots).
Looking promising Shed! :Rasta:

Then I plucked off the damaged leaves and put them back in the tent because it's going to rain this afternoon.
You really do preserve everything! :laughtwo:
They are training out nicely so far. I find it tricky laying those branches flat to avoid snapping them off.
Greetings folks! Here's a last-of-the-year update for you on the winter grow.

The weather in Los Angeles has been rainy and grey (and it will be for most of the next 2 weeks):
1672469145333.png the plants have been spending most of their time in the tent:

I turned the light up to 150w and raised the lux to ~32,000 for 21/3. They seem happy with that so I'll bump it up on Sunday to keep them on the move. The temps are in the upper 70s in there most of the time from the driver putting out heat, and I rotate them every morning and move the pipe cleaners on the photos to keep the top flat.

Since I haven't gotten a close-up of the Le Creme CBG auto lately, here it is:

Chris said his LeC auto ran 80 days from sprout and stayed small. Mine hasn't stretched either over the 24 days since pistils appeared (this pic was taken on Wednesday), but it does have some nice frost coming in:

I pull those two apart a couple of times a day to keep them apart and pull the next node down out away from the stem for breathing room.

Speaking of breathing room, it was time to tip the domes back on the cuttings:

We'll see...

Thanks for stopping by, and if I don't see you before midnight on Saturday, :high-five: to a Happy New Year! 🎉

Looking promising Shed!
Thanks GDB!
You really do preserve everything!
Har! Maybe a comma would have helped...
They are training out nicely so far. I find it tricky laying those branches flat to avoid snapping them off.
This is pretty much the way I train all of my plants now, and for some reason I have never broken a branch in LST. I do snap them with the occasional supercrop though!
Greetings folks! Here's a last-of-the-year update for you on the winter grow.

The weather in Los Angeles has been rainy and grey (and it will be for most of the next 2 weeks):
1672469145333.png the plants have been spending most of their time in the tent:

I turned the light up to 150w and raised the lux to ~32,000 for 21/3. They seem happy with that so I'll bump it up on Sunday to keep them on the move. The temps are in the upper 70s in there most of the time from the driver putting out heat, and I rotate them every morning and move the pipe cleaners on the photos to keep the top flat.

Since I haven't gotten a close-up of the Le Creme CBG auto lately, here it is:

Chris said his LeC auto ran 80 days from sprout and stayed small. Mine hasn't stretched either over the 24 days since pistils appeared (this pic was taken on Wednesday), but it does have some nice frost coming in:

I pull those two apart a couple of times a day to keep them apart and pull the next node down out away from the stem for breathing room.

Speaking of breathing room, it was time to tip the domes back on the cuttings:

We'll see...

Thanks for stopping by, and if I don't see you before midnight on Saturday, :high-five: to a Happy New Year! 🎉


Thanks GDB!

Har! Maybe a comma would have helped...

This is pretty much the way I train all of my plants now, and for some reason I have never broken a branch in LST. I do snap them with the occasional supercrop though!
Did you anger the Karma Gods laughing at poor souls living through the Artic weather 🥶. Your girls are looking nice anyways so maybe they’re not too mad 😡. lol CL🍀
Here's wishing you a Happy New Year Shed!

Enjoy your %#!*#& weather. :straightface:
Happy-New-Year-Cartoon-Pictures (1).jpg

May 2023 be filled with good health and good cheer for you and your family, Shed!
Happy New Year Shed! Love your ladies of the tent! Some day your sun's bound to be back!
The sun would be nice but we can really use the rain out here. Happy new year Otter! 🥳
Did you anger the Karma Gods laughing at poor souls living through the Artic weather
I don't think so! This is normal winter in LA and the tent makes it workable. ☀️ 💧 ⛺ all combine for the winter grow.
Your girls are looking nice anyways so maybe they’re not too mad
So far so good!
Here's wishing you a Happy New Year Shed! Enjoy your %#!*#& weather.
I think only folks in Hawaii don't get to complain about the weather. :) Happy new year GDB! 🎉
Happy New Year Shed and Family. CL
Thanks Captain, to you and yours as well!
Happy new year Shed and family
Thank you Carmen, back atcha with most of your family now at a safe distance again!
Happy new year
Keep em green
Thanks veinz, green for as long as I can. Happy new year! :party:
May 2023 be filled with good health and good cheer for you and your family, Shed!
Thank you HG, and a happy new year to everyone you love.
Happy New Year Shed.
Thanks Bill, and I hope you ring it in safely with good friends!
Have a Happy New Year, Shed & Family!

I think only folks in Hawaii don't get to complain about the weather
I hope it rains long enough for me to start complaining about it...😄

It'll be nice to have the drought behind us- at least for a year or so...
Happy New Year, Shed and to everyone here at 420! :circle-of-love:
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