InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I'm here. This thread is impossible to read from start... Thank you intheshed for pic-tutorials, lst, supercrop and so on...
There is a lot of info here, I'm just doing my best to keep up with @InTheShed 's and @Virgin Ground 's Journals on these.
Very quick non-orphaned Tuesday update. Rare crisis at work that needs my almost full attention, but I couldn't let the day go by without posting this:

Doug's Varin sprout (day 1) from @Weed Seeds Express. :yahoo:

From the WSE website:

"With Doug's Varin seeds, you grow a really hard-to-get strain which was specifically developed to contain high levels of THCV. THCV is a compound that is similar to THC in terms of psychoactive properties and molecular structure, but offers different amplified and varied effects. Unlike other medicinal strains, Doug's Varin can contain up to 25% THCV, which is extremely rare. The Doug's Varin plant needs 10 to 12 weeks to complete its full flowering cycle, which is a typical period for a Sativa."

And what's the big deal about THCV?

Here is some of what is said about it on the Journal of Cannabis Research:
"The main advantage of THCV over THC is the lack of psychoactive effects. In rodent studies, THCV decreases appetite, increases satiety, and up-regulates energy metabolism, making it a clinically useful remedy for weight loss and management of obesity and type 2 diabetic patients."

And this from Leafly:
• THCV is an appetite suppressant. In contrast to THC, THCV may dull the appetite. This may be good for consumers focused on weight loss, but THCV should be avoided by patients treating appetite loss or anorexia.
• THCV may help with diabetes. Research shows promise in THCV’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.
• THCV may reduce panic attacks. It appears to curb anxiety attacks in PTSD patients without suppressing emotion.
• THCV may help with Alzheimer’s. Tremors, motor control, and brain lesions associated with Alzheimer’s disease appear to be improved by THCV, but research is in progress.
• THCV stimulates bone growth. Because it promotes the growth of new bone cells, THCV is being looked at for osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions.

Like I always say...we'll see! In the meantime, I've got a new plant. :)
Good luck with this one! Enjoy!
Monday update y'all! Sorry for the absence over the weekend, but I was out on Saturday and the booster vax had me in bed on Sunday. Much better today, thanks!

Grey and chilly most of the weekend and this morning, so no outside plant pics (though the plants did get out into the sun just before I left for work). In the meantime, here is a pic of the Doug's Varin this morning on day 7:

Those spots on the leaves? Light burn from the 23w CFL! Be careful, even with the smaller lights. :)

And here is what's on the desk these days:

Since the perlite cuttings haven't rooted yet I took some new cuttings yesterday and went back to my standard way of cloning. I haven't got time to wait and see what happens with the Sour G in perlite because the mother is already a week into flower.

I hope your weekend was sunnier than mine and that you're all feeling well. Stay safe out there...still!

These days, no news is good news.
I hear ya GDB. I've been skipping the news lately and doing a bit of an ostrich imitation. :straightface:
Doug'sie's looking sweet Shed!
Thanks Otter! A week in and the second set of leaves is coming in nicely. I'm looking forward to starting the low-strength nutes.
Pretty young things.
PYT! Thanks stinker.
Looking Good intheshed , Hey man what happen to the seed that couldn't ? Thanks for the invite sir .
Thank you sb! The seed that couldn't never did. Looked exactly the same when I dug it out of the peat as when I dropped it in.
I'm here. This thread is impossible to read from start... Thank you intheshed for pic-tutorials, lst, supercrop and so on...
Hey norti, very brave of you to join the site and immediately dive into a threat that's over 1300 pages long! :welcome: aboard and I hope you stick around for the ride. Feel free to ask any questions that come to mind and I'm sure we've got folks here that can answer them or point you in the right direction. :ciao:
There is a lot of info here, I'm just doing my best to keep up with @InTheShed 's and @Virgin Ground 's Journals on these.
Thanks Morda. :) Doing your best is all we can ask these days. :high-five:
This journal is one I can never keep up with a day goes by I'm 2 3 page behind lol top notch information in it though
But I did give you the weekend off here. :cheesygrinsmiley: Thanks Ljb!
Good luck with this one! Enjoy!
I appreciate you stopping by for a visit WSE! And :thanks: for the opportunity to show off the goods.
Hey, Shed!

I forgot to compliment you on your labeling in the pic of what's on the desk! Very nice. :Rasta:
Turned around for a moment to find myself a couple weeks behind and what seems like 1,000 pages back!
Pulled off a lot of the fans to make it a bit prettier!
She's one uuuuuggggglyyyyyyyy B....
And I thought my stressed out lady was ugly. Gaaaaawwwwwddddddd daaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnn....
at which point my hands were too sticky to touch my phone to get a pic of it
I didn't know we weren't supposed to touch our phones. Pics or it didn't happen.
so besides my wife and daughter sitting down and picking up scissors, my daughter got a friend to come over and help. We bought dinner! it possible to have them go around the country and do motivational trimming lectures for wives and daughters all over the states? Well more specifically a few hours north of you near the coast? How does this voodoo magic you speak of work?
Shed! She looks as though she was begging to be taken down.:rofl:, she was one angry looking momma indeed! Haaa haaa haaaa
27k replies?! jeezus haha idk how you ever find time to reply to everyone man.
I feel ya Kush! I'm only about 26,456 replies away from catching up. You'll be done before you know it! We believe in you Kush! You can do it.
I already bought a case of H2O2
Ohhh...get yourself some concentrated peroxide instead and make your own for many years. I finally found some earlier this year. $20ish for a gallon. Then dilute it as needed. The 3% bottles are convenient but expensive in the grand scheme of it. Plus excess plastic bottles. It will burn skin though so care is required when using it. that I have replied to where I left off. Back to page 1,363 I go to forget where I left off. If yall could stop talking for a minute, that would be appreciated.
Tuesday morning and the sun is out... :yahoo: time for an update!

Since I haven't done one in a while, how about a family portrait?

Jack Herer and the lanky Sour G are on flip day 9, as is the Sour G STS spray. Here are some pistil pics of those.


Sour G:

Sour G STS (which isn't supposed to have pistils!):

The Candida (not-the-mama) is really due to be upcanned to a 7 gallon pot (see the yellowing leaves) so I will probably do that this weekend. Not sure when I'll be flipping that one. :hmmmm:

And finally, how about two pics of what's happening underneath the Doug's Varin, starting with some side growth roots:

And the tap root at the bottom of the cup:

Prepping for the future it is!

Thanks for stopping by all. I hope your week is off to a good start. :peace:

Shame about the other seed , at least this one looks Good !
Thanks sb! I have a few more to work with as well, so it's not a big loss. And of course I'll be taking a clone when it's thinning time. :)
I forgot to compliment you on your labeling in the pic of what's on the desk! Very nice.
Why thanks GDB! Faststone image viewer is my free photo program if anyone needs one. Does pretty good edits and image adjustment as well. is where to find it.
Pics or it didn't happen
20211024_110733 CB sticky hands.jpg it possible to have them go around the country and do motivational trimming lectures for wives and daughters all over the states? Well more specifically a few hours north of you near the coast? How does this voodoo magic you speak of work?
The key is to have them consume the bulk of what you grow. Then read them The Little Red Hen. Done and done. :)
We believe in you Kush! You can do it.
Sounds like you'd make a damn fine motivational speaker yourself Baked!
It will burn skin though so care is required when using it.
Back to page 1,363 I go to forget where I left off
Really not necessary to do that. Start right back in today!
Shed that is One impressive desk collection! And seriously now, it has to put a big grin on your face when you sit back and look at it.
LOL thanks Nev! To me it looks like a lot more plants with no place to put them. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Tuesday morning and the sun is out... :yahoo: time for an update!

Since I haven't done one in a while, how about a family portrait?

Jack Herer and the lanky Sour G are on flip day 9, as is the Sour G STS spray. Here are some pistil pics of those.


Sour G:

Sour G STS (which isn't supposed to have pistils!):

The Candida (not-the-mama) is really due to be upcanned to a 7 gallon pot (see the yellowing leaves) so I will probably do that this weekend. Not sure when I'll be flipping that one. :hmmmm:

And finally, how about two pics of what's happening underneath the Doug's Varin, starting with some side growth roots:

And the tap root at the bottom of the cup:

Prepping for the future it is!

Thanks for stopping by all. I hope your week is off to a good start. :peace:


Thanks sb! I have a few more to work with as well, so it's not a big loss. And of course I'll be taking a clone when it's thinning time. :)

Why thanks GDB! Faststone image viewer is my free photo program if anyone needs one. Does pretty good edits and image adjustment as well. is where to find it.

20211024_110733 CB sticky hands.jpg

The key is to have them consume the bulk of what you grow. Then read them The Little Red Hen. Done and done. :)

Sounds like you'd make a damn fine motivational speaker yourself Baked!


Really not necessary to do that. Start right back in today!

LOL thanks Nev! To me it looks like a lot more plants with no place to put them. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Oh my that is one sweet family portrait!

Great family you have there, Shed... and the plant pics look nice too. :cool:

Regarding that picture of your sticky fingers, I am envisioning you propping up the phone with your arm pit, and then pressing the shutter button with your nose. :laughtwo:
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