Jimmy6K - The Re-Up - LED/HPS - Multi Strain - Perpetual

plus the seeds should all be fem, either the plant self polinated which means the other plants should be ok as their is no signs of female pollen sacs, if it had gone hermie you would of noticed the pollen sacs at the nodes and bananas growing out the buds, if you didnt notice these then it either self polinated or one of the other plants went hermie and released a small amount of pollen,

either way the seeds will all be fem so you have got them for a future grow,

or the other option could be that you have been somewhere near another grow and they had male plants, or maybe a neighbour is growing plants and is doing some breeding and got a male, pollen can travel for well over 2km in the wind, so it could be from a male plant just not one of yours,

you will know more when the buds are dry as you will see pollen sacs, their usually hidden at the nodes and under the leaves, its hard to spot a hermie early on as the pollen sacs are well hidden, if you leave a female plant in flower long enough it will always self polinate, its the method i use to produce my own fem seeds, its called the rodilization method, a female plant that dont get pollen will self polinate if left in flower long enough, so i leave my female plant in flower for 2 or 3 weeks longer than normal and it will go hermie so it tries to polenate its self, i collect the pollen and use it on the female plants i am working on,

so i wouldnt worry to much, hermies dont produce much pollen and if you cant see a hermie then chances are its a small amount of pollen and possible self polinated, failing that it can only be male pollen from an outside source such as off your clothes, off an animal like cat or dag or could even come along in the breeze,

but if its hermie pollen then the seeds will be 99.9% femenised,
Thank's guy's.Well I do see sac's at node's,but no banana's in bud's.These are the only plant's left in room,6 hempy's 49 day's from flip.Still not sure what to do with them.Maybe chop 4 and finish 2.They have some very nice size nug's on them.Would love to here any idea's,anyone has.Here are some more pic's. Thank you Jimmy6k
Just found the same thing on the last plant I have in flower, I am going to let the seeds develop, and hold on to them. Looks like the whole damn plant has gone to seed, but the other two plants had no seeds at all, and nice dense buds.
I am not too upset about them turning.My main harvest is done and these were just kind of fill in's.I can def use the seed's,but I don't think I need 6 plant's worth.So as of now I am just searching around and trying to find some info on the matter at hand.My main issue's are.(1)How many seed's are going to be produced from a single plant?(2)Will they be pack full of seed's if I let them continue to flower?(3)Should I chop a couple and try to make the best of it,before there is nothing but seed's?On top of all that I have some clone's that are ready to be planted.I am going to give coco a try and have not even open the 5k block.Still researching the whole rinsing process.I have like 350 ppm out of tap,so not sure what my best option's are yet.With that said,It will be a long night-morning-day,whatever until I figure out how to go about everything. Thank you Jimmy6k.
Yea,I think either way ,I'll be happy,but I would like some bean's over bud's right now.To be honest,I got a little excited about having a good amount of seed stock.It's kind of funny,I was talking with a buddy about putting in a order for some a few day's ago.Still going to put in order.I want to try a couple new strain's.Any Idea's?I thought the company I am going to order from was a sponsor,but I don't see them,so I can't promote them. Thank you Jimmy6K
Sup Cronic.Good Skunk Day to you to buddy.We'll I have changed my mind again,I am not in the position to have any kind of pollen floating around any where.As for the seed's,I do not like the fact that they came from a plant that I have no idea how it was pollinated.I am going to remove all sack's I can,with out doing too much damage.Then they will be hit hard with some bloom builder's for a few day's and then flush the shit out of'em.I'm going to fade the B.V.K out completely.The clone's I have rooted will help me get used to coco.Yup I am gonna give coco a try. Thank you Jimmy6K
are you sure their pollen sacs and not just swollen calyx, the calyx have the white hairs coming out of them that turn brown, the pollen sacs look like bananas are little flowers that open, round ball type things but they have a small stem that they grow off,

ive picked the sacs off before and the plants flowered without producing anymore, you can check if you have seeds by giving the calyx a gentle squeeze, if their hard then their is seeds inside, if their soft and squash then its seed free,

as for the amount of seeds its difficult to tell, a plant that self polinates may only produce 10 seeds across the whole plant, ive had plants that ive found just 1 seed inside so self polination produces a low number of seeds, but if it went hermie early in flower and produced lots of pollen then you could have hundreds of seeds,

now if it was male pollen on the other hand and the whole plant has turned to seed then you could have several hundred seeds, so its hard to tell without checking the plant, if the seed pods are hard then their is seeds inside, 1 per seed pod, each bud can have anything from 10 to 50 seeds depending on bud size as seeds will form inside the buds and you wont see these till you have dried the bud.

them pics on the other page are hard to say if its all seed or not, in the close up pics of the calyx give them a gentle squeeze, them close up pics are of the seed pods at the nodes, thats where the plant shows sex early in flower, so if these have seeds in then the pollen was in the room very early on in the grow, just give them a gentle poke, if theirs no seeds they will just squash,

but its ok to pull the pollen sacs off if you have got pollen sacs but if their open its pointless pulling them off, just spray them down with water when the lights go off and it will kill the pollen, or take the plants out the room so the light dont burn the leaves and buds then spray them down and let dry before putting back in the room, but at this stage if its got seeds then pulling the pollen sacs off wont make much difference,
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