Here is a cool vpd tip/trick now that you have your thermometer. Run it through your vpd calculator a few times and imagine it as you calculate the numbers.

Air temp 76
Leaf temp 74
rh 47
Lets say your deep into flower.

now run this
Air temp 79
Leaf temp 77
rh 52
vpd= 143

More or less equal except scenario 2 needed the light moved down closer to drive up the leaf temp, then the room was warmer to 79 to get 2 degrees warmer than the leaf and the rh had to be raised to slow it down but the end result is almost identical. Why would you, in real life, do all that to get the same result. Here is why, if you had to lower the light 4 inches to raise the leaf temp your light now penetrates 4 inches deeper into the canopy because the tops are 4 inches close. You can get bigger buds farther down the stock. My light reccomends 24". I am now 6.5" away. My yields are getting stupid. I now have to grow much taller plants or else I am just lighting up the soil and floor. See the value now? Plus you will only ever need a bigger light if you start touching the one you have with the colas.
If 24 inches away is recomended then only the tips of your tallest colas are in the optimal zone. All the rest of the plant is below that. I get 17.5 free inches now before i fall below the 24 inch zone. The 2nd set of numbers are my numbers with 3 weeks left in flower.
Here is a cool vpd tip/trick now that you have your thermometer. Run it through your vpd calculator a few times and imagine it as you calculate the numbers.

Air temp 76
Leaf temp 74
rh 47
Lets say your deep into flower.

now run this
Air temp 79
Leaf temp 77
rh 52
vpd= 143

More or less equal except scenario 2 needed the light moved down closer to drive up the leaf temp, then the room was warmer to 79 to get 2 degrees warmer than the leaf and the rh had to be raised to slow it down but the end result is almost identical. Why would you, in real life, do all that to get the same result. Here is why, if you had to lower the light 4 inches to raise the leaf temp your light now penetrates 4 inches deeper into the canopy because the tops are 4 inches close. You can get bigger buds farther down the stock. My light reccomends 24". I am now 6.5" away. My yields are getting stupid. I now have to grow much taller plants or else I am just lighting up the soil and floor. See the value now? Plus you will only ever need a bigger light if you start touching the one you have with the colas.
If 24 inches away is recomended then only the tips of your tallest colas are in the optimal zone. All the rest of the plant is below that. I get 17.5 free inches now before i fall below the 24 inch zone. The 2nd set of numbers are my numbers with 3 weeks left in flower.
I’ll defenitly be putting mine close once they are in full flower, I ran my old lights at 18” but they put off a ton of heat, these new LED’s are insanely cool, nearly no heat at all, right now though if I went to full power at current height I’d be over 1150 PPFD (I use photone app so not 100% accurate ) when I check. I usually leave them at 24” and let them grow up to them in flower, I did lower them 3 clicks today just to see how they respond to it while I’m at work tomorrow, if they seem happy I’ll try another 3 clicks lol
At a certain point you will reach the limit of the plants capability, and thats the size of the rootball. Once you cant get them any closer be happy with that and get the most out of your plant. Next grow you can start growing roots right from the start so in flower the rootball wont be a limiting factor. You are in for a fun ride Keffka😊
At a certain point you will reach the limit of the plants capability, and thats the size of the rootball. Once you cant get them any closer be happy with that and get the most out of your plant. Next grow you can start growing roots right from the start so in flower the rootball wont be a limiting factor. You are in for a fun ride Keffka😊
Sorry Mike i meant Mike lol. Damn Durban has me all messed up🤪
My heater never engaged last night (I’ve fixed the issue) and my room dropped to 60.. when I was able to get into it this morning it was at 63 with 70 rh.. I brought the temp and rh back into line.. she definitely looked not pleased.. My thinking is she’s trying to tell me her root zone is still cold since she’s in a smart pot.. I don’t think she needs water yet.. she’s still got some weight to her and the moisture meter is still registering in the 5s.



My heater never engaged last night (I’ve fixed the issue) and my room dropped to 60.. when I was able to get into it this morning it was at 63 with 70 rh.. I brought the temp and rh back into line.. she definitely looked not pleased.. My thinking is she’s trying to tell me her root zone is still cold since she’s in a smart pot.. I don’t think she needs water yet.. she’s still got some weight to her and the moisture meter is still registering in the 5s.

She is actually looking really good. Her chlorosis is almost gone and her new growth is relaxing.
She is looking much better today. Her chlorosis is pretty much gone and her new growth is bright and relaxed looking👍 She looks good! At 70% rh she had a chance to slow down and hydrate. Looking Good😎
After a few hours at the fixed temp She raised back up and is enjoying the light.. there’s growth everywhere I look.. and I swear she looks bushier every time I look in.. Bending the stems back slightly to keep each cola even across the top worked much better than I expected it to.



After a few hours at the fixed temp She raised back up and is enjoying the light.. there’s growth everywhere I look.. and I swear she looks bushier every time I look in.. Bending the stems back slightly to keep each cola even across the top worked much better than I expected it to.



I just noticed something that will give you an added boost. Smart pots are designed to breath. When placed on the floor the bottoms have no air flow. place the pot inside that milk crate so its got airflow underneath it giving the roots alot more air,plus its easier to move them around.
I just noticed something that will give you an added boost. Smart pots are designed to breath. When placed on the floor the bottoms have no air flow. place the pot inside that milk crate so its got airflow underneath it giving the roots alot more air,plus its easier to move them around.
The clear tray isn’t flat, it has ridges the pot sits on. and valleys that let air flow beneath it.. I’ll take a pic when I get home so you can see it and tell me what you think about air flow for it
The clear tray isn’t flat, it has ridges the pot sits on. and valleys that let air flow beneath it.. I’ll take a pic when I get home so you can see it and tell me what you think about air flow for it
Oh OK Im sure its fine. From the pic it looked like it was on the floor. Probably just the clear being clear🤣
Oh OK Im sure its fine. From the pic it looked like it was on the floor. Probably just the clear being clear🤣
Lol I went back and looked at the pictures. I can’t even see the tray and I know where it is lol.. I had to click and zoom in on one of the random ones to see it.

Here’s a pic of the actual tray itself. Once I can push my plants a little harder I’ll be setting them on top of the milk crates with the basin below to catch any run off.

You got it backwards. Warm air holds more moisture not less, thats why the RH drops. There is more room in the air so the moisture can spread out causing rh to drop. Its important you dont get it backwards. If you warm the air the plant will rev faster because with more room to hold more moisture the air in the room sucks the moisture out of the plant faster. That revs the plant. If you cool the room there is less room in the air to hold moisture as the water vapors move closer together and its harder for the plant to push the cooler harder air so the plant slows down. This is all based on the belief your plant is healthy so the leaves naturally stay 2 degrees cooler than the air.
I do thank you for your concern. If I'm ever in a position where "Warm air holds more moisture not less…", if my plants start to "rev", or if I suspect that I'm in a situation where the "water vapors move closer together", I'll be sure to ask for your help.
Lol I went back and looked at the pictures. I can’t even see the tray and I know where it is lol.. I had to click and zoom in on one of the random ones to see it.

Here’s a pic of the actual tray itself. Once I can push my plants a little harder I’ll be setting them on top of the milk crates with the basin below to catch any run off.

Oh yeah those should work👍
Today was interesting.. she was wilted as if she was dry although I know she wasn’t. She still had a little weight to her and my moisture meter still showed acceptable levels of moisture in the medium but she wasn’t having it. It was my day to water any way but She shouldn’t have been wilted yet based on the weight and meter. She took her gallon like a champ and bounced back within the hour then went on to be even happier. So I guess Ill move from every 4 days to every 3 if she keeps pace.






Huge shoutout to @Gee64 the serration thing was driving me nuts and I got all kinds of wild answers but the one thing that actually has worked every single time is my VPD.. if the serrations are showing it’s almost guaranteed my VPD is too high.
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