Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

Sounds like a great plan.

Hey a good cheat to ascertain that fluid balance, and I’m sure they told you this but just in case, is a daily weight. First thing in the morning. A dry weight. You can see by the numbers if your mum is retaining fluid.

Helps shut that gate before the horse bolts.
Yep. I have to order a new scale, mine is at my bro's because his wife is suffering similar issues and he needed one.
I think the health care people will supply her one, but I'm not waiting for them. Amazon overnight.
Good Morning Friends!

I went in to check the plants last night before lights out and found the largest one, Bonnie, was slowly falling over from the weight. It was threatening to pull out of the pot.
She is simply too big for a 3 gallon fabric container, and fabric pots don't have the kind of support structure needed to help it stay in place. This a problem, but a problem that I don't mind seeing. It tells me I will grow these again, in bigger pots for sure. Next grow will not have anywhere near 9 plants. I'll probably stick with 4 or 5 from hereon.

I had to stake in her in there and will go in again this morning and make sure the others are staked up as well.
Really loving this strain as far as the growing results. I hope the results after harvest and cure are as exceptional.

I'll be spending a couple of hours in there this morning checking every plant and feeding/watering/rotating., which should have been done yesterday.

No more pulling them out for individual pics, because of the danger of tipping over. Besides, trying to move them out is getting to be sticky business. LOL
Good Morning Friends

I have to think about making some room in the grow. It's simply too tight with all those branches and buds. Such a problem to have. LOL
So, I'm thinking of taking the smallest plant out, which is MEG, and putting her outside on the deck. We're into week 5 of flower.

Question is, will the longer hours of light cause it to stress and hermie out on me? Or stop flowering? I've never done anything like this before.
The grow is at 12 hours of light inside. Outside right now, daylight hours are about 15 hours right now.

If it stresses and makes nanners and seeds, well I won't mind. I would love the seeds.
Whatcha think?
Good Morning Friends

I have to think about making some room in the grow. It's simply too tight with all those branches and buds. Such a problem to have. LOL
So, I'm thinking of taking the smallest plant out, which is MEG, and putting her outside on the deck. We're into week 5 of flower.

Question is, will the longer hours of light cause it to stress and hermie out on me? Or stop flowering? I've never done anything like this before.
The grow is at 12 hours of light inside. Outside right now, daylight hours are about 15 hours right now.

If it stresses and makes nanners and seeds, well I won't mind. I would love the seeds.
Whatcha think?
I would think they would try to reveg or germ on ya but, I don’t know since I’ve never grown outside. Hopefully someone with expertise on the subject will chime in. Can they be brought in or maybe make a cardboard dark box for them?
Okay, I think I know what I'm going to do. At lights out time the two plants will come in and be placed in my pantry which is completely dark. Very close to the door, so it shouldn't be too much effort. We'll see. LOL
It can be a definite challenge when playing with light period.
Good the the pantry is close by.
So, the answer is that the plants will probably go into revegging mode due to the longer light hours. This makes perfect sense to me. Here's @SmokingWings answer on it:

Good morning, Lady hope all is well with you and your mom. Your Banana Jealousy plants look fantastic, and you have very nice pictures. :circle-of-love: 🍋
Thank you Keith! I'm going to try to get some photos of the grow room today.

Mom is doing well, I took her back to her own house yesterday. I finally have my bed and my house back to myself. LOL
Heading over there now to bring her some food. Hot pork sandwichy's with tators and gravy. She's been craving it.

Have a wonderful day! 💞
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