Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal


Shes doing great! The doc knew what he was doing apparently cuz shes not even in any pain any more and the new oooobies look fantastic!! :)
My other lady is great too. Shes about 10 days from the chop.
Sorry about your loss bro. I wont go into how i feel about what happened to you...Id have a few ideas to deal with who dropped the dime on you.

BEUTIFUL NUG MAN. As for who dropped a dime on our friend? The picked up a cell, but I remember why they call it dropping a dime and back then there where consequences today they have a dime droppers club.
BEUTIFUL NUG MAN. As for who dropped a dime on our friend? The picked up a cell, but I remember why they call it dropping a dime and back then there where consequences today they have a dime droppers club.
Thanks Latin!! :). Shes a white widow grown with doc buds kit in high brix soil. In about 2 weeks shes gonna be a white widow in a zigzag paper hahaha!!! Shes my very first bro so im quite happy with the results :)
Apologies for lack of attendance LA. I am about 60+ pages in arrears and wanted to know if your Flux lady was still growing, or was she harvested? If harvested, can you refer me to the page she was harvested so I can speed read to that point from where I last posted?
Update on flux. How's this LA? got rid of the string and am slowly weaving the wire to create the double waffle tech. Hot damm. not as hard as I thought. As always input greatly appreciated.:high-five::high-five:
OZ, good to read you, like the desert misses the rain; Canadian bro, that ww is so purty and shiney: like a christmas tree bud!
Thanks jaamz!!! Im pretty proud of her but alas, all good things must come to an end. Shes getting chopped in a few days because, after close inspection, shes developing amber trichromes and im not big on couchlock. The majority of her trichs are cloudy right now and the rest are split between clear and amber so thats good for me :)
66 days under 12/12. 57 days since first pistils. She had 4 weeks in veg
today they have a dime droppers club.
I know exactly what you mean LB. I was arrested over a year ago for pissing in public (really arrested for asking the cop was he funny or something for looking at my wewee). Anyway, when they got me to the precinct they took me to an interview room & this detective started asking me if I knew of any felony acts being committed or know anyone who carries an unlicensed firearm & how that could make my problems go away. I had to look this detective in the face and ask him if he was serious & did he have any idea that I'm only here for taking a whiz. Needless to say I never took the ride down to central booking & was released with a summons but just how many snitches do you think they run across like that & imagine if they're facing real charges.

This gives me ideas. I don't have to follow the conventional way of fluxing. I'll get to work on FLUXY MOMMA when I get home.
Evening all.......I'm SO happy that so many have awesome growers have taken up the fluxing. :) It really is easy to do and so bloody rewarding :) (well, I think it is...wouldn't know what my girls would have produced.....but I'm guessing average 15zips) . LG...your girl looks FANBLOODYTASTIC my mate. :) Much respect :Namaste:
Reg....police grasses are a VERY real problem here.......I THINK I know one.......KARMA is coming to him once I the shit has left the fan :)
Back in the 70's I hung out in all the big parks, CP, BP, WSP and LES for the hard stuff. Just how I made my living, not proud of it today but I learned one thing the guys in blue HATE snitches. They use them like a pimp uses a woman and discards her when she's no longer of use. So if anybody reads this and you fit the description, get a 9 to 5 always remember what LB said. No joke real stuff.
Thanks OZZ coming from you it means the world. I will keep making LA, Trich and you proud of the work and time you guys put into sharing what you know and do so well.
Hi L.B (sorry for the L.G typo lol) Mate, thee are some REALLY foooooked up people out there. People who think that a £125.00 ($180.00) cheque off the cops (that's what snitches get) justifies screwing up a decent persons grow and meds. Hey, I lost over £2,000 worth of equipment and nutes (not to mention the girls and £2,000+ electric bill) just so some ARSEHOLE can buy a few beers!!!!! Boils my piss bro !
This is the problem with this type of doesn't matter who bears or by how much the cost, as long as they're getting something for nothing, they're happy.

I'm sorry for your loss OZ.
Hey Tassie.....shit happens in life and here in GASTAPOLAND we know we run risks growing. Thing is....the twat I "think" grassed me is hardly above the law himself! Mate, what goes around comes around. If I find out for certain it was him........well, retribution will be 1,000 fold :)
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