Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

using the bucket idea is new to me. Can't fit a bucket either, but a butter bowl will fit.
This is the way she will look but a lot more bud sites.

Hey Wildbill. Great pic and really whetted my appetite for what's to come :) Can I ask, how tall are those buds? What kind of yield are those 8 monsters going to give you? :)
WOWWWWWW What else can I say ? That is awesome work my friend :) Gitt looks amazing. What I'd give to produce a girl like that :bravo::Namaste:
Cheers all your very kind indeed and many thanks for the reps Alex. OZ your gonna have ten such girls soon enough. It aint like this style takes much work. Once you get a few of the first wires down your golden, you just sit back and enjoy.
OZ, I just tried doing a quick video clip on topping, (WAPPA). Problem was I'm on my own and only have my phone lol. So it didn't come out unfortunately. I did manage a micro top with only one hand to work with though lol. Ill get Mrs LA to video me in a couple of days when I top the Delicious cotton candy.
Great stuff mate. Just looked at the little uns on your other thread and they look great too. One question though......where I've nipped the NEW nodal growth off (next to the heads) will it grow back or another take its place?
Wise words mate :) There's new growth on 8 of them but 2 are bare lol. I'll just let them do their thing or a few days before I start to panic lol :)
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