Light of Jah - Early Wonder Skunk - Soil - OC+ From Seed

Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Yup. Both are going to go longer than advertised, but you're going to have some top shelf product. The amount of lush, green foliage you have, plus the nice trichome production are going to result in a product that will make you a hero among your friends.....

Your plants are gorgeous!

RE: Monetary Policy.

Do a search on "The World Plus Five Percent" and there is a great comic on Central Banking that everyone should read as a starter.

I'm a rabid Ron Paul supporter: Anti-war, Anti-state, Anti-fed.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

that damn LofJ is lookin good as ever, i so wish i could have a taste of it.. :tokin:

They're looking good bro. Do you polinate the budsite early while it's forming? I must have missed that one.

Not gonna say much this time...

Thanks for the support guys. Yes I pollinated pretty early so that the seeds have time to develop. They need about 4-6 weeks to be fully developed so you need to do it early or else you have to leave your plant past peak harvest...or you harvest in stages. I want to have them finished before I have to harvest. That way I can just snip the seeded branches and not worry about them at harvest time.

I didn't have a big update when I pollinated. I only briefly mentioned it in one of the picture updates.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

that pollination idea was epic. Later seed bank, won't be calling you any time soon. hahaha

That's the idea my friend.

Yup. Both are going to go longer than advertised, but you're going to have some top shelf product. The amount of lush, green foliage you have, plus the nice trichome production are going to result in a product that will make you a hero among your friends.....

Your plants are gorgeous!

RE: Monetary Policy.

Do a search on "The World Plus Five Percent" and there is a great comic on Central Banking that everyone should read as a starter.

I'm a rabid Ron Paul supporter: Anti-war, Anti-state, Anti-fed.

If you like Ron Paul Doc, you will like what Peter Schiff has to say. Ron Paul seems to be one of only a few politicians who are willing to stand up to the corrupt and evil Establishment.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

High Mr. Krip, yeah I pollinated them on purpose. I ended up with 2 Early Wonder Skunk males. I separated those males and collected pollen from them. I pollinated one of the EWS females and 2 of the LofJ. I love to experiment.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I can't wait to see some of that "Light of Skunk!" :yummy:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I can't wait to see some of that "Light of Skunk!" :yummy:

I'll probably plant 10 seeds and get 10 different plants!!! :) But I like that name.

Good to know. Thanks for the info. Would it hurt to leave them on longer?

Do you mean to ask if it would hurt to leave them past peak harvest? Well, I don't really want to do that because I only pollinate a couple branches and I still expect to have a good harvest from those plants...therefore, I have to harvest when the time is right or else they're going to start dying and losing their potency.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

so question do u think if my green ghost is good and and i like the strain do u think i could use the seeds that it developed on its own?? cause its got like2 spots on it where its got like 1 or 2 seeds and they look like their gonna be big, so i was thinkin i could prolly use them if i like the strain, but then again i dont know shit, so what do u think?? and i got some new pics over on my thread, check me out!!! :tokin:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Just referencing the seeded buds. Didn't know if the seeds would be ill affected by leaving them on past the 6 week marker. Have some strains that will take 9 weeks to flower.

The seeds will start dropping out of the pods at some point and you can keep the plant going for that long, i just don't want to lose any of them. But yeah you can keep them going with no ill effect for sure.

They are looking nice mate.. You make me want to get a tent NOW!

We all want to upgrade. I want to build myself a nice big room for my girls and put a couple 1000 watters in there. I already have it all planned out, just waiting for summer to get here.

so question do u think if my green ghost is good and and i like the strain do u think i could use the seeds that it developed on its own?? cause its got like2 spots on it where its got like 1 or 2 seeds and they look like their gonna be big, so i was thinkin i could prolly use them if i like the strain, but then again i dont know shit, so what do u think?? and i got some new pics over on my thread, check me out!!! :tokin:

I wouldn't really want to produce seeds from a hermie that pollinated itself because the likelihood of hermies from those seeds is pretty high. The way they make feminized seeds, they hermie a plant but then pollinate other plants, not itself. But hey, if you have those seeds, you might as well try them out.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

oh wow go HempRocket!!!!! I havn't scoped your forum for a minute but holey shit dude thats looking great!! I just posted some pics too come check em out when ya get a chance but yeah man really happy for you! How much do you think you'll get off of those beautys?
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Nothing good comes from hermie's ... Natural Hermies do not need stress to divert sexing... this is a genetic phenotype that need to be eliminated.

What you want to do is take a plant that has never hermied, a clone mother, super female bud producer... then you stress it to the MAX... to get it to divert. Then you have a non-natural hermie that will probably not throw a natural hermie gene, but rather a solid F-1 female pollen or it self seeds and you can guarentee those seeds are likely female...

But just taking a plant that hermied with a simple light leak, and propagating it, that's not acceptable...

I guess you haven't heard the story of the Holland seed banks "Red Lady" effect on CA cannabis clubs in the late 90's... great story...
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Nice job pollinating Hemp - I'm making note of it for future use - might try it next grow. Definitely will try it at some point. Kudos on some good thinking there!
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