I love those videos too. He keeps going with that 3x3 bed too just top dressing amendments and chop and drop of the cover crops.
I think he mentions in one of the faq videos that he doesn't dechlorinate his water either as the organic matter "consumes" it.
Yea I have been skipping over the FAQ videos to go back over afterward but I probably shouldn’t skip them huh
I have been binge watching since I found it!
I love that he’s got the SIP planters as well
All of it couldn’t be more in line with what I want to achieve in my own garden veggies and all!
Thank You Azi your always so helpful it is much appreciated my friend
Nice looking ladies... I love big fans... 👍👍👍💚💚
Thank you I am Thinking I am defoliate a bit as there is a bit of stuff being blocked by them and its time for a light trim.
Everything's still looking good even with some droop here lootz. Nice catch on the environmentals, that should definitely help out I'd think.
Yes all things considered it is! I don't mean to sound like I'm unhappy with my garden. I just have too much time on my hands looking at other methods and thinking man this or that wouldn't be a problem now :laughtwo:

Not to say problems couldn't arise of course just struggling with chasing my tail here and there but all in all we're still in good shape for sure!
Hey lootz just had a browse through your journal after reading your last pos as I'm not letting you give up on any of them!

Another watering update (12/25 🎅) Day 29

On this watering update did you water or just asses?

  • To start the lights, we’re far too low and having them uneven is also not need (at least currently)
  • Because of the light height our clip fan was also out of position

This would have taken alot of stress off them even though the wasn't showing it looks like it gave them strength to focus energy where needed. I did think they was close but I never see any signs.

The humidifier was sitting on the ground behind the SIP (why it wasn’t on the stand the air pump has been sitting on for over a week is beyond me) Now it’s sitting slightly higher than the plants and the cool mist falls down into the canopy as opposed to being level with it.

I have never put a humidifier near plants, if you can see humidity falling on plants then that area would be mad high? Your room vpd may be on point but any plants in humidifiers mist would be crazy and later possibly a mould risk.. if in the tent I always humidify away from the plants or at a fan to immediately be circulated.
I tried to humidify my lung room but it was on constantly but may work for you..
Also having humidifier close to intake outside the tent saves room inside..

The CC1 still looks pathetic it's been finnicky from the start. They both show similar problems (which actually all 3 different strains seem to be going through the same things at the same pace) it makes it helpful in diagnosing them individually and as their respective strains. But the CC1 looks ready to die and has since germination. I should have dropped another seed then.

Don't give up hope give her the pot up gives you the opportunity to see any root cause 🤣🤣 I know u liked that one lmao but jokes aside if you either manage to find a problem and save her or she dies it's all experience and knowledge.. if it works out u might not worry at all next time as your confidence has grown. If you use perlite or anything give her extra or do a little experiment to see if an idea works but don't waste it!

I am also going to be ordering a new PH pen sometime today most likely I think I may go with the APERA for now because I don't want to spend so much for a blue lab pen when i plan on switching to a method in which I no longer need to worry about PH

Not sure about your next growing method but pH and ec are always useful.. if you don't spend out make sure you have some pH buffer to check calibration or maybe get some solution to check your current pen before buying new?

I also think I may be going away from the R/O water as well or maybe finally taking I believe it was @greenvein and start diluting my tap with R/O and finding the right balance as after much more reading, I'm seeing this is probably a cause to my problems.

I would stick with the RO water bud.. I have read alot and it's mostly about alkalinity. For my hybrid kind of medium and hydro it's important but your soil should be buffering for you. Only reason not is the swing over time on your water. I find my tap and ro+buffer swing about the same and pH can be way out after a day.

On the other hand after writing all this if I remember correctly you fed Ur plants on 18th, 20th and 25th day but I didn't see many plain water (ro+calmag) waterings in-between except maybe the gnat potion. I know the bottle says weekly but as they haven't been thriving as much as they look in the lates pic you may have a nute/salt build up which could affect pH and it's harder to tell as some symptoms are the same as over watering.
Do you do a FWF or FWWF?

Have a read and a think as I know I'm newer the you to all this but thought Id try help instead of sit here with my pom poms 🤣

Hey lootz just had a browse through your journal after reading your last pos as I'm not letting you give up on any of them!
On this watering update did you water or just asses?
This was only an assessment I didn't give any water to anything.
This would have taken alot of stress off them even though the wasn't showing it looks like it gave them strength to focus energy where needed. I did think they was close but I never see any signs.
Yes I noticed that just in general I was driving them very hard and because of that it was making maintaining the environment harder as a result.
I have never put a humidifier near plants, if you can see humidity falling on plants then that area would be mad high? Your room vpd may be on point but any plants in humidifiers mist would be crazy and later possibly a mould risk.. if in the tent I always humidify away from the plants or at a fan to immediately be circulated.
I tried to humidify my lung room but it was on constantly but may work for you..
Also having humidifier close to intake outside the tent saves room inside..
So, I do aim the humidifier nozzle away from the plants sometimes. This only for veg, realistically I shouldn't need the humidifier in flower as my humidity without it would be about 40 percent maybe lower, while it is in another tent that is vegging. I also have the clip fan circulating air over the plants and the probe hanging right in between the center of the canopy. Tho the mist "falls" over the plants it blows around and not allowed to settle on the plants. I've never noticed a wet spot on any of the leaves ever. I would like to set it out of the tent, but this model doesn't allow for that. The cloud forge from A/C would make that possible but unfortunately, they are never in stock.
Don't give up hope give her the pot up gives you the opportunity to see any root cause 🤣🤣 I know u liked that one lmao but jokes aside if you either manage to find a problem and save her or she dies it's all experience and knowledge.. if it works out u might not worry at all next time as your confidence has grown. If you use perlite or anything give her extra or do a little experiment to see if an idea works but don't waste it!
Yea maybe I let my frustration with her spill over a little too much :laughtwo: I'm really just allowing her to dry out and then I'll probably up pot her from there see if she's able to snap out of it with the added space.
It is all experience as you said no matter what happens I will be better equipped for next time! There are always more seeds. (Of her and others I'm excited to try) No matter the seed tho this is now in my toolbox to fall back on later

Not sure about your next growing method but pH and ec are always useful.. if you don't spend out make sure you have some pH buffer to check calibration or maybe get some solution to check your current pen before buying new?
Although it is important, in a living soil you as the grower don't have to maintain it or check as you would with bottled nutrients unless a problem arises, but it is meant to be water only the soil manages the PH.
I would stick with the RO water bud.. I have read alot and it's mostly about alkalinity. For my hybrid kind of medium and hydro it's important but your soil should be buffering for you. Only reason not is the swing over time on your water. I find my tap and ro+buffer swing about the same and pH can be way out after a day.
This is an important gem because I was worried that maybe by stripping too much out of the water I was doing more harm than good.
Maybe now that we've started paying attention to PH and adding Cal/mag to waterings they will snap out of it. This should be my thinking as I've always used R/o without issues. I may just be overthinking it here.
I will continue on the path with this grow and possibly do an experiment with the clones when they root 1 R/o 1 with aerated tap water.

On the other hand after writing all this if I remember correctly you fed Ur plants on 18th, 20th and 25th day but I didn't see many plain water (ro+calmag) waterings in-between except maybe the gnat potion. I know the bottle says weekly but as they haven't been thriving as much as they look in the lates pic you may have a nute/salt build up which could affect pH and it's harder to tell as some symptoms are the same as over watering.
Do you do a FWF or FWWF?
I would have to look back I believe there was a watering in there with Cal/mag only PH'd to 6.3. FWF? FWWF? Fresh water flush? I'm not sure what those are if it is flushing both the CC were flushed at the uppoting and then given a feeding tho they stayed in 1 g pots. I may go ahead and up pot them the next "watering" when they dry out will be water and cal/mag PH a little higher to allow for better Calcium absorption.
Have a read and a think as I know I'm newer the you to all this but thought Id try help instead of sit here with my pom poms 🤣

No matter how much more experience I have or don't I appreciate ANY AND ALL INPUT!
I never claim to know everything and don't look forward to ever knowing it all that would be pretty boring IMO :rofl:
If you see something say something it starts conversation at the very least and gets us talking no opinion is wrong here. I'd prefer you said something rather than sit there with your pom poms :cheer: but either or is appreciated so don't feel obligated either!

Thank you for the responses it has given me a bit to think about and some things that confirmed my thinking on a few things so thank you!
They all look not worse and some even look better.. you caught it in more than enough time to have a wonderful finish
Ok guys quick question before I head over to check out the ladies.
I’m thinking to buy the new pen should I buy the blue lab and spend the extra money or the apera tech one and save a bit.
Also the blue lab soil ph pen? Worth it?
It will allow me to Che k the ph of a solution and the soil coco and rock wool should I ever need to but I feel like even going forward when I aim for a living soil of my own if it did work even tho I wouldn’t “need” it it wouldn’t hurt right?
Their on sale so I’d like to act quickly but the soil pen is 180 no sale…
What to do?
@Azimuth @Keffka @greenvein @AspenCultivator @StoneOtter @Bill284 @Grand Daddy Black
@Melville Hobbes

Do I spend out and get the blue lab soil pen as an added (albeit) expensive bonus.


just grab a normal high quality pen and if I grab just a normal pen should I spend double on the bluelab anyway or will an apera work fine
FWF is feed, water, feed. He's asking if you're separating the feedings with plain water.
I don't have a ph pen, I borrow my neighbour's when I have a problem that looks like it could be ph, so I can't help there.
FWF is feed, water, feed. He's asking if you're separating the feedings with plain water.
I don't have a ph pen, I borrow my neighbour's when I have a problem that looks like it could be ph, so I can't help there.
Omg lol how the heck did I not realize that 😂
Yea maybe I let my frustration with her spill over a little too much :laughtwo: I'm really just allowing her to dry out and then I'll probably up pot her from there see if she's able to snap out of it with the added space.
It is all experience as you said no matter what happens I will be better equipped for next time! There are always more seeds. (Of her and others I'm excited to try) No matter the seed tho this is now in my toolbox to fall back on later
😂😂 we all show a bit if frustration at times.. I've opened my tent before straight up threatened to take limbs! but within minutes I'm praying for them 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣 But yours will make it.

This is an important gem because I was worried that maybe by stripping too much out of the water I was doing more harm than good.
Maybe now that we've started paying attention to PH and adding Cal/mag to waterings they will snap out of it. This should be my thinking as I've always used R/o without issues. I may just be overthinking it here.
I will continue on the path with this grow and possibly do an experiment with the clones when they root 1 R/o 1 with aerated tap water.
I'm sure it won't be your RO water mine comes out at 0ppm then I add my cal mag and buffer. Which works better then my tap/RO mix.
Try testing 1L of RO and 1L of tap at 6ph in individual jugs every 6 hours to see how much your pH changes, once you see it go above 7 it will start to become harder for your soil to buffer and if your soil isn't dry ready for next watering it's time wasted that Ur plant couldn't access nutes, then salt build up then soil pH or whatever else is affected.
I see your soil is made from coir fibers and other goodness but u never know percentages. If your water swing isn't bad then your soil should have your back.
Worth a check along with ec run off.

I would have to look back I believe there was a watering in there with Cal/mag only PH'd to 6.3. FWF? FWWF? Fresh water flush? I'm not sure what those are if it is flushing both the CC were flushed at the uppoting and then given a feeding tho they stayed in 1 g pots. I may go ahead and up pot them the next "watering" when they dry out will be water and cal/mag PH a little higher to allow for better Calcium absorption.
Sorry I should have explained my abbreviation. In my notes to myself lol f means feed with nutes and w is water with just calmag. So feed water feed or feed water water feed.
Run off ec would tell you what's best but this could be affected if you have bad water pH swing.

No matter how much more experience I have or don't I appreciate ANY AND ALL INPUT!
I never claim to know everything and don't look forward to ever knowing it all that would be pretty boring IMO :rofl:
If you see something say something it starts conversation at the very least and gets us talking no opinion is wrong here. I'd prefer you said something rather than sit there with your pom poms :cheer: but either or is appreciated so don't feel obligated either!
😂😂 Where did you get them pom poms from I was looking all over to use them when I wrote the message. did you just type :cheer: or can you select them somewhere?
But yes this is the road to success.. and the say when it becomes boring is when you'll produce your best buds!

Thank you for the responses it has given me a bit to think about and some things that confirmed my thinking on a few things so thank you!
No worries and for me as I'm explaining things to you it's making me realise and possibly run a test in my grow 👌🏼.
Ok guys quick question before I head over to check out the ladies.
I’m thinking to buy the new pen should I buy the blue lab and spend the extra money or the apera tech one and save a bit.
Also the blue lab soil ph pen? Worth it?
It will allow me to Che k the ph of a solution and the soil coco and rock wool should I ever need to but I feel like even going forward when I aim for a living soil of my own if it did work even tho I wouldn’t “need” it it wouldn’t hurt right?
Their on sale so I’d like to act quickly but the soil pen is 180 no sale…
What to do?
@Azimuth @Keffka @greenvein @AspenCultivator @StoneOtter @Bill284 @Grand Daddy Black
@Melville Hobbes

Do I spend out and get the blue lab soil pen as an added (albeit) expensive bonus.


just grab a normal high quality pen and if I grab just a normal pen should I spend double on the bluelab anyway or will an apera work fine
I use the essential ph pen and seems to work well, blue lab I see everyone use so no doubt it's the go to. As for soil pen I doubt you would need it.. once you get this grow on point I think organic will be a breeze but you need the pen in this one at least to fully understand your water.
Ok guys quick question before I head over to check out the ladies.
I’m thinking to buy the new pen should I buy the blue lab and spend the extra money or the apera tech one and save a bit.
Also the blue lab soil ph pen? Worth it?
It will allow me to Che k the ph of a solution and the soil coco and rock wool should I ever need to but I feel like even going forward when I aim for a living soil of my own if it did work even tho I wouldn’t “need” it it wouldn’t hurt right?
Their on sale so I’d like to act quickly but the soil pen is 180 no sale…
What to do?
@Azimuth @Keffka @greenvein @AspenCultivator @StoneOtter @Bill284 @Grand Daddy Black
@Melville Hobbes

Do I spend out and get the blue lab soil pen as an added (albeit) expensive bonus.


just grab a normal high quality pen and if I grab just a normal pen should I spend double on the bluelab anyway or will an apera work fine
I decided to save the $100.00 and go with a @VIVOSUN 3 in one this time.
Fantastic unit, great price.
Amazon will deliver next day, if you need.
Take care.


#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Ok guys quick question before I head over to check out the ladies.
I’m thinking to buy the new pen should I buy the blue lab and spend the extra money or the apera tech one and save a bit.
Also the blue lab soil ph pen? Worth it?
It will allow me to Che k the ph of a solution and the soil coco and rock wool should I ever need to but I feel like even going forward when I aim for a living soil of my own if it did work even tho I wouldn’t “need” it it wouldn’t hurt right?
Their on sale so I’d like to act quickly but the soil pen is 180 no sale…
What to do?
@Azimuth @Keffka @greenvein @AspenCultivator @StoneOtter @Bill284 @Grand Daddy Black
@Melville Hobbes

Do I spend out and get the blue lab soil pen as an added (albeit) expensive bonus.


just grab a normal high quality pen and if I grab just a normal pen should I spend double on the bluelab anyway or will an apera work fine
Hey Boots, for me I'd go with just a ph pen. That way you can always do a slurry test for soil ph using it when need. I use a mid priced one and calibrate it. Blue Lab is nice though.


Ok there is a ton to get into in this and Suzanne's journal so if it seems like this update is as fluffy as usual that is why.
It has been super busy in the tent and as of this weekend I say Sunday at the latest, we will be running 2 tents!


Let's see how we got here in just a couple of days!

Looking back at our last update it was Day 29 and all, but the Cookie Crisps seemed to have recovered. CC1 looking worse of the bunch. It seems the transplant really helped. I also haven't even considered watering them.
They continue to look better every day so I'm letting them tell me something is needed.
When I think they need water I will prepare it and then wait another day. This will help to avoid overwatering.
In terms of the schedule were aiming for F W F with more dry days in between.

I think my positioning of equipment was a big factor leading me to watering much more often than I needed.
On top of the Cal/mag issue I created early on, it was on track to be a disappointment.

Thank you to everyone who chimed in over the past week while we corrected the ship!
I encourage ALL input, opinion, critique whatever you want to call it, it makes us all better and starts the conversation.

The PBK 2 and both PGC 1 & 2 have recovered fully from the overwatering.
I did do a little bit of defoliation on just the big fan leaves that were really blocking air flow and lower branching.



I also tried to do a little LST on them and spread them out a little bit which they really responded to.
The leaves on all 3 of these plants have started to stand on their own and growth new growth looks healthy.
They also don't have that dry papery look that @Keffka mentioned. They definitely no longer feel papery either.

While doing their defoil and a little bit of LST, I don't think I was heavy handed but the top branch of the PGC 1 snapped clean off the top.

I did my normal method and cut the leaves in a way that subtly expressed my feelings at the time but also helped me remember what strain it was :rofl:

The CC2 had started to show some improvement while in the 1-Gal pot given the time to dry out.
I decided that a transplant would help finish the recovery and I was right.
I didn't have any more 2-Gal pots, so I had to put her into a 3.
Again, same method as before perlite and DE in the bottom. Myco generously in the hole.
Water her in with Cal/mag water PH to 6.3 - 6.4. (When I mix my Cal/mag at 5ml/Gal PH falls to this naturally, so I leave it)
I put DE over the top and will scrape it in better when it dries out a bit. I like that it helps to see the moisture of the soil as it does dry.
I took a few leaves to defoil her at this point.


She looked like a totally different plant a day later.

I decided that it was worth the shot to try to give CC1 a fighting chance, only I had no more soil.
I figured CC2 was going to have the best chance at the time, so I used what I had left on her.

Yesterday I decided to check out the other local hydroponic shops in my area. I found a hydro MEGA store!
It was like dying and waking up in growers' heaven!
They had it ALL!

I picked up 2 bags of Roots Organics LUSH soil. Originally, I wanted to start in this soil but the shop I went to didn't have it in stock.
I settled on the original and ended up introducing FG in the garden out the gate.
Improper watering there after only bred them while I chased my tail trying to kill them.

I thoroughly checked these bags breaking down and hand tossing any clumps and making sure there was nothing flying around when I opened the bag. I was confident there was not plus we already have them.
I'm sure they will try to find their way there and we'll be prepared for them.

Apparently, this LUSH soil is rich enough to feed the plants for a full 8 weeks with just water?!
This will be something I'll be testing out. If I can mix up Cal/mag it naturally falls to 6.3 and I just spray it in?!
YES PLEASE. This will be the perfect soil to simplify things until we can build our own LOS.
The CC1 will be allowed to recover in this new soil in her 3-Gal pot on just water before we consider pushing her into flower. We will take clones from her when she does recover and flip her into flower soon after, as she is in the biggest pot I want to flower (3-Gal) in outside of the SIP's. ;)



We will see how she responds.

The Temp and Humidity have been in check ever since adjusting our setup. No more tinkering, just stand back and let them work.

Things are beginning to become a bit crowded as they grow. Luckily, I got the email this morning that the A/C infinity plugs that I was expecting Jan 5th - Jan 7th will be here tomorrow!
This is a HUGE break because now we can run the 3x4 tent same as the 2x4 A/C tent. With automations and such and dial it in for veg.
We can now flip the switch on the 2x4 whenever we are ready.
I ordered the S6 oscillation fan, another humidifier to replace the one that broke a while ago, and the PH pen from VIVOSUN that @Bill284 suggested.
I figured it was better to spread the coin around more evenly instead of investing so heavily on a pen I plan to not need in the future. It will do what we need it to do for now.

I will post a photo dump to show the progress over the past couple days. I will post updated pictures at lights on tonight.

Thank you for your time and as always Thank you for stopping by!


Ok there is a ton to get into in this and Suzanne's journal so if it seems like this update is as fluffy as usual that is why.
It has been super busy in the tent and as of this weekend I say Sunday at the latest, we will be running 2 tents!


Let's see how we got here in just a couple of days!

Looking back at our last update it was Day 29 and all, but the Cookie Crisps seemed to have recovered. CC1 looking worse of the bunch. It seems the transplant really helped. I also haven't even considered watering them.
They continue to look better every day so I'm letting them tell me something is needed.
When I think they need water I will prepare it and then wait another day. This will help to avoid overwatering.
In terms of the schedule were aiming for F W F with more dry days in between.

I think my positioning of equipment was a big factor leading me to watering much more often than I needed.
On top of the Cal/mag issue I created early on, it was on track to be a disappointment.

Thank you to everyone who chimed in over the past week while we corrected the ship!
I encourage ALL input, opinion, critique whatever you want to call it, it makes us all better and starts the conversation.

The PBK 2 and both PGC 1 & 2 have recovered fully from the overwatering.
I did do a little bit of defoliation on just the big fan leaves that were really blocking air flow and lower branching.



I also tried to do a little LST on them and spread them out a little bit which they really responded to.
The leaves on all 3 of these plants have started to stand on their own and growth new growth looks healthy.
They also don't have that dry papery look that @Keffka mentioned. They definitely no longer feel papery either.

While doing their defoil and a little bit of LST, I don't think I was heavy handed but the top branch of the PGC 1 snapped clean off the top.

I did my normal method and cut the leaves in a way that subtly expressed my feelings at the time but also helped me remember what strain it was :rofl:

The CC2 had started to show some improvement while in the 1-Gal pot given the time to dry out.
I decided that a transplant would help finish the recovery and I was right.
I didn't have any more 2-Gal pots, so I had to put her into a 3.
Again, same method as before perlite and DE in the bottom. Myco generously in the hole.
Water her in with Cal/mag water PH to 6.3 - 6.4. (When I mix my Cal/mag at 5ml/Gal PH falls to this naturally, so I leave it)
I put DE over the top and will scrape it in better when it dries out a bit. I like that it helps to see the moisture of the soil as it does dry.
I took a few leaves to defoil her at this point.


She looked like a totally different plant a day later.

I decided that it was worth the shot to try to give CC1 a fighting chance, only I had no more soil.
I figured CC2 was going to have the best chance at the time, so I used what I had left on her.

Yesterday I decided to check out the other local hydroponic shops in my area. I found a hydro MEGA store!
It was like dying and waking up in growers' heaven!
They had it ALL!

I picked up 2 bags of Roots Organics LUSH soil. Originally, I wanted to start in this soil but the shop I went to didn't have it in stock.
I settled on the original and ended up introducing FG in the garden out the gate.
Improper watering there after only bred them while I chased my tail trying to kill them.

I thoroughly checked these bags breaking down and hand tossing any clumps and making sure there was nothing flying around when I opened the bag. I was confident there was not plus we already have them.
I'm sure they will try to find their way there and we'll be prepared for them.

Apparently, this LUSH soil is rich enough to feed the plants for a full 8 weeks with just water?!
This will be something I'll be testing out. If I can mix up Cal/mag it naturally falls to 6.3 and I just spray it in?!
YES PLEASE. This will be the perfect soil to simplify things until we can build our own LOS.
The CC1 will be allowed to recover in this new soil in her 3-Gal pot on just water before we consider pushing her into flower. We will take clones from her when she does recover and flip her into flower soon after, as she is in the biggest pot I want to flower (3-Gal) in outside of the SIP's. ;)



We will see how she responds.

The Temp and Humidity have been in check ever since adjusting our setup. No more tinkering, just stand back and let them work.

Things are beginning to become a bit crowded as they grow. Luckily, I got the email this morning that the A/C infinity plugs that I was expecting Jan 5th - Jan 7th will be here tomorrow!
This is a HUGE break because now we can run the 3x4 tent same as the 2x4 A/C tent. With automations and such and dial it in for veg.
We can now flip the switch on the 2x4 whenever we are ready.
I ordered the S6 oscillation fan, another humidifier to replace the one that broke a while ago, and the PH pen from VIVOSUN that @Bill284 suggested.
I figured it was better to spread the coin around more evenly instead of investing so heavily on a pen I plan to not need in the future. It will do what we need it to do for now.

I will post a photo dump to show the progress over the past couple days. I will post updated pictures at lights on tonight.

Thank you for your time and as always Thank you for stopping by!
Garden looks great.
Excellent update.
Hope your having a great day my friend.

#Vivosun#Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Yep.. I imagine each day you walk in and think “sonnofabitch it was overwatering” as you see each of the plants raising back up.. The swollen leaves are already damaged so those won’t change but your new growth will look better and better. I will always recommend leaving at least a few of the damaged leaves. The reason for this is, any time the plant has a nutrient need it will go for the damaged leaves first. This will give you a heads up.. Also.. just because the leaf is damaged doesn’t mean it can’t photosynthesize, and doesn’t mean it can’t store resources, so they’re still good even if they are ugly lol. Extra airflow is always good just remember that those leaves are your power plants.. They’re doing all the work so if there’s not a great benefit to removing them, it’s better just to leave (lol pun) them. You’re in your garden so you know whether the airflow and penetration is more important or not.

Also in regards to FG.. here’s my take on it:

I only use sticky traps and airflow.. This is enough to keep their numbers down to a level where they’re beneficial without being harmful
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