Low Watts - High Yield - Let's Smash the 1 GPW Benchmark Together

420fied,Excuse me for asking a question whose answer is somewhere buried in your voluminous journals but after burying your clones in the 2l's how quickly do you get them on your nute regimen and how do you acclimate them to the HPS lighting,do you put them under the HPS same day and do you start with a dark period etc. Thanks in advance for all your help and guidance.
420fied,Excuse me for asking a question whose answer is somewhere buried in your voluminous journals but after burying your clones in the 2l's how quickly do you get them on your nute regimen and how do you acclimate them to the HPS lighting,do you put them under the HPS same day and do you start with a dark period etc. Thanks in advance for all your help and guidance.

For the first couple days I keep the HPS 18-24" above them and then I move it down to within 10-12" and inch in from there. Also, when I bury them I seat them with water and start them on the feeding schedule the very next night.

Good Growing.

After Castle screwed up my initial order I expected a couple of freebies but none were sent. I mean, I waited an extra two weeks for CM to get here since they sent the wrong seeds and when it does, 40% of it (2 of 5) is bunk. I sent them a nice email letting them know that they got their first and last dollar from me.

Castle might be fantastic but they sure as hell didn't impress me.
thats lame im sorry that happened my brother in green, and i would have done the same thing you did! i just got my first non castle order in today it was pretty spectacular with all the promos and specials i actually got more than half my beans free, paid for 19 out of 47
i'll post pics n a list in my journal later tonight if your interested, love your 2l hempy mastery:thumb:
Hey 420

Sorry to hear about your experience with Castle. I've ordered some seeds from Herbies Head shop and so far haven't had any problems and have gottena 100% success germ rate w/ paper towel method. In other news I'm looking at one of my mothers today and it appears it has pistils...It's been under constant 18/6 lighting and I havent lost power so need your input. The only thing I can think is one day soil was dry and leaves flopped over maybe they werent getting light...:yikes: If it is and I have it under 18/6 light still will it revert back to veg? Here is a pic lemme know what you think:

PS How do you water your plants by hand so efficiently? I have 4x4 tent with 30 in there. I take 15 out, water, put back in and do the same with other 15..takes about 30 minutes..?

I have no idea what you're asking about your mother. ?

As for feeding my plants, remember they're sitting on tables that are 24" tall so I can stand over top and look directly down onto them which makes watering them easy. I pin my light at the end of the rail to get it out of the way and start pouring. I've grown this way so long that I don't even need to measure anymore. I pour straight from the gallon jugs. It's scary how well I can judge how much water they get. My wife gets a kick out of it. This is no exaggeration..... I feed 300 in 1.5 hours.

I have no idea what you're asking about your mother. ?

As for feeding my plants, remember they're sitting on tables that are 24" tall so I can stand over top and look directly down onto them which makes watering them easy. I pin my light at the end of the rail to get it out of the way and start pouring. I've grown this way so long that I don't even need to measure anymore. I pour straight from the gallon jugs. It's scary how well I can judge how much water they get. My wife gets a kick out of it. This is no exaggeration..... I feed 300 in 1.5 hours.

I'm asking if in the picture those look like pistils, and if they are will keeping her in 18/6 light keep her from flowering and/or creating more pistils?
I'm asking if in the picture those look like pistils, and if they are will keeping her in 18/6 light keep her from flowering and/or creating more pistils?

Those definitely look like pistils to me. 18/6 is a standard veg schedule so yes, you can keep her on 18/6 and she'll be fine. Female plants will show pistils like that in Veg so you have nothing to worry about. Does this answer your question?
Those definitely look like pistils to me. 18/6 is a standard veg schedule so yes, you can keep her on 18/6 and she'll be fine. Female plants will show pistils like that in Veg so you have nothing to worry about. Does this answer your question?

Yes thank you I was worried my mother was flowering and I'd have to start all over ugh thank goodness
Yes thank you I was worried my mother was flowering and I'd have to start all over ugh thank goodness

It's just a sign that the plant has reached sexual maturity. :)
how soon till the next weigh in ? this is almost like waiting for Christmas morning :xmas:
hey 420fied, i remember reading in one of your journals, you and COrey were devising a 2ltr hempy nute regimen. Eh.....any haps? Or am i sadly mistaken? As these journals all tend to run together after a nice bowl:roorrip:

This is definitely in the works. However, this is something that I am testing over the course of a few months so I won't release anything to BPN for approval until I am 120% satisfied with the data that I relay.

What I'm working on right now is a generalized Hempy feeding schedule with the 3 part Elite series plus Liquid Blue. I have found that I can't feed 11-13" Hempy plants quite as hot as I fed the 20-24" plants. This was evidenced by the burn marks on some of the fans of the 50 plants I harvested a couple weeks ago.

I actually already have the adjusted Elite Series + Liquid Blue schedule worked up but I want to run it for 2 or 3 tables to make sure it's where I want it to be.

Once this first, basic schedule is dialed in, I will begin work on a Hempy feeding schedule which incorporates all of the products in the Blue Planet High Yield system.

Therefore, in the end, there will ultimately be (2) schedules that growers can use as a guideline. (1) for the 3 part + LB and (1) using the complete High Yield system.
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