Mmmmick 288W LED Development SCROG White Widow

ummm, it's ok to laugh at my ugly spare Mangos. They were only tossed in a spare stuffy corner because I couldn't throw them out. I didn't expect them to be anything but a little extra smoke.

I was curious about how the 288w would work on them at 6" though, so the led has been lots closer to these two. I've been keeping the scrog light at 12-15" (30-38cm) but I wanted to see what the tops would be like at closer distance so these two became test subjects in a loosely controlled trial.
but they're shamelessly naked and unfinished.:rofl::rofl:

thanks wct, they'll smoke fine. The taster has great flavor, obviously fresh but the mango comes through well. Should be a nice smoke with a cure. Good for a couple of hours, a pretty mellow stone with some body effects, and not yet 100% milky. It might age well.
Mango looks good to me. A lil naked and bald, but it's the buds that count in the end. And that lol nug taste tester even looks scrumptious! I've had mango and it's definately good smoke. Tasty!!
Hi Sisco, If we were closer you'd have been welcome to them both if you wanted them. I know you would have knocked the pm out of the picture and finished them well.
They really needed a well ventilated spot and bigger pots to do better. Gonna be some dense buds though and I think the cured bud will be very nice. Thanks for checkin' in man. Hope things are going well for you.
Hi 619, they did shed a little early. I let 'em get hungry too soon. Newb has to learn the hard way, heheh. I guess the sugar leaves will keep things moving until they're finished.

The taster is pretty decent, could use a little more maturing but I think I'll enjoy the finished product even more.:thumb:
Can't wait for the harvest, and a smoke report.

If that was an early bud, I think your in good shape ! I had to chop a couple of clones yesterday way early ! I needed the tent and they just wern't getting much bigger , after that I put 2 nice NLs in to start flowering , hope they do better also switched out the 288 led for my 400 hps !! I think that will help !! :peace: have a good rest of the wk Mmmmick , those mangoes look great !!
Can't wait for the harvest, and a smoke report.


Thanks BC, getting there.

I see them as yummy and easy to trim! :cheer:

Hey OMM, it's a new self trimming strain.
Ah well, they'll help me go a little easier on the main plants.:thumb:

If that was an early bud, I think your in good shape ! I had to chop a couple of clones yesterday way early ! I needed the tent and they just wern't getting much bigger , after that I put 2 nice NLs in to start flowering , hope they do better also switched out the 288 led for my 400 hps !! I think that will help !! :peace: have a good rest of the wk Mmmmick , those mangoes look great !!

These plants need to start working within our schedules. It's as if they think this hobby is all about them.

That 400 will eliminate the slowdown. Good luck ol hippy.

Thanks, they're getting closer.
If that was an early bud, I think your in good shape ! I had to chop a couple of clones yesterday way early ! I needed the tent and they just wern't getting much bigger , after that I put 2 nice NLs in to start flowering , hope they do better also switched out the 288 led for my 400 hps !! I think that will help !! :peace: have a good rest of the wk Mmmmick , those mangoes look great !!

Hey ol hippy Just wanted to say Hi. The light will cheer them up and spur them on. Hope all is well with you. :cheer:
76 days since the flip. Around 10 weeks on average since first pistils.

Maybe 80-90% milky/cloudy 10% clear trichs on the widow center left. I'm gonna take that one down tomorrow(Sunday), or most of it, at least. The front left widow is close also, but not quite ready yet. I want to let one of them go long to check out the difference. The widow in the back and the Mangos have some time left.

Couple of screen shots and a few ww buds.




Great pics!

I like the idea of letting one go longer than the other. Variety is almost always a good thing. I'm planning on doing this with my outdoor plants. Partly for the variety, and partly in case my grow plot is compromised and someone tries to steal my harvest. That'll also give those lower buds time to catch up (just had a bunch of new popcorn buds spring up this week, a full 3 weeks later than the rest of the plant).
Thanks JohnGalt.

I popped over for a look at your plants. The foliage is so thick, you might benefit quite a bit from a staggered chop.
All the lower buds must be heavily shaded. They look good, healthy and strong.:thumb:
hey guys is joeey again I need a little help i am starting my first grow my leaves are curling down on my seedlings Is the light too close? i started them in 1/4 nutes then switched to just ph water about 5.5-6.0 i had them in thw dwc for a day then took them out because i believe it is to soon. help!!!!1


hi mate.....colatastic is all i can me of my first grow...hmm leds must make a mental note.....these guys are catching me....i must increase the wattage seriusly....mighty fine size colas for wot i wud call a very low wattage are a great ambasador for leds mate....wot you have produced is amazing to see...we grow on opposite sides of the light haha wot a great sentence to say lol....i will always stay with hps/mh ...but will no longer dismiss leds from now on....oh and your patience to wait too....i take my hat off to you..........ramblin as ever....weedtastic..edit lol how tall are them colas u have such a thing as a clipper lighter lol
Hi Joeey, this is the best place to ask grow questions.

Frequently Asked Questions - 420 Magazine

I would raise the light and not use nutes on seedlings.
Can't tell how close your light is from the pic. You might want to run some water through your cups if they have nutrient mix in them, just in case. I'm not sure what your ph should be in rockwool.(assuming thats what they are in, I've never used it)
good luck. try to add as much detail as possible when asking for assistance.
hi mate.....colatastic is all i can me of my first grow...hmm leds must make a mental note.....these guys are catching me....i must increase the wattage seriusly....mighty fine size colas for wot i wud call a very low wattage are a great ambasador for leds mate....wot you have produced is amazing to see...we grow on opposite sides of the light haha wot a great sentence to say lol....i will always stay with hps/mh ...but will no longer dismiss leds from now on....oh and your patience to wait too....i take my hat off to you..........ramblin as ever....weedtastic..edit lol how tall are them colas u have such a thing as a clipper lighter lol

Hi weedtastic, how're things? I've got a long way to go to catch you.

Some mighty impressive led grows here on 420. Wattage is getting up there. I'm satisfied with what I'm using, just need to do some tweaking. I would have killed the whole grow this summer if using HPS, I think. But I've always said grow with what works for ya. These plants can take a wide range of treatment and still make us look good, heheh.
The waiting is hard, especially when the stash is thin but I'm gonna take some down tonight or early(lights on) tomorrow. So it won't be long. With a proper veg next round I should be able to get a better looking screen and more uniform tops but I'll pull enough bud this round to keep me happy for a while. Much better than my previous attempts but there's better buds in that light yet, I'm sure.:thumb:
I appreciate those great comments my friend. :thanks:

I can take a pic or two with a Bic lighter or ruler to show scale. Should have them up in a few minutes.
Here's a couple of pics for scale. They're not huge but they're colas, heheh. I expect the mangos to fatten a bit, the first WW as well. The second and third WW's are coming down soon.
A few WW's first, then a couple of mangos.





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