New City Grower 2.0

I need u to get right so I can add you to my list of "guys".
Shoot LB, get right? My Wild Thai was the bomb but I only grow for self-indulgence. We can always link up and have a smoke-out trying each others product though.

And as promised here's what the roots of KUMIKO IV looked like.




i'm not liking/thumbing that pic, roots don't look happy, not much white,

good call on performing that autopsy :goodjob:,

we learn something everyday in here.:420:

BTW, I managed to kill those 2 babies showing roots last week, so I'm back in the DCS, one more kill & I tie Spimp.
Yeah I agree Trix. Bad roots equal corny weed. I think my first mistake was the clear pot. That was before I knew any better and then the plastic bag after realizing my mistake made it hard to breath even with the bottom of the bag cut out.
The SLEESTACK X SKUNK is in the same clear pot with a black plastic bag around it & she's taking more than a minute to finish also.
Yeah I agree Trix. Bad roots equal corny weed. I think my first mistake was the clear pot. That was before I knew any better and then the plastic bag after realizing my mistake made it hard to breath even with the bottom of the bag cut out.
The SLEESTACK X SKUNK is in the same clear pot with a black plastic bag around it & she's taking more than a minute to finish also.

Well well well. The clear pot excuse. :geek:

I have Two basil clones going right now and I put one in a red solo cup, and one in a clear solo cup. Guess which one is doing better Reg?
Clear. Roots all around where The sun shines on em and she is growing with vigor. The red cup is actually behind the other.

Both taken off the same plant. Both with the same length root's at time of transplant.
IMO the plastic bag + plastic pots with not awesome drainage is much more likley the issue than the clear pot. But I'm not a Scientist, I only play one on TV. ;)
Should have repotted and reveged still reg if u could find a larger pot just trim any dead roots and seen what she could do 2nd time round with a dark pot :bong: :rofl: basils a bit hardier though spimp :roorrip:
Shoot LB, get right? My Wild Thai was the bomb but I only grow for self-indulgence. We can always link up and have a smoke-out trying each others product though.

And as promised here's what the roots of KUMIKO IV looked like.




I'm down for a smoke out in a couple of months I will be right again. CJH, CKM, sour and Green XXXXX will be on the menu.
Well well well. The clear pot excuse. :geek:

I have Two basil clones going right now and I put one in a red solo cup, and one in a clear solo cup. Guess which one is doing better Reg?
Clear. Roots all around where The sun shines on em and she is growing with vigor. The red cup is actually behind the other.

Both taken off the same plant. Both with the same length root's at time of transplant.
IMO the plastic bag + plastic pots with not awesome drainage is much more likley the issue than the clear pot. But I'm not a Scientist, I only play one on TV. ;)

But I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night...:goof:....:circle-of-love:
Crickets are always auspicious, but if this were my house I'd put him or her outside. It will die in the house with nothing to eat or drink. They get in through the cracks and crevs.

I have Mediterranean geckgos in our attic, but they eat bugs.
I cant catch him he is way too quick and very hard too see I dont want to squish a plant in the process if I leave him do what he llike he will stick to dead vegetation and not nibble any buds? I would love a gecko esp to just see them running free :bong: thank you gf your always first with advice :roorrip:
I cant catch him he is way too quick and very hard too see I dont want to squish a plant in the process if I leave him do what he llike he will stick to dead vegetation and not nibble any buds? I would love a gecko esp to just see them running free :bong: thank you gf your always first with advice :roorrip:

I don't know if that insect will eat your plant or not. I believe it is a katydid.

What Does a Katydid Need to Live? | Animals - PawNation

I don't think it will thrive either way, so you will eventually find it dead if you don't put it back out.
Big roots = big fruits. Try cloth pots. Use burlap sacks if you have too. Those roots were too wet, not enough oxygen.
Believe it or not Cajun, she was one of the fastest drinking plants I had but I agree with the lack of oxygen.
As I live in the woods equivalent country :laughtwo: I never seen cloth pots, is any material sack/bag viable as a pot? Or does it have to be made of a specific thing?

ask slowgro about his home made fabric inside smartpots, he has proven they make cana very happy. as for that grasshopper on your plant, I would give him a thimble for his water dish and thank him for eating whatever he found crawling on the limb, as long as he's not chewing on your girl, he's on patrol for pests. just my 2 cents, he'll let you know when he wants to leave.
Believe it or not Cajun, she was one of the fastest drinking plants I had but I agree with the lack of oxygen.

I know that always sucks. I use hempys a lot still, especially when cloning. I've drowned em too.
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