New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

need help Jazzy ( lemon diesel) is all yellow spotted on her leaves and alot are dieing

sorry for the blurry pic bad camm and bad shakes in my hands:helpsmilie:
Get a good strong magnifier or hand-held microscope and check the back side of the leaves. Looks like mites to me but the picture isn't good enough to be sure.
It's hard to really see that pic Bear but HERE'S a link that will show you pics of different deficiencies & pest problems along with ways to remedy them.

The BIG TENT is now set for it's next run! In NCG 4.0 two out of the three plants in 5gal Smart Pots had the same small yields we do here in our 2lt Soda Pop Pots, that's unacceptable. So now the emphasis is on bigger yields.

First off I super-cropped each plant early and low using a technique of holding them down I learned from Light Addict during our "Fluxing" lessons.
Secondly, all 3 pots will only be bottom feed for awhile to get the roots looking for that water; our clones and seedlings produce lovely rootballs from bottom feeding in solo cups.
And third, I'll Veg them out under 18/6 until they are all big girls before flipping to 12/12.

Here's the 3rd and last addition to this run.

JACK HERER CLONE (3rd generation) Day 49





I partially snapped one of the branches while super-cropping it but I think it'll be alright. I put some Clonex in the wound before taping it and that branch's leafs are already starting to turn facing the light.



Time for some Big Girls...​



Now if you want to see some Big Girls in bloom check out my man "Hizzy's House of Horrors" He has something worthy of next month's POTM.
Interesting work BAR. You keep good records so let's see how much you can increase yield. I'm thinking as I progress I'm almost compelled to learn to train for greater yield. It's good to be able to watch your artistry in advance of my attempts. :bravo:
Thanxx Sue, my journals are my records. By the way, I forgot to mention that all 3 pots are filled with 2/3 of our local generic soil: LI Growers Mix, 1/6 each of Peat Moss & Perlite, and a little Growology Step 1 which is a root developer.
The Advanced LED Diamond Series 200 lamp has the blue and green spectrum knob max out while the reds spectrum knob is set at 1/3 strength.
A question before I call it a night, should I leave the beans from yesterday's harvest sitting out for awhile or put them in the fridge now?

will have to look for my magnafier and check her some better pics but as close


they took out the link

You have to left click the green print. I think you've been missing a lot of valuable info here on 420mag if you haven't been doing this.

Green means link just like in my signature.
leave em out for about a week
also check make sure you only are keeping the good ones
if its white or green it probably isn't good
I also do a press test before I put em away
you gotta kinda have a feel for that one if you press the seed and it pops easy it probably aint good
the hard solid good colored ones have a better chance of propagating
Just my 2 cents,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, let them dry for afew days. Seeds are viable right now, but don't ask me why,,,,, but I think I'd let them dry out a week or two to get the extra moisture out. I need to read back, but I sure seen afew nice dark seeds in the pic. Keepem Green
A question before I call it a night, should I leave the beans from yesterday's harvest sitting out for awhile or put them in the fridge now?

BAR, I wouldn't even bother with the green or white seeds, I have had little to no luck getting them to germinate later. The golden brown ones with dappling always seem to be the ones that germinate best. As far as refridgerating them, I have NEVER done that, I just bag them in the little bags you can buy at the craft store. I always freeze my trim so I can make dry ice hash at a later date. I love the training you are doing with your young plants. I did the same in hydro and in 5 gallon containers. Here are a couple pictures:


In the second picture I drilled holes around the rim and used decorative pipe cleaners from the craft store (they are longer) to tie and manipulate the branches as they grew out. It appears to me you have things in hand! Keep experimenting and Keep 'em green! :cheesygrinsmiley:
:thanks:Dusty & thanxx for the share Hozona, so it's unanimous. The beans will sit for a week.

Since we just updated the Big Tent let's get back to the Perpetual Grow.

Aug 30, 2015​

First thing we did this morning was flip 3 plants from the Veg Tent to the Bloom Tent to make room for the 5 solo cup girls we were about to transplant.




AFGHAN KUSH Auto (Clone) Day 42

She's the auto in the Veg Tent I pollinated during our breeding experiment. Beans are a coming.





The Complete Veg Tent​


Lower Deck​


Upper Deck​


Now For The Bloom Tent​


First the bad news...


After nearly a month under 12/12 this plant still has yet to reveal it's sex.


Now the good news...

(Clone) Day 85 / Day 49 under 12/12... Day 10 since pollinating

The "24hr Isolation Experiment" was a success! Only the branch we pollinated is showing seed pods and no other plant in the Bloom Tent is either.
Thanxx for all the help with this one Cronic & Dusty.





Thada that, thada that, thada-that's all folks!

Very cool experiment - and a success, no less! :thumb:
Any idea why the SG won't show you which team she plays for?
None whatsoever Pita. Another member is having this same problem and I've been banging my head all day trying to recall which journal I read it on.
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