New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

Tie the mother down!! I like your manipulation you are applying to your grow! Also your bean experiment is looking real good! I collected pollen from my P-ROC and Hybid I grew earlier this Summer. I now have a good collection of beans from both strains. If you are growing either the aroma nearly knocks you over when manicuring the plants! :cheesygrinsmiley: Keep 'em green!
Tie the mother down!! I like your manipulation you are applying to your grow! Also your bean experiment is looking real good! I collected pollen from my P-ROC and Hybid I grew earlier this Summer. I now have a good collection of beans from both strains. If you are growing either the aroma nearly knocks you over when manicuring the plants! :cheesygrinsmiley: Keep 'em green!
Thanxx Hoz. Aroma knocking you out is a true tell sign of a winner.

Pammy gave up the fight this morning. Went to bed last night and during sleep grow gods told me to sacrafice her sterilize flower room and start over with clean plants. She was showing all the signs of being done. No new pistals and all the other ones turning redish orange brown
The Cannabis Gods may seem cruel at times but there's a method to they're madness Bear. They knew you needed to completely rid yourself of the infestation so they sacrificed your girls in order to get the message across.

Hey BAR, love your setup, you have some really nice girls there! i am new and trying to get a perpetual setup going, but im having a rough time with cloning... dont really know what im doing, and would love some tips if you get a chance to check it out!

Invest in a Cloner!​

I tortured myself for 2yrs trying nearly every cloning method under the sun with depressing results. It was so bad that I became the President and CEO of The DCS (Dead Clone Society). I was something like 5 for 100! Some folks got it and some folks don't; I DON'T.

Since purchasing a cloner I clone at will.
Welcome aboard Frost.
Wow B A R lots going on in here. I just flipped back 5 pages so I've probably missed lots but got the general idea. Nice growing for doing it in the dirt. Dirt and I don't get along very well so I stick to soilless or my fave, DWC. Use the same nutes in each to cut down on the confusion that seems to be more of a bother after a little stroke 2 years ago last March. Turned out it was #5 but I never noticed any previous ones. Thank Jah for spell check as my typing has gone a bit dyslexic tho I have no problems reading other than staying focused.

Making seeds completes the circle. Grow some plants, make some beans, grow your beans to make more plants.

I have lots of beans and some recent ones are regulars crossed with an auto called Purple Jem. I plan to grow out some of each to find any that do auto, breed those, do it again and hopefully get beans that are all autos. Then select for the traits I want most and work at getting a stable strain out of that. Ought to keep me occupied for a while. :)

I'll air dry new beans for about a month before sealing in vials, Seem to sprout OK for a few years then get harder to germ. Sprout a few and make more beans if I want to keep the strain bad enough. I also never handle the seeds with bare hands. Skin oils can cut down germination rates and possibly infect the sprout when it opens up. Sand paper in a pill jar roughs up the outside of the beans to help with sprouting as well when shaken gently for a full minute. Then I plant 1/2" deep directly into screened ProMix in small nine hole seed starter pots. The finer ProMix makes sure the seed is coddled in moistness and works best for me.

Enough of my babble. On with the show! :popcorn:

I love that feeling where u think ur almost not able to do something and then, BOOOM uv got it all under control after a little or alot of time and effort :) :thumb::Namaste:
No doubt Indo.

We have OldMed blessing the thread, welcome aboard dude.'
First off you're not babbling, in fact you're hitting on topics pretty relevant to my new breeding project. I'm not sure what the AFGHAN KUSH AUTO beans will be; no idea what it was crossed with nor if they'll be autos are photos since the pollen came from an unknown STREET GIRL (or should I say STREET BOY) rescued from under the Magic Tree. But I know it will have some Afghan Kush in it.
It's pretty ironic how you brought up the way you germinate. I was just about to post a new tap-root.


What we do is use the paper towel method inside an open zip-lock bag, left in a little tin for a few days. Fifi taught me that.
Then I bury the tap-root in Rockwool cubes, throw it under 12/12 using CFLs, and from there it's pretty much a guaranteed seedling.



(Clone) Day 25

I'm trying to see how using the same pinned down flat LST style of training will work with an untopped plant.

Instead of burying her in the middle of the pot, she was buried at about a 45 degree angle with the base of the main stem against the edge of the pot; Then super-cropped and laid down across the surface.





You're always doing the most incredible things here Reg. I love coming to visit! :yahoo: I want this to succeed. This looks like something I can use with my tiny pots. When I start the 2nd cycle next month I want to practice some training techniques, and I almost always have one go lanky on me.

Reps+ for sheer creativity and spirit of adventure.

You never cease to amaze me....FEARLESS and creative to the max....are you allowed to say what kind of cloner you purchased and the reasons why you like it?
way to go dude have a newbie ? how do I start a new journal want to close this oe and start another
You never cease to amaze me....FEARLESS and creative to the max....are you allowed to say what kind of cloner you purchased and the reasons why you like it?
It's a 4 Site Aeroponic Plant Cloner - 4 site Clone Bucket 1.0
by Clone Bucket
I found it on Cramazom for 30 bucks Shawnee.

And the reason I love it is because I'm now cloning at will.


way to go dude have a newbie ? how do I start a new journal want to close this oe and start another
Don't forget Bear, you have to left click the green text directly above this in order to get to the link; the part that says "Here you go Bear".

For the ones of you who asked for the details of the germination technique:

And all the best to you and yours Professor Flux. I'll be updating our "flux plant" on Flux Central tomorrow.

I could use a little help on my breeding project. How do you know when the beans are mature enough to harvest?

AFGHAN KUSH Auto (Clone) Day 50


Also if a few of you can handle just one more sub HIZZY B
has a good start on a new journal but Cronic and I are his only guests.
Hey BAR :love:

The calyx opens slightly and you can see inside, the seed must be brown/black and stripped, not green! If you see them turning brown/black-ish it's not far from there. Be careful at a point the calyx will dry and they could fall off, usually they'll end up hanging there but some may end up on the soil/flood, perhaps place a plastic cover (or anything else, be creative!) around that time to make sure you catch them all!!! (not a pokemon reference :rofl:)

Hope this helps! :circle-of-love:

Everything looks amazing!! :high-five:
How have you been daT? Long time no see. Do you have anything going on?

Thanxx for the help.
How have you been daT? Long time no see. Do you have anything going on?

Thanxx for the help.

Been very good! :love: Changed my job so had to take a break. Will be back soon with a journal after I finish setting up my tent and new shinny stuff (just got my 1st LED panel today!!)

As for the ladies got 5 outside that are flowering (4 auto's) and a bush autoflower inside under the old clf's!

I gained so much knowledge with seed maturity, because even now the balcony girls make random seeds and I had time to observe how they progress up close :laughtwo: funny is haven't had a hermie yet, or males :hmmmm: I love the free seeds, and they are always cute babies that come out of them, so I am happy!

New job, new shinny stuff, and new lights; that's great news. Which LED lamp did you get?
It's a 4 Site Aeroponic Plant Cloner - 4 site Clone Bucket 1.0
by Clone Bucket
I found it on Cramazom for 30 bucks Shawnee.

And the reason I love it is because I'm now cloning at will.


Don't forget Bear, you have to left click the green text directly above this in order to get to the link; the part that says "Here you go Bear".

For the ones of you who asked for the details of the germination technique:

$30 bucks is a great price, had fun building DIY models but sheesh how can one compete for that? It is fun DIY'n
Hi Reg!! I've missed ya! Things look good around here, as usual. I'm excited about your seed project. How long ago did you pollinate? I'm waiting for my seeds to ripen too.

And you know I've missed you too Magic. She was placed under the exploding male on Aug 17 so she's about 3 weeks pregnant.
:passitleft:High Broke Ass.... Do you use all those chems they sent with your cloner...:confused: I plan to do the same thing as you in keeping the mothers of the girls I like... wish I had of the PTW but have gotten another bean and hopefully the one I keep will be a good pheno... any how I have only played with the cloner once and pulled the plug when I saw what the mother was doing.... she is the most unruly girl and a pain to try a discipline so didn't really want a replica of her... Just curious... :thanks:.....:circle-of-love:
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