New Guy With Indoor - Outdoor Dreams

Haha yeah. Like half of the "OG Kush" or "Haze" that at the dispensaries arnt even really what they say :). They just name the good buds w/e it is most people go in asking for lol.

Its even worse when it comes to GDP! Seems like a large percentage of shops that get ahold of anything purple, slaps a GDP label on it and raises the price accordingly! It should be a crime to misrepresent a product like that! While I am not a big fan of too many regulations of the MMJ industry, this is one area that I think is out of control and definitely needs some serious oversight!!

I really feel for Ken Estes (Creator of Grand Daddy Purple), who has seen his strain diminished in many people's eyes simply because they try one of these "FAKE" GDP strains, find it lacking and then write off GDP as being over rated! The problem is so bad , that I would say well over 50% of MMJ users have never actually smoked the real GDP! Instead they have been deceived into buying and using some other lesser purple colored strain that some unscrupulous dispensary owner/scumbag has passed off as the genuine article!

I've got the real deal here, and nothing remotely smells like the real GDP! So... All someone needs is to get a hold of some "Ken's Cut" GDP from a reliable source and try it/smell it/and/or grow it out!

Once you smell that one of a kind aroma, you will never forget it, and then you will be able to spot a bogus, faux GDP a mile away!
id love to give the gdp a try, but i doubt it will come out in seed form after all you have said, seems its a strain people try and fake all the time, this in itself tells us about the quality of the original gdp, clearly the original gdp is amazing else people would not want to try and pass others on that are not gdp
you can call it catshit if it gets the job done lol.
but I do agree that if I was(was) to buy something that called for high dollar meds it should be what they claim it is.
like getting a jug of black velvet for the price of crown royal:)
id love to give the gdp a try, but i doubt it will come out in seed form after all you have said, seems its a strain people try and fake all the time, this in itself tells us about the quality of the original gdp, clearly the original gdp is amazing else people would not want to try and pass others on that are not gdp

Hey DP!

The original GDP used to be a clone only strain and that is what I have here, but a while back Ken Estes must have done that CS thing with some of his own GDP plants cause he is now selling genuine Ken's Cut GDP in seed form! They talk all about it on his web site and it is available at many California based dispensaries.

Not sure if they sell online or not, but if you are interested, you might want to do a search for "Ken Estes" and "Genuine Grand Daddy Purple" and you should get a link to his website somewhere in the search results. :)

Let me know how you make out! ;)
These are some beautiful pictures! Captures the magic of the dragon you bred.

herbie is selling them in packs of 10,20 and 50, id be happy to order some if their the same strain, it clearly states its the genuine strain, surely it has to be the same strain
pickandmix seeds seem to stock the seeds of that gdp, even gives the exact right up on the ken estes site, so would these be the same,

check this link and see if you think its the same mate, im not to sure but the write up describes the strain and tells all about ken estes
GrandDaddy Purp - GrandDaddy Purple Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix Cannabis Seeds

That looks like the real deal to me! Ken's seeds come in a package with his logo on it, and he has changed the product name of his genuine strain to Grand Daddy "PURP" in order to separate his original creation from all the imitators that are now out there using his strain name without permission for what is often times an inferior strain of something similar in appearance to the uneducated eye, but does not smell like the real thing, nor does it provide the unique medicinal effects that made this strain so famous in the first place!

I think you would be safe in buying seeds from this place you linked to above if you are worried about getting a fake GDP strain instead of the real deal. I'm a bit surprised that they are asking that much $$ for just ONE seed though! You might want to shop around and see if that is a competive price or not.
Now you guys got me wanting to find some GDP :)

BTW I got some good news (amidst the laughable 1 oz XXX shanangens). The Og Kush has quite noticeably swelled over the last few days. I thought it was done growing as the Chem D kinda stopped getting bigger in its last week or two, I figured the Og Kush would be the same. But NOPE. The Buds which where all more skinny but decently long and now getting plump too. I hadent looked at the OG Kush upclose in like 4 or so days and when I looked today it was very noticeable ;).

If it keeps on going like this I may let the Og Kush ripen a little extra and end up doing a 2.5-3 week flush instead of the planned 1.5-2 week flush. Today is like day 7 of flush BTW.
One thing I did notice on that GDP page you linked to DP... Looks like they typoed the yield numbers. They are listing the yield as 1-3 pounds per plant! LOL! I think they meant OUNCES!! ;)

GDP is a great producer, but not that great! LOL! :biglaugh:
maybe they are talking about outdoors on the GDP yields ;)

Oh btw on the XXX its the first weed I can recall smoking in a long time that had 0 paranoia. So that was cool.
Oh shit. I just realized tomorrow and sunday is the Kush Expo. I wouldnt be surprised if I could find GDP there or even Ken himself.

What ya guys think? Is it time to mission down to LA convention center to enter my Chem D in the Cannabis Cup and find some GDP seeds or clones? :D.
Oh I guess you guys would need to at least see some pics of the dried Chem D to make that call. Well here ya go. pics coming up :D.
Hell ya. If it isn't to far and it isn't to crazy I would go for it. Hemp fest up here was to crazy for me. They have it in a hard place to get to and there were a lot of people as in 100s of 1000s That isn't fun to me.
maybe they are talking about outdoors on the GDP yields ;)


The number values make sense if you swap in ounces in place of pounds, so I will stick with the typo theory. ;)

I grow Ken's GDP outdoors so no... Unless they are weighing the entire undried plant with the leaves and branches included which would be an odd thing to do. A 3 foot tall plant is not capable of 1-3 POUNDS of dried bud! Thats a heck of a lot of weed! My entire harvest from this season will probably be about 3 pounds from 23 above average producing plants. ;)

EDIT: Speaking of typos! I meant to say THREE pounds, not FIVE pounds total for my 2012 grow total. ;)

The average yield for a 5 foot tall genuine GDP plant grown outdoors is between 3 and 4 ounces in a 5 gallon pot. (Close trimmed fully dried and moderately cured bud) I just got a bit over 5 ounces from one of mine the other day, but that is way above average even for an outdoor grown plant of average height.
Oh shit. I just realized tomorrow and sunday is the Kush Expo. I wouldnt be surprised if I could find GDP there or even Ken himself.

What ya guys think? Is it time to mission down to LA convention center to enter my Chem D in the Cannabis Cup and find some GDP seeds or clones? :D.

Ken is disabled, but he does manage to get around to a lot of shows in spite of his physical limitations, so you might be right! :)

If the convention is in So Cal, I could see him showing up there to promote his new company. Do you have access to a web site or something promoting the event? I would think that if Ken was going to be there, they would probably mention it in their program promotions?

Maybe check Ken's company web site and see if they have made any mentions of him attending that event.
GG7, I gotta Say, Unless You Cannot, which could Be The Case, Get 100 Gallon Containers, and Do Less Plants!!! That Way, Since It Appears You Have The Light, You Could Get MUCH HIGHER YIELDS!!!:high-five: But If This Interests you Not, Then Keep Doing As You Are, Cause It Is Great!!!:bravo: And Jimmy, I Grew Some DJ SHORT BlueBerry a Few Years back, and It Was The Real Shit!!! Had The Indica and Sativa sides represented In The OG SEEDSTOCK, I Got Both Types, Thankfully. The Indica Dom Ones Harvested at The Very End To Very Start Of October. They were awesome Blue/Gold plants, that smelled Like Blueberries of some Kind!!!:;):The Sativa Phenotype Ones, All Harvested The 4th Of November!!! And They Were Awesome Lavender Blue, Berry Blue/Violet Buds, AWESOME HERB!!! They all Smelled Of Blueberries As well. Anyways All, Just Rapping!!! Take Care. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
I went to a weed thing at the LA convention center like 6 years ago. I dont recall if it was the "Kush Expo" but it was some huge gathering. It was kinda neat and I remember back then being blown away I could just buy clones legally. I wanted to get a hold of some specific strains and online seems very expensive, or maybe I am just a cheapo lol.

This Chem D is turning out really nice. I am gonna give it another 24 hours before I jar up the big buds. I think I shall trim off the little popcorns for jarring now. All this stem snapping stuff seems like way too long imho. If I waited till the stem could snap the weed would be total bone dry and shitty.

Here is the "Chemberries" hehe.


I see nothing about him being there on the website. But then again I dont see anything about any vendors who will be there.
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