NoobyMacDooby's Grow: Less Nooby More Dooby!

Grow update:

Wish I took a picture of the OG kush's 2 days ago. Turns out that feeding kelp + humic acid triggers a nitrogen boost...which in my case leads to too much. But at least I know now.


All of these looking very happy. So far I've yet to get a bum plant out of these seeds

On day 35 and not looking great, very little stacking and leaves are fading fast. Pot size and soil mix failed me on this run. The LM in a bigger pot is doing much better


I can't re pot them but the soil mix for my no-till pots are better and they are bigger sized pots. I'l just feed them the bio bizz nutes I have, should be enough to get them to finish at least. Also left some lower growth so I can re veg them if the clones don't take.
Yeah looks like kelp and humid acid makes for a good foliar spray and not so much a feed
Very nice. I do 'think' I see afew seed pods? Man if all you get is 10-20 seed off a plant,,,, is a good sign to save acouple of them... GL and Keepem Green
Very nice. I do 'think' I see afew seed pods? Man if all you get is 10-20 seed off a plant,,,, is a good sign to save acouple of them... GL and Keepem Green
Sadly the bits that look like seed is either a last bit of pistil going funky or nanners. I thought it was a seed at 1st but they started popping up yesterday morning so that wouldn't be right. I janked one off and it had nanners inside. It then also started throwing just plain nanners.

Free fem Seeds is all
If only, the previous strain I had in there threw some nanners that could've made seed but I'l have to wait awhile and see if there are any in there.

The slight foxtailing is helping in making it look funky
Yeah I went through the list of potential things but my reasoning for the nutes is that excess nitrogen can cause foxtailing and my soil plants aren't foxtailing under the same lights / heat. The previous run with a different strain did the same thing but the Cuvee in soil didnt foxtial.
So my deduction is that my dwc feeding is the major issue. A 2ndary option I'm going to have to check on is res temps. I was allowing the res to go to 23 / 24 c sometimes even 25 because no root issues where showing and it was less hassle than cooling so that could be potential heat stress.
Well looks like I went Dooby on the DWC grow and Nooby on the soil side with this run. Had to pull a locomotion plant after it went hermie. And the other soil plants are fading too fast on the leaves so doubtful they'l make it all the way. Top one is on day 19 and bottom one on day 32:

LM X GSC also got a bit too much N and went droopy....what is it and me with the Nitrogen lately??

Smoke report on the Green Crack x locomotion. Very greasy frosty buds, lowish yield but crazy good smell too it, which was the aim of this cross I believe. Has a very strong sweet guava smell too it, almost like a fake cooldrink or candy version.
This was run in hydro so the taste was good but not that strong can imagine that it would very tasty in soil as a rosin press of it really brought out the smell nicely.

High wise, well if I hadn't gone to a mate's house and hit some bongs of another grow i would've rated it worse but clearly I've just been smoking on it for a while. It has an even body / head high with enough kick to keep you going. Felt like I could either get shit done or go take it easy.
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