PakaloloHawaii's LED High Brix Garden

Ah you guys, too much! Thank you all. This has been a learning experience for sure. I am incredibly hard on myself to do well at the things I try, and this has been most worthy endeavor! The more I learn the more I want to know. This plant is beyond amazing.

One thing is for certain and can never be repeated enough. Environment is key!

I've been looking at docs garden very closely over the last two years. We use the same soil and I follow directions but his plants are so much nicer!

Piece by piece I've been dialing in my room's climate. It's still not perfect, but it's pretty close.

Environment first for anyone taking notes!

The only advantage we have as indoor growers is that we "can" control the weather if we choose to do so. And THAT one advantage makes all the difference.

NOthing is more important than the environment.
I am learning that! The plant just wants to grow into the most wonderful potential of itself given its environment.
If its constantly reacting to too much heat or cold, moisture, or nutes, it cant be growing like it would if its environment is close to 100% dialed in. No living thing does well under constant stress..It will adapt to its harsher than conducive environment for its survival.
Ive noticed a pattern...the finest growers, whether HB or not, have their environments controlled closer to 100% than not.
It makes perfect sense to me. :)

A good environment is "cheating," so to speak. Nothing is more important!
I don't think its cheating its giving the plant a better chance to flourish :thumb:
and you don't have to deal with all the bugs well gives you a better chance not to deal with bugs for some reason they still find a way to find their way in :rofl:
A good environment is "cheating," so to speak. Nothing is more important!

And on that note Dic, can you please remind us of our environmental goals?

There are SOO many different answers (even on this site) that it makes one think the temp and humidity ranges can be very wide: for example I just read by a 20 year grower that he keeps temps at 75-85 without co2 and 85-90 with co2.

Perhaps we can narrow down the temp and humidity ranges for day and night, veg and bloom? And I know this has been repeated over and over again, but it's easy to get confused on the Internet! ;)

Thanks guys!
And routine maintenance of that environments controlling factors. Just had hvac guys out today. Those mini splits need to be maintained every 90 days it's a must.

Hey Dutty I have been wanting to get a mini split this spring and was unaware they needed to be maintained that often. Any idea what they have to do to them every 90 days? This could be a deal breaker for me I don't see me keeping up with needing to come out and mess with it every 3 months.

its possible filters and stuff is the reason
filters get old and dirty needs to be maintained
If it is mainly filters, at least you have an easy DIY.
Yeah filters would be np. I live in Vegas so i'm used to changing out filters every month, it's like we live in the dust bowl here. There is literally so much dust in the air that when it finally rains it looks like you drove your car through a mud puddle ...

I have five hepa filters in my house including an IQ Air plus my carbon scrubber and we still have to dust every couple days.

Its really a PITA.
Lol, I just reread this and saw my typo. And I cannot edit for some reason?

Doc, you are definitely not a dic! :sorry:

Lol.. I hope you ordered a lifetime supply of kits before that typo..:rofl:....

...of course im kidding. Typos have a few hours to edit. Maybe if an emergency or important a Mod or Admin can delete it..
Trimmed up branch of my POTM entry, LA is Burning, by Reason Genetiks. Dank!

Aloha on this Beautiful sunday Awesome looking bud Braddah :thumb:

Aloha Sunday to you too brother it was a beautiful day in hawaii nei!

You guys are making me squirm in my chair! I can't wait for my plants to start bulking on the bud. Ahhhhh it's too much! I'm in awe. Doc, curso, paka, gov... Maybe I can add my name to the list one day!

Soon bro you will be laughing!

Hey what bank carries reason genetiks

Not sure, these beans were gifted to me.
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