The first thing that came to mind was the light level. But the plant under this light didn't grow up against it, so how can it be too much light? This is the same light I had before. I don't get it. Anyway, it seems the plant is OK. Just funny how the leaves are turning gold or cream colored on these shoots on this plant.
If it’s variegation it’s genetic and won’t hurt anything. Chemdog will show variegated leaves.
That's what I'm thinking. The plant will turn purple at the end if the temperature is low enough in the tent (high 60s max), so I guess it is turning white or cream like a philodendron does. A sign of ripening. I'm also wondering why this plant is so much smaller than the others, but now I remember: it was the smallest plant. Bingo! These buds smell so sweet - the odor is not as pronounced as it was with the White Widow X Big Bud - but if you know what it is, you can smell it when you walk in the house. So I have a diffuser steamer going in the kitchen, to confuse the olfactories.
This afternoon I did another look at the white and gold leaves. Now some are turning purple. So it is normal for this plant.
Update on Grow

We are very close to harvest, but it isn't time yet. This is the most difficult time for me during the grow, because I want to get it harvested and find out how much I got. Like Christmas! It's hard to leave the wrapped packages alone.
So to keep me occupied, I decided to defoliate a bit. I removed the big fans and cleared out some clutter, and now I can see the grow better and get a handle on how much there is. And it is a bunch.
The trichomes are still crystal clear on most of the buds. This week the hairs are all turning orange, but a few buds are still rather white looking. Some cloudy, but not very much. I refuse to harvest until I have cloudy trichs and a few amber showing. I still have no real idea of how much this will weigh in the end. The buds are huge and falling over on themselves, as you can see.

I have also included another pic of the variegation that occurred on one plant's leaves for an unknown reason.

The last pictures are from the cloning tent. See how they have grown and take a look at the size of that fan leaf.

Good idea to pluck some fans while you wait! Idle hands are the devil's playground :).

Many growers have pulled almost all the fans off by harvest to speed up the trimming process. Start a week out and take some every day, and take the rest the day before chop. Much quicker trim.
Wow! I guess I was channeling other growers. It occurred to me this would make trimming easier. But honestly, I was curious to get a good look at it. Fan leaves were obscuring my buds!
I have to resist pulling fans until the last minute. Don’t want to slow them down at the end when they are pulling energy from those big fan leaves.
If Van can start pulling them a few days before harvest I figure it's safe for me!
Yeah. This is the first time I didn’t lollipop them, and darn - the colas are huge! I’m going to get a two decker Scrog screen to hold these babies up.
Last night I realized it was time to do the pulling. Amber trichs were beginning to show, and there were many cloudy ones. But still some sparkly ones. Based on prior experience, this is when I like to harvest. Otherwise, with this indica hybrid you will get couchlock. Not a good feeling. And, since I would need to do the cleanup and moving plants today, I decided to trim them last night.
I have no idea how much. But it is a lot. A whole lot. Here's the refrigerator full:

The buds are on heavy, heavy colas.
Anybody want to do a (for fun) wager? The one who gets the closest on dried weight will get kudos!

Here are the newest plants, now in the big tent and on 18/6 light:

I didn't take time to color correct the new plants. I'm sorry.
You are all too low. I got more than 9 on the last harvest and this is more. It's not the Price is Right. I won't penalize you for going over. The plan is to get close. Now, remember: those blue buckets are 5 gal buckets. The stems in there were too big for a vase, as they would have pulled it over with the weight of them.
This is a lot of weed.
Changing Methods
Today I want to discuss how my growing methods have changed since I began, and what I'm seeing as a result:
  1. Nutrients have changed and evolved. I now use the GH series with the additives and the Flora Micro series. Also, I scientifically measure everything, and I have kept records of everything so can see immediately if there is a problem. When I began this, I was haphazard. Now I have beakers, and I follow directions. LOL. My third grade teacher would be proud.
  2. Lights have increased. I began with one 300 watt equivalent light, full spectrum and non-dimmable. Now I have two of those and one dimmable light. I can't dim it with the other two attached, but the plan is to eventually have one light that is dimmable, preferably in the 900 watt equiv. range.
  3. I'm using two tents, allowing me to clone and veg plants while one bunch is flowering. This way I have a perpetual grow. As a result I have streamlined my grows and can accurately plan when to harvest. I've also learned more about hydroponics by having a DWC unit for cloning and early vegging, and then an ebb and flow unit in the flowering tent.
  4. Tent design has also evolved, with putting some things, such as the exhaust fan, on top of the tent instead of inside.
  5. I've become more diligent about cleaning the reservoirs and changing water.
  6. Instead of screwing around with the plants in scrog, I am following advice and have an exact method of scrogging and know when to flip to flower.

When I started, I was getting about 4 oz from each grow and I suffered through a lot of problems. Fungus gnats, accidental revegging, water issues. I was doing almost everything wrong. And it wasn't anyone's fault on 420! it was my stubborn refusal to listen intently to what I was told and follow the experienced guides. Because I now put out enough light, my plants grow faster and develop rock hard nugs. Colas as big as my arm.
I am able to harvest on a schedule: My last three grows were harvested on May 5, July 4th and September 29. A little longer on the last one because I vegged the plants longer in the big tent than I did for the July group. From beginning flower to finish, it only takes 7 or 8 weeks with the indicas I'm growing. So, with the present grow, I know that when flowering commences, I can estimate two months. Veg time is the only true variable. This time I think the plants will fill out the scrog faster, because the plants didn't suffer any shock from the transplant. If I can get them in flower by November 1, we will harvest on New Year's Eve. Or thereabouts.
Estimating the grow's yield is easier, because I know what optimum is for my tent size and lights. I'm not going to say how much I think is in the latest harvest. But I have a number in mind.
I don't screw around with the ph as much anymore. I try to get it to below 6 - but if it is a little over, I don't care. It doesn't appear to have a bad effect on the grow for the PH to range a little high. In fact, a lower ph is a sign of the water "wearing out" and needing to be changed. I change the water every week. And I clean the reservoirs thoroughly every two weeks.
I am willing to constantly examine my methods and change them as needed. I also listen to advice from all of the posters on 420. Sometimes. :cool:
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