Potentially Perpetual Production Of Pot

Hope it's Ruff.....!!!! ;) (Black Dog)
Give that puppy as long as you can. Unless you have need of the space or the trichomes are starting to turn amber and start sucking up and turning into a prune. The plant won't get much larger buds, but they will harden up alittle in the weight department by week 9. That plant don't yield much to start with,,, so milk it for all it's worth.. I got these plants ready whenever you feel like picking them up. Peyote Cookies, Critical Sensie Star, and a Puppy Dog. They are real close to outgrowing these 1-gallon pots. But don't overextend. You won't hurt my feelings if you don't have space,,, I'd just throw them in flower here anyways. And you did see the line-up I have in the Wings'. Kind of sounds like you got alot going on over there with them Ultra Dawgs. And I still have abit more of the seeds if you need some. You know the drill.

GL and Keepem Green
Clockwise from 8:00... Midnight haze. Dutch Delight. Black dog. Black dog. Plucking Genius. PG again. Blueberry OG in the center.

BBOG is on day 25.
Mid Haze day 40
All others day 50

There is a whole lot of good in there...... :thumb:
This Blueberry OG is a bitchin' plant. The last seed I grew was delicious and I hope this one is too. It's up there with the Black dog...Stony, thoughtful, giggly weed...

That is something I've been trying to find. Some giggly weed. Maybe I need to put Blueberry OG on my list.
Do you have enough air movement to be able to keep the leaves moving on all the plants?? Don't get a stagnant corner that don't get any wind or you'll have PM before ya know it.
We was talking about starting your girls to flower inside and as the light cycle outside kicks into bloom, timeframe,, throwing the flowers from inside to finish outside. I have a wonder,,,, now when we had plants starting to flower indoors,, they have gotten used to solid uninterrupted dark for 12 hours. Know you got them outdoor. Now they get dumped into a place that has all kinds of strange lights coming on all hours of the night. Be it the neighbors have a BBQ, or a band and party. Or you have a driveway that shines straight onto your girls everytime a car moves. Then you got the full moons............. I've seen many a night that was as bright as daytime. All that lights don't bug an outdoor plant,,, least one that has lived it's whole life out there. They become acclimated to it. I wonder what the ones from indoors will do when you throw them out in the lights? Hermie? Reveg?
Might be wiser to just get a sheet of the shade cloth and put it on an hour early both ways. Like open it up at 8 in the morning and cover at 8 in the eveing till times close enough. You don't need 100% black out cloth, you can use like 80% which will allow airflow thru it. Two people can cover that greenhouse in 5 minutes. This place has alot of shade cloth'
Bulk Shade Cloth, 80% Black
Nice thing is you have alittle time to get a plan. Now you got to save all them leaves from your crops and start cranking out some budder. I get this cookies from Alberson a Crusty mix that uses a 1/2 cup of budder to 16 cookie batch. Alot just want a 1/3 of a cup.. So I look for the ones that use the most. Hope you get some use outta in. I was going to find another cancer pastince that coupl use it. Which I will one of these days. I know I'll find a pic I'll have to entry again one day.

This Hangover is off to bed

Keepem Green
It's time for a TEST...... Did you wash them clones I gave you? Real friends don't let friends bring home clones. But They SHOULD be clear. But never take someone's word for it.... I mean I wash them, and they are , clean, but never take that chance with your garden...... GL and Keepem Green
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