Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Hey there toast
I know what you mean about the autos I messed up and bought a pack of ten then found out what you cant do with them :peace: on a brighter note you seem to have a couple of lovely Cola harvests coming your way I think you did a great job with them:thumb:
High Shanti Baba:)best of days an buds mate:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Aloha Brotha Hope you had a Great Day :thumb:
Mahalo! :Namaste: You too my friend, have an excellent week, already Tokerday :)

just wanted to say thank you all the members here that gave me a welcome feeling here. relaxedlester, you grow very healthy plants! & your other wormborer journal was a big help and i took your advice & read a lot more. found another friend through this journal, i like this site ans i may try my lst skills on this flux, i like light addicts plants and i like your LST comments i found when reading about flux, i think it is just like LST with a twist. :bravo: thanks
You're very welcome, you have come to the right place my friend. I am glad you found that thread, I know that when I first started growing cannabis, I had no idea about what to do, and was majorly surprised by it on my first harvest of OG Kush, a lot of the time the buds will look really clean and fine from the outside, but it's not until you get in there and look around at the colas that you can be more confident about knowing what's going on. With enough manual inspections that are efficient and routine, we can minimize the problem. It's when you let it go out of hand that things get really bad. The eggs can hatch pretty darn quick, depending on humidity and temperatures even in 48 hours. So 48 hours of no inspections can equate to madness. Here was one of the first plants I grew, about half the plant had bud-worms during this picture (I pulled ~50 out with the ice-pick) , and the entire cola was infested and thrown away, if one doesn't inspect, than they won't know until it's too late. It's something I think every grower should be aware of.

Drive by Les. Hey I had a brainstorm...................... Ouch but just a idea, you seem to have a secure location to work with. That 45 shot straight into the dirt and you'll see her ate her peak potential and size. I don't mean to say you aren't giving them enough leg room, that I can see, but from seed them taproots will go on forever. Who know maybe you can get a extra 4 or 5% jk. I have no idea but I know this, pot will grow to allotted space. Damn dude. I wish I had access to this seed stock when I was errrr 'working' back in Indiana. Pot grows so perfect with corn. I mean perfect. Same water same food. sad thing corn turns brown a month before pot is ready. I use to stick to the ditch banks where water kept things greener. But there it grew wild and people always hiked the ditch banks, and the cops use to watch the people walking the ditch banks. That was right across from a place I lived back in the late 70's. Man I never seen as HUGE PLANTS as seen there. You got to the plants that competed with the corn, wow. Little things are 12'. Of course it was nicknamed IDW. Indiana Ditch Weed. Thc levels or .01 or something. So I can see a use for what you have. A lot of plus's. I did see the guy that was wondering about the 'Bud on a Stick' type. I've grown afew variants of the auto flowers with not impressed records. A lot are a joke. less than a oz. Hell 1/2 of that on afew. It's so hit and miss to find a good auto strain. And I seen you had them in 5 gallon buckets so they were probably all they could be. I did have a auto called White Russian or White Siberian that yielded over 4 oz's in a timely manner. Abit longer than they claimed. But that is good. Just got to find the auto that veg's enough for your needs. That's the hard part. I've tried a strain that claims to rivial what Lester is getting off his. But she fell way short. Like under a OZ. Not what I was hoping for. So this here auto has peaked my interest more than once. And I love to see it grown out outdoors with plenty of space and care. It's alittle late for me here to give her a whorl. But I'm seriously thinking of trying her out next year. I'm going to watch and let you learn. Then I'll know when I need to plan a harvest date. JK not really and that's for sure. Keepem Green Lester.

Yeah, growing in the ground isn't an option for me for multiple reasons. For one, the planter beds all need big fixing up. Too many big tree roots coming from everywhere underneath, they just get stunted by the tree roots, they're everywhere, and makes it hard to even grow green beans. We have a ton of ornamental plants occupying a lot of the "in ground space" and mostly strawberries. Another factor is I'm aiming to grow small and quiet plants of high quality, now this year is definitely all screwed up because of the timing of the KC-45, and staying within my limit. Not gonna have as big of plants as last year, but hopefully I can get a few good samples on some of these strains and try them out. Worst comes to worst I'll go back to my mystery sativa and Hong Kong OG stock and do what I did last year :tokin: Haha, I see what you're saying about the corn, that's a reason why I don't think I'll grow any 6 footers this year, it's like waving a tall flag to everyone, since mine end up going over the fence line, too many neighbors around here and punk kids that it's not worth taking a chance on getting ripped. So I'm thankful and lucky that I can get what I can get, and obviously not going monsters like the guy growing in a 500 gallon container is :rofl: Hey buddy I really do think that KC-45 would do well there, even though it is a sativa, it might be one sativa that could get dialed in. Might love that cloudy/rainy weather to be honest, we've had a lot of Sun, but they say it will still produce trichome ridden buds even in cloudy weather and low sun. Like you said, still learning, lots of phenotype variation in this batch, I think I've found a 3rd one! Mad stinker compared to the others. But you are damn right, I can imagine these plants getting 6-8 feet easily if given the chance, I'm just simply not allowing them to get big lol. I can't wait to see some more people grow this strain out :Namaste:

Hey there toast
I know what you mean about the autos I messed up and bought a pack of ten then found out what you cant do with them :peace: on a brighter note you seem to have a couple of lovely Cola harvests coming your way I think you did a great job with them:thumb:
High Shanti Baba:)best of days an buds mate:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

Yeah, one of my Blackberry plants I did not feel like fimming or LSTing, it's the one thats a bud-on-a-stick. Wanted to have the feel of different kinds of looking plants, also know that the bud-on-a-stick will finish before the energy distributed LST specimen, rendering me a fine bud weeks before the others :yummy: Quality over quantity :thumb:

Best of Days Jaga, Be Well my friend!! :passitleft: :circle-of-love:
Good morning weed Lester Just stopping by for the girl fix. Looking good It's Tokerday
Good morning Lester!

Is it Thursday yet? No? Okay, will stop by tomorrow and see if you have been up to anything new. Thursdays are always so sweet.

Have a Great One!

Well hello sir, first I want to thank you for the nice words, there greatly appreciated. Looking gooooood stud. Good luck on your grow. You know I ordered some Reserve seeds from TSSC ( The Single Seed Center ) and they sent me free AK 49 Autos and I dont get it. Whats the point of growing a single bud, you cant clone um you cant top um and if they dont Veg right you dont get any weight at all, I dont like um. Heres a picture of mine.
Thanks again .TOAST

I agree, completely no point!
Hi Lester.:ciao:
Looking good man.
Hi Stealth :ciao:

Thank you kindly!

Aloha Brotha Happy Tokernight :thumb:
Aloha Good Friend, thank you and a Grand Weednesday to you! :thumb:

Good morning Lester!

Is it Thursday yet? No? Okay, will stop by tomorrow and see if you have been up to anything new. Thursdays are always so sweet.

Have a Great One!

Good Morning! :hookah: Thursday is almost here :Namaste: I'm pretty sure the KC-45's are flowering now :surf:

I agree, completely no point!

I disagree with "no point", but I can see how one may not seek this type of result. It just depends... when you're growing as much as some people are nowdayays, hauling in 10+ lbs,etc. Why grow a plant this small? But when all you're growing is ~6 pretty small plants at a time having an auto like this produce some meds early in summer is kinda cool. Sure, it may be more expensive, but it's the quality that counts. Isn't that what most autoflowers are supposed to do anyway? Just grow a bud on a stick in ~70 days :rofl:.... if people want autos that grow into trees they should try the KC-45, like NW said, if I let this thing grow in the ground, I'm sure it would look like InsaneRoosters plant by the end. Not many autos exist that are like it. Just depends on the grower, I look at those little bud-on-a-stick plants as a sample of the strain, if the medicine is so amazing that it's worth the cultivation then I'd do it. Just depends on the circumstances for an individual :Namaste:
Hi Stealth :ciao:

Thank you kindly!

Aloha Good Friend, thank you and a Grand Weednesday to you! :thumb:

Good Morning! :hookah: Thursday is almost here :Namaste: I'm pretty sure the KC-45's are flowering now :surf:

I disagree with "no point", but I can see how one may not seek this type of result. It just depends... when you're growing as much as some people are nowdayays, hauling in 10+ lbs,etc. Why grow a plant this small? But when all you're growing is ~6 pretty small plants at a time having an auto like this produce some meds early in summer is kinda cool. Sure, it may be hella expensive, but it's the quality that counts. Isn't that what most autoflowers are supposed to do anyway? Just grow a bud on a stick in ~70 days :rofl:.... if people want autos that grow into trees they should try the KC-45, like NW said, if I let this thing grow in the ground, I'm sure it would look like InsaneRoosters plant by the end. Not many autos exist that are like it. Just depends on the grower, I look at those little bud-on-a-stick plants as a sample of the strain, if the medicine is so amazing that it's worth the cultivation then I'd do it. Just depends on the circumstances for an individual :Namaste:

Good morning weed Lester. Autos are not the big producers but they do produce. I don't care what anyone says about not topping them. Last year I got 90 grams from the one I topped and 25 from the one I didn't. This year I have topped all of the autos I'm growing. I know I will get a finishing crop from them and not worry about the high humidity and mold. Last years 20" tall auto
That's one of the better autos that I have seen. Well Done!

+ Reps!

Good morning weed Lester. Autos are not the big producers but they do produce. I don't care what anyone says about not topping them. Last year I got 90 grams from the one I topped and 25 from the one I didn't. This year I have topped all of the autos I'm growing. I know I will get a finishing crop from them and not worry about the high humidity and mold. Last years 20" tall auto

Mornin'! :hookah:
Good point lol, the only experience I have with autos are this KC-45, and it's not like a traditional one. Those plants look interesting, how long do they veg for and which strain of autos are they? Very nice producers with dense buds, I may need to expand my autoflower horizons, and ya'll are right, why grow a bud-on-a-stick when you can grow those! I guess some far-fetched thing came to me in my last post during a bowl of KC where maybe in a parallel universe the evolution of the cannabis was such that the best, most intricate medicine came from the smallest specimens, in essence mother nature rendering it difficult to obtain, thus sought after. I often find myself pondering such things. :tokin:
Lester it was a auto Bubblelicious. The two I grew last year was any example of buds and bud on a stick. The one I didn't top was a 20gram bud on a stick. I will take my chances and top all autos. I know I will get a crop before the sheety weather of October. I have 7 autos this year 2 outside in the ground and one in a pot and 4 in the greenhouse so time will tell.
That's one of the better autos that I have seen. Well Done!

+ Reps!

Indeed :thumb: :cheer:

Good day Aloha brother:circle-of-love: :peace::circle-of-love:
Good day Aloha Brother Jaga! :Namaste: :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: :passitleft:

Lester it was a auto Bubblelicious. The two I grew last year was any example of buds and bud on a stick. The one I didn't top was a 20gram bud on a stick. I will take my chances and top all autos. I know I will get a crop before the sheety weather of October. I have 7 autos this year 2 outside in the ground and one in a pot and 4 in the greenhouse so time will tell.

You definitely have things dialed in up there ;) :thumb: :Namaste:
How's thing going Lester? Happy Weedsday to you.

Bubblicious Auto is one of my favorites. Very yummy! Autos outdoor seems to be the ticket that I wanna punch sometime. They would love the huge light input and generally more favorable growing than indoor gives.

Bob ;)
How's thing going Lester? Happy Weedsday to you.

Bubblicious Auto is one of my favorites. Very yummy! Autos outdoor seems to be the ticket that I wanna punch sometime. They would love the huge light input and generally more favorable growing than indoor gives.

Bob ;)

Aloha Dr. Bob, been a while since you stopped by :ciao: Sitting down for a good 'ol nightly puff after a long day. Feels nice. :Namaste: I'm still learning a lot about how these autos work, especially the KC-45, she never ceases to amaze me. Excited to get down to my garden tomorrow and serve some tea and watch the ladies grow. Looks like all the worms went over to the tomato plants, which may I add, are one of the best worm bait plants IMO. I also believe that heirloom brocolli (the kind that takes a year to flower) is the best type of aphid and spidermite bait plant. So far only those two plants have had the bugs on them. My cannabis has been completely untouched ( hope I don't jinx anything ). Also from what I've heard about this Sativa Blackberry is that it's supposed to be killer puff. So I'm interested to get this "bud-on-a-stick" harvested and get a good sample of her. :circle-of-love:

Thanks for droppin' by Bob :ciao:
I know it's impossible to beat 70 day plant, but if you wanna enjoy potency and yield while sticking to quick turnover, you just take a indica dominant hybrid, veg for 4-5 weeks starting in February or March, force flowering in April, and you get buds in June :)

But still I can understand the convenience of autos. This stuff is not for me though.
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