Relaxed's Outdoor Medical Grow - 2013

is that an orange tree behind your Hippie OG mother? great Photographs!

Wow yes, How did you know!! It is the exact orange Tree that gives me my juice for my cocktails. Lovely squeezed fruit, under-neath the 50 year beast is a new type of beast, the Hong Kong X OG!

Think i'm sliding in over here about the right time, killer photo update! That canopy is, just beautiful :woohoo:

That bottom photo tripped me out, just kept pulling my eyes to it :laugh: reps+ Lester, much needed!!
Just wonderful, man, I can picture your garden of a backyard, this is like my dream :goodjob:

Thanks brother, I appreciate having you aboard, I am also really enjoying your lovely plants that you have there. They gleam in the sunlight like no other. But again, I'm glad you stopped by.

Keep EM green and Happy Growing, and SOON to be Harvesting!!!:high-five:

Me to by the looks.
Nice, wish I lived in CA

The California Dream......................
Wow yes, How did you know!! It is the exact orange Tree that gives me my juice for my cocktails. Lovely squeezed fruit, under-neath the 50 year beast is a new type of beast, the Hong Kong X OG!


May he share all his knowledge and love, to his new sisters.
Plants looking so nice, im really interested in this, since I will be using later, (What I call) a Greenhouse :D!
Thanks brother, I appreciate having you aboard, I am also really enjoying your lovely plants that you have there. They gleam in the sunlight like no other. But again, I'm glad you stopped by.

Keep EM green and Happy Growing, and SOON to be Harvesting!!!:high-five:

The California Dream......................

Appreciate it Les! You got a knack for the outdoor grows I can already see, keeping my seat filled for the long run :high-five:
I'm sure I can learn heaps around these parts, oh, and for that nice shiny gleam, i'll have to thank the neem :laugh: Best of luck towards your grow Les! Been reading more and more about these dreaded corn borers.. Holy hell what a mess!!!!
Appreciate it Les! You got a knack for the outdoor grows I can already see, keeping my seat filled for the long run :high-five:
I'm sure I can learn heaps around these parts, oh, and for that nice shiny gleam, i'll have to thank the neem :laugh: Best of luck towards your grow Les! Been reading more and more about these dreaded corn borers.. Holy hell what a mess!!!!

That's why I said, I hope there is no moth's in your backyard, but I think your neem should do the trick. Just can't really apply it much during hard flower, or atleast very carefully. That's the thing with these borers, they get their eggs laid in a nook/cranny and within 24 hours there's a burrowing worm. That is what I fear most, because they strike when the iron is hot. I'm trying to warn everyone, but I think my area may be a little worse for it considering I'm in a butterfly preserve. Tons of flying things around here.
Eitherway, it's something anyone who is trying to cultivate medicine outside should be aware of. Not sure if anyone stumbled across this thread ever, but here's a little read on the corn-borers Be Aware of the European-Corn Borer

I love to watch the garden grow as a collective entirety. Being able to see each and every different plant grow from seed to harvest is a true honor. Walking by a vegetable plant, to some fruit or herb plant, or to a medical cannabis plant, they all have their place in nature. It is the essence of being able to enjoy what nature (life) has to offer. That is why I love growing outdoors.
PS Thanks for the best of luck, I need it. :Namaste:

May he share all his knowledge and love, to his new sisters.
Plants looking so nice, im really interested in this, since I will be using later, (What I call) a Greenhouse :D!

Yeah, the plants under-neath the orange tree - I wanted to see how they grow - how delicate they are,etc. European-high flyer moth's look for tall, lush, vegetation, and aromatic flower heads to lay their eggs in. My idea with these 2 Hippie OG mother's was, to 1)Get some clones so I can have them safe in the tent, and isolated - would be nice to try some tasty OG, and 2) to have them serve as possible bait plants for the Corn-Borers. I figure since, that is the same spot last year I had the massive corn-borer infestation, maybe they'll come back for more since they liked it so much. I'm hoping if the moth's are gonna lay their eggs anywhere it will be on the OG's or hopefully some of the brocolli plants. I'd rather have them get infested rather than the stuff in the tent. Well, and I figure what ever amount of stuff that gets infected I may try to turn it into hash. Although, in my experience, after the worms have been through your bud there is not much you can do to salvage it... I will keep up BT treatments with the OG's, because maybe it won't be a problem as bad this year especially with my new BT weapon. Have to see what happens, could
yield big on the OG's but probably get infested since they're so vulnerable and those things strike when the iron is hot.

Anyway, sorry for the quick rant, it's just that these damn things give me nightmares. Going through a harvest without seeing a corn-borer is almost like winning the lottery for me... :ganjamon::peace:
Couple more things to add, I may try out the lady-bugs in the tent for when the iron is hot...
And as for the most mature lady, she's coming down real soon, possibly tomorrow evening. Not going to yield much off this little plant, hopefully at least a half oz. dried (lol), well It is a small early sample harvest of whats to come, but I know it will be some incredibly satisfying puff. Who knows, I'll post final weight for her next week.

Least mature lady is maturing quickly too, excited for her because I'm 99% certain she's a different strain.

Ladybugs are def. on the light side! They are the best!! will eat anything that does not belong there.. specially eggs and aphids!!. I feel you with the pests, I had Spider Mites once, (Totally had one of my plants), and every, EVERY day i have to leaf by leaf, check for mother F. aphids....... They are not the worst, But i just dont like the Idea of having them sucking my plants blood....!!

Im doing almost the same thing, I have a small garden next to my ganjas, I keep it under control, but they must be more attractive for other pests :<!
Pests suck period, have a some gnat problems on the last indoor grow but have not had any issues so to speak with the outdoor girls, local guy here turned me onto a product called SAFER an OMRI approved spray, say you can use it up to the day of harvest, not sure ifthat will fly on my buds but they will get sprayed in the beginning of the budding cycle,OG
Yup, I will spray up until the last possible time, but I think my best bet is with the Safer BT spray to be honest. Since I know what I'm battling against's just a matter of timing, and application success, along with many other variables at play... Anyway, some news. Looks like since the ladies in the tent are forming their respective tops, and pumping out pistills that they're goin through gallons of water in 1-2 days (literally 24-36 hours before they start drooping again) So will need to be vigilant about watering...
So today I gave them a tea with some of the new nutrients I picked up, I think they're loving it. Also going to be releasing some lady bugs in there this evening, as I have seen some slimy trails that glimmer in the sunlight which indicate probably caterpillars. The jungle in there has became so dense and thick that I cannot possibily get in to check every leaf,etc. Nature will have to play its course out...

I'm about to say fuck it and chop a bitch down, hell, I got more buds coming in anyway, they're mature enough for some quality puff puff so I say what the hell...

Anyway on to a huge photo update, any questions/comments/concerns are welcomed!!

Nutrients and bugs picked up today

Least Mature lady

Tent before Tea

Tent after Tea

Most Mature Lady (pre-chop)

A MOTH trap that I found at the store, will deploy during peak flight times

ahuehauehau those are some patriot buds. Looks like you'r gonna be flying with them vultures high in the skies!!
ahuehauehau those are some patriot buds. Looks like you'r gonna be flying with them vultures high in the skies!!

Yes sir, I started to quick dry some of the lower buds that were smaller and not as filled out as the nicer,larger upper buds, since they'll turn out to be pop-corn anyway, as I need me some meds right now as my medicine jar is empty, and I will tell you it's getting me higher than hell.:tokin:
Looking good.

Too bad we aren't neighbors. I'd fill that jar of yours up.

Haha thanks brother, the gesture is much appreciated!!! :)

I had thought the praying mantises scattered, but they're still in there, getting bigger too, I have a feeling a few ladybugs gave up their lives for dinner last night, hehe. Either way I'm very very pleased with the ladybugs, they are excellent!! I will probably get some more later, I like the way they roll. Anyway, I know much hasn't happened in such short amount of time, but I love this canopy!! I think things worked perfectly with plucking the males, and LST, these 4 plants are pretty much perfectly filling up the spaces. Stretching good right now, can't wait till stretch is over. Clones growing a lot too now. Over and out.
Well, there could be a pretty costly issue at hand here. There is an underground water leak from a sprinkler pipe that is in the corner of the tent. There is a little area that pretty much stays wet/moist all the time. There is algae/moss growing there too. I'm hoping this does not contribute to bud rot later... just need to make sure to open sides to create vacuum during the day to dry out.

Plants are obviously unbelievably bushy, started to see isolated spots of powder mold (looked like bird shit but no way a bird shit in there), so I'm in the process of doing a heavy defoliation to expose and open up more air flow for these ladies. Lots and lots of work to do as it is hard to access some of these lower branches, and there are a TON of leaves to take off. Definitely needs to happen.

As for the drying buds, I hope to have those in jars by Sunday, they're doing well, going to do a final trim today and detach from main stems.

Looks like plants will need H2O today too, may post a general canopy update after this all blows over

I don't know how to do many things on a professional level, but the things I do know I know well. I was a fourth generation master carpenter/general contractor in my younger days.

From the pictures it appears all the plants are potted. I may be mistaken as the last canopy shots were pretty dense. If they are they can be moved while you fix the pipe. Depending on the type of pipe, at most you'd need a small can of primer, small can of glue, a female coupler, and a hand saw, shovel, and dry rag. If you are physically able to fix it, no need to pay someone to do it.
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