Rex's Perpetual Hydroponics, LED, 4x4 Tent Using TBC 10 Gal System: All Are Welcome, Come Learn & Help

Day 55
Flower Day 14

Tent temp: 25C avg
Tent RH%: 50~65%
Previous PPM: : 800
Current PPM: 786
Adjusted PPM to
:786 (not adjusted)
PH: 5.9 (not reset)
Res temp: 18.7C
Water level: down, big drop + flooding
Light draw from wall: 629 Watts (max power)

So..I had to go and say everything was on cruise control, just had to go there. I went into the garage shortly after typing my last message to find some flooding. Damn bucket drain clogged somehow. I've got it draining again, and hope that the floating around then resettlement didn't damage the roots. Doubtful, but it's a possibility as it's a lot of hydroton on the bottom roots and the plant was floating like a duck.

The plants are drinking and eating nicely for the moment. I think one of them isn't going to get very tall, but two should make their way through the net.
The stalks are getting nice and thickening up, a hopeful sign of good buds to come.

That sucks, but the girls look awesome!
I'm right at harvesting time and gave 2 of mine freaking nute burn. :(
Hopefully it doesn't mess em up too bad!
Happy growing!
Ahhh Boo floods! Hope there wasn’t much of a mess to clean up.
Oh there was, and I've been paying the price for cleaning it up (physically). It happened again, but a different cause.
Looking fantastic my brother,
Thanks, these last few days have been rough for both the girls and I.
That sucks, but the girls look awesome!
I'm right at harvesting time and gave 2 of mine freaking nute burn. :(
Hopefully it doesn't mess em up too bad!
Happy growing!
A bit of nute burn near harvest I'm thinking should be ok, just means your pushing them hard.
Sorry about the flood brother. I know when my simple little autofeed system overflowed my catch trays I freaked out. I hope you didn't have much to clean up.
Oh man, it's been a week of hell. It flooded a 2nd time before I figured out why.
Nice work, Rex. Keeping it together.

Hey remember when you flip the light cycle to cover the lights and displays on your heater and dehumidifier with some masking tape.
Thanks Donkey! Luckily right now light leaks are something I don't need to stress over, these ladies are autoflowers- they'll start flowering on their own, but don't loose a step with a bit of light leaks (though I've noticed camera IR lights does cause stress).

So I'll do a real update soon. Most likely tonight. After the last bucket overflow I checked the next day and found the entire reservoir had been emptied onto the tent floor. Roughly 60L.
Thank God I recently bought a shop vac. But my body is still screaming at me.
I refilled the reservoir and watched for the buckets to overflow again. They didn't, but then when looking down I saw the run off pump wasn't running. Turns out the power supply was toast. Talked to the Bucket Company, power supply isn't covered and with where I am, and costs involved they advised picking one up from Amazon. They said they'd sell me one.
Im Not happy.
So I ordered one from Amazon, as right now with how I'm feeling- I'd rather not give another penny to The Bucket Company. I'll have to wait several weeks for Amazon's power supply to arrive.

After scratching my head I basically did the only thing I could think of. I dropped a spare cheap pump into the runoff reservoir and plumbed it to the main reservoir (using just a cheap plastic vinyl pipe) for now. The feed pump and return pump need to run 24/7 to avoid any more flooding.

The girls seem to be handling it fine, props to them.

Oh there was, and I've been paying the price for cleaning it up (physically). It happened again, but a different cause.

Thanks, these last few days have been rough for both the girls and I.

A bit of nute burn near harvest I'm thinking should be ok, just means your pushing them hard.

Oh man, it's been a week of hell. It flooded a 2nd time before I figured out why.

Thanks Donkey! Luckily right now light leaks are something I don't need to stress over, these ladies are autoflowers- they'll start flowering on their own, but don't loose a step with a bit of light leaks (though I've noticed camera IR lights does cause stress).

So I'll do a real update soon. Most likely tonight. After the last bucket overflow I checked the next day and found the entire reservoir had been emptied onto the tent floor. Roughly 60L.
Thank God I recently bought a shop vac. But my body is still screaming at me.
I refilled the reservoir and watched for the buckets to overflow again. They didn't, but then when looking down I saw the run off pump wasn't running. Turns out the power supply was toast. Talked to the Bucket Company, power supply isn't covered and with where I am, and costs involved they advised picking one up from Amazon. They said they'd sell me one.
Im Not happy.
So I ordered one from Amazon, as right now with how I'm feeling- I'd rather not give another penny to The Bucket Company. I'll have to wait several weeks for Amazon's power supply to arrive.

After scratching my head I basically did the only thing I could think of. I dropped a spare cheap pump into the runoff reservoir and plumbed it to the main reservoir (using just a cheap plastic vinyl pipe) for now. The feed pump and return pump need to run 24/7 to avoid any more flooding.

The girls seem to be handling it fine, props to them.

Hey brother I hope all is good. As good as can be anyways lol.

Is there any way to run that system true flood and drain.
I mean res lower then the buckets and let gravity do its thing. Scraping the run off res and that pump all together??
@Rexer Wow man, sorry to see you are have so many issues with your new system.

@KCCO 77 has a very good point, can you change it to a flood and drain style grow?

With it being in the middle of your grow, it could not have came at a worst time. I have faint that you will over come your current obstacle's and figure out your system. It just ticks my off to hear a company sells a product (not cheap either) and give you a very limited warranty. Have you thought about a lengthy feedback on The Bucket Company website, or they don't do that?

Not trying to get you upset, I just know what is like when a company screws you.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,

Hey brother I hope all is good. As good as can be anyways lol.

Is there any way to run that system true flood and drain.
I mean res lower then the buckets and let gravity do its thing. Scraping the run off res and that pump all together??
I think until the replacement power supply comes in I'll keep it going as is, a continuous feed (unless they show some negative reactions- so far they seem to be handling the continuous feed cycle.
There will be major changes made prior to my next grow. I'd love to turn this into an flood and drain, and think I will.
For now I'll just be happy to have healthy plants and a dry floor. The way it's setup I wouldn't trust it to drain properly without some modifications. And once I start modifications....
@Rexer Wow man, sorry to see you are have so many issues with your new system.

@KCCO 77 has a very good point, can you change it to a flood and drain style grow?

With it being in the middle of your grow, it could not have came at a worst time. I have faint that you will over come your current obstacle's and figure out your system. It just ticks my off to hear a company sells a product (not cheap either) and give you a very limited warranty. Have you thought about a lengthy feedback on The Bucket Company website, or they don't do that?

Not trying to get you upset, I just know what is like when a company screws you.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,


Oh no worries brother, you ain't gonna get me rialed up, I stayed offline and resting while i was very upset- I'm well medicated and chilled today.

I have to admit, I'm not happy and would not recommend the system. Seems to be great for coco- and many have it in large commercial setups- but for the home grower- I'd suggest building vs buying this setup. The main allure for purchasing vs building for me was to avoid the hassle of leaks and the issues I've been facing. I had one email from them saying they "have not heard much feedback of the draining being a problem"....
But I found a post on another website where somebody else faced a similar issue.
They're aware of this journal, they've yet to join and comment.

I think they have a great product, that has lots of potential. But it needs some modifications in my mind for hydroponics that are not a drain to waste, and some kind of overflow protection. Which I will do myself
Oh no @Rexer I'm so sorry to hear about all the troubles :(

I've been toying with the idea of developing and producing a "home grow" centered, off the shelf system since so many out there have various issues. I firmly believe in the "be the master of one, or the master of none" mindset. And i feel that is where systems like this start to show their weak points. Being designed for use in so many different styles of growing, takes away from it's ability to do any one method perfectly.

Is there any way to enlarge the drain lines to keep the flow . . . flowing lol. I always feel that a recirculating system should have drain lines at least twice the size of the feed lines.

Edit: I just saw where you said the drain side is run from a pump. Is there any way to convert to a gravity drain for the buckets, then you can transfer from the drain tank to the fill tank again? That way you can at least be sure the buckets will never over fill again.
Oh no @Rexer I'm so sorry to hear about all the troubles :(

I've been toying with the idea of developing and producing a "home grow" centered, off the shelf system since so many out there have various issues. I firmly believe in the "be the master of one, or the master of none" mindset. And i feel that is where systems like this start to show their weak points. Being designed for use in so many different styles of growing, takes away from it's ability to do any one method perfectly.

Is there any way to enlarge the drain lines to keep the flow . . . flowing lol. I always feel that a recirculating system should have drain lines at least twice the size of the feed lines.

Edit: I just saw where you said the drain side is run from a pump. Is there any way to convert to a gravity drain for the buckets, then you can transfer from the drain tank to the fill tank again? That way you can at least be sure the buckets will never over fill again.
Totally agree! And that was a worry when I was setting it up, the drain holes aren't that big. But it's the first time I've had a system with nozzles so I wasn't sure. When I rip this system apart so far the following will be a must:

  1. Enlarged drains at bottom
  2. Large overflow drains at top rear of buckets
  3. Most likely an external controller bucket to do flood and drain
  4. Water sensor failsafe that shuts off the feed system (this is in the works right now)
I have to admit, I'm not happy and would not recommend the system. Seems to be great for coco- and many have it in large commercial setups- but for the home grower- I'd suggest building vs buying this setup. The main allure for purchasing vs building for me was to avoid the hassle of leaks and the issues I've been facing. I had one email from them saying they "have not heard much feedback of the draining being a problem"....
But I found a post on another website where somebody else faced a similar issue.
They're aware of this journal, they've yet to join and comment.
I was going to buy the system too.
Too bad about their lack of after sale service. Not the kind of business model I want to support with my hard earned ;)
Dang, hopefully your troubles are behind you after this!
Oh man oh man, do I ever hope so :green_heart:
OMG @Rexer ! Sorry hear the new grow is being a jerk. What's going on with your perlite overflowing? Is it getting into a pump?
Nah, the perlite bucket was removed, there's a wee bit left from the germination. The power supply for the pump just called quits, I've no clue why and of the million old power supply cables around the house, I've got every but the one I need.
I was going to buy the system too.
Too bad about their lack of after sale service. Not the kind of business model I want to support with my hard earned ;)

Lol I wasn't impressed. After spending that much on buckets, a power supply supply should have been shipped Pronto :passitleft:
Day 60
Flower Day 19

Tent temp: 24C avg
Tent RH%: 40~80%
Previous PPM: : 899
Current PPM: 861
Adjusted PPM to
: (not adjusted/checked yet today)
PH: 6.5 (not reset)
Res temp: 21C
Water level: down, drop +bucket flooding
Light draw from wall: 629 Watts (max power) happened again:rolleyes:. Bucket overflowed. Once again I got lucky and caught it just as it was starting, I looked at the res and said to myself "holy crap that's a lot of nutes to dissappear"- then it clicked. I double checked the floor, still dry except around one bucket (the one with the biggest plant) had a few drops on the floor by it. Sure enough after checking it was filled to the top and nutes where beginning to overflow. I shot some positive air pressure through the bottom drain till it was bubbling like a DWC, then let it drain.
I've set a 2nd camera inside the tent keeping an eye out for more leaks on the floor, and a smart leak detector is going in shortly.

Aside from the bucket drama, things are looking good, they're in the stretch, no doubt there!
Thanks for reading and hope everyone has a wonderful day :Namaste:

Day 62
Flower Day 21

Tent temp: 22C avg
Tent RH%: 70~80%
Previous PPM: : 835 (falling)
Current PPM: 857 (topped up)
Adjusted PPM to: 857
PH: 6.5 reset to 5.6
Res temp: 20.6C
Water level: down
Light draw from wall: 629 Watts (max power)

So, it's been a fun time, I managed to get the flooding under control. I installed the water sensor (wifi model), and tied it into the app that controls my light and pumps. Now if the floor gets wet, I'll get a text and the water pump will automatically turn off. Gotta technology!

I've got some high humidity going on and will be putting my larger dehumidifier in soon.

Girls are looking good and still stretching!

Thanks everyone :Namaste:

I also got a nice surprise in the mail!!! :yahoo:Thanks @Rob Griffin @Renee Roberts

You got a jar! Awesome!
I got a 420 lighter, no jar though. And can you believe my wife biffed out the hempseeds when she had a tidy up one day?!
I use the space case grinder that came with the pack every day.

Congratulations Rex :high-five:
You got a jar! Awesome!
I got a 420 lighter, no jar though. And can you believe my wife biffed out the hempseeds when she had a tidy up one day?!
I use the space case grinder that came with the pack every day.

Congratulations Rex :high-five:
Thanks my friend! I did get the lighter as well! It was perfectly timed, mine died last night :rofl:
Grinder? Nope didn't get one of those, but both the Mrs and I are enjoying the seeds, my only worry is making sure I get a fair share! I was surprised how much the taste reminded me of sunflower seeds:circle-of-love:
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