Second Grow - Michigan Medical Marijuana - 2009

Hi GMT and DMVL:)

You two blow me away. What a garden. :love:

GMT I really like your video updates. Lets me actually see how you do it. The flower room tells me you can really have many plants in one space. I worry about over crowding, but you seem to do just fine. I may try more at a time now. I've seen a sea of green, but you have sea of colas. :Namaste:
Beautiful garden! love the jungle! happy belated 4th im sure it was smokin!
Can't wait to follow the Thai along, been a long time since I had any of that, would love to get a cut someday. I wouldn't put it into flower much over 12-15 inches tall or so.
Way cool on the grow dude. Hope all flowers out well. I tried afew of the Thai strains. They got unruly for sure. But the milk's still sweet. GL and Keep em Green
I got to give it up to ya GMT, You have a green thumb my friend!! Those girls have some nice Colas and plenty of nugs under them I bet.. Good luck on all the ladies in Veg, I can't wait to see them flower..

Keep doing what you do buddy

Hi GMT and DMVL:)

You two blow me away. What a garden. :love:

GMT I really like your video updates. Lets me actually see how you do it. The flower room tells me you can really have many plants in one space. I worry about over crowding, but you seem to do just fine. I may try more at a time now. I've seen a sea of green, but you have sea of colas. :Namaste:

Thank you friend, it means alot coming from you. You will do very well with indoor grows, you have a knack for it. Can't wait to see how your ladies turn out under the big tent!:bong::goodluck:
Looked really great Gm as usual you can keep them green!:adore:

Spike, always appreciative of the kind and encouraging words brother. I have a feeling that there will be some very notable smoke that will be produced from this green state. Not talking merely of our grow, but the many folks that are now breeding and cross breeding strains in this state. I have been impressed with the quality of some of the normal strains and have been fortunate enough to have had samples from some private stock as well. Maybe we will at some time have one or two of our own as well. A friend has been growing our Jamaican Blues and it is quite the flower so far. Need to get a hold of another few seeds of pure Jamaican to back breed into the strain, as well as another blueberry male, to see if we can get consistant genetics out of her. Thanks again for stoppin in brother.:Namaste:
It's thick in there! :adore:

That it is brother! We still have a Blue Hash in veg. Been takin a few clones from her. Will be starting a batch of clones for a friend/grower here in a week or so. I think he has settled on the Honey B as a strain to run for his next grow. I think he chose wisely. We have decided to start some seeds for the next run, using some of our older seeds, before they go bad. Always good to see you still here, wouldn't be the same without ya!:bong:
Can't wait to follow the Thai along, been a long time since I had any of that, would love to get a cut someday. I wouldn't put it into flower much over 12-15 inches tall or so.

OG13, I am keeping a close eye on her, hoping she lives up to the same standards as the stuff I smoked in Thailand in 78. It was truly keeeeler weed back then. I still have a few clones of her in veg, and will adjust the growth of the clones accordingly. The mother seems to be 3-4 weeks out yet, but really putting on the weight now. She was around 36 inches tall when she went in. She has more than doubled in height. It is always good to have folks like yourself taking interest in our grow, and gives us satisfaction having you stop in. Thank you! :welcome:
Way cool on the grow dude. Hope all flowers out well. I tried afew of the Thai strains. They got unruly for sure. But the milk's still sweet. GL and Keep em Green

Norcali, it is good to have you drop in brother. Appreciate the added info on the Thai. She is a landraces original strain, so hoping she does well for us. I would love to go back to visit and bring back some truly original strains from some of the countries I had visited in the past. There is a strain grown in the mountains of the Phillipines that was phenominal. Don't know if it was a landrace original strain, but it was everything one would want in a quality smoke. Great taste, very resinous, extremely dense buds. I never had a bag that contained popcorn buds in the 3 years I was there. Thanks again brother, always good to have you drop in.:thanks:
Hope you don't mind another tag-along. Loved your video update, and great set-up, btw. :popcorn:

I'm intrigued with Moby - OMM has grown some great looking Moby as well.

We seem to have a number of the same friends on here, so couldn't resist checking things out. Glad I did - looks awesome. :thumb:
I got to give it up to ya GMT, You have a green thumb my friend!! Those girls have some nice Colas and plenty of nugs under them I bet.. Good luck on all the ladies in Veg, I can't wait to see them flower..

Keep doing what you do buddy


Thank you brother, coming from you it means a lot. You have always done some great work as well. Maybe someday we can sit by the campfire and smoke it up. Hope yours was a great 4th.:thanks:
Hope you don't mind another tag-along. Loved your video update, and great set-up, btw. :popcorn:

I'm intrigued with Moby - OMM has grown some great looking Moby as well.

We seem to have a number of the same friends on here, so couldn't resist checking things out. Glad I did - looks awesome. :thumb:

Thank your brother, you are always welcome here. Glad to have you stop in. Moby Dick has always been good for us. I am anxious to try the Moby Dick #2 as well. I love anything with White Widow in it, and am looking forward to see how the Blue Widow does as well. Stick around, we have more strains ready to go. Just gonna plant some older seeds before they go bad on us. We are sitting on more than 3 dozen genetics currently, so choosing a strain can be difficult, especially when we are impatient to try some of our newer strains.:welcome:
I wish I had the space to play with all the strains I have in seed form right now; the bagseed plant looks promising - 6 or 7 more weeks and I'll know if the 80 other beans are worth keeping :)

Great job again, GMT - I have much to learn.
Thank your brother, you are always welcome here. Glad to have you stop in. Moby Dick has always been good for us. I am anxious to try the Moby Dick #2 as well. I love anything with White Widow in it, and am looking forward to see how the Blue Widow does as well. Stick around, we have more strains ready to go. Just gonna plant some older seeds before they go bad on us. We are sitting on more than 3 dozen genetics currently, so choosing a strain can be difficult, especially when we are impatient to try some of our newer strains.:welcome:

I have grown "Snow White" a few times now, and it's a great White Widow relative. Nice, dense nuggets and great smell/flavor. Strong, too with very stable consistent genetics in my experience.

I wish I had the space to play with all the strains I have in seed form right now; the bagseed plant looks promising - 6 or 7 more weeks and I'll know if the 80 other beans are worth keeping :)

Great job again, GMT - I have much to learn.

I'm on the OMM seed purchasing plan, personally. It's so much fun stockpiling seeds. I love imagining the possibilities, and then eventually living them. :)
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