SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

When I planted the seeds I took a clone from each plant to find out if M or F. Once I knew they were female I just let the clones keep flowering to see how they turned out. Pretty sure there will be over an oz. & it gives me some of the Cherry On Top to smoke; which in turn, stops me from harvesting too soon.... lol. I still have a bunch of Blueberry reg. seeds from 4-5 years ago. I might grow that again on my next grow. You really don't see much of it around anymore.
I had a mom, seed was from Holland years ago.
Only pot ever gave me the giggles.
Loved that Blueberry, sadly though we'll you know.
That's a great idea growing our the clones, a little extra never hurt. :thumb:
Enjoy the rest of your weekend Buds.:ciao:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
The Re-Charge bag says 5 grams per gallon if you want to Super Charge the grow. Since I'm using Tap Water which I've heard effects microbes kind of negatively, I felt the 5 grams per gal. would be better.
Ok, thanks, Buds!
Your grow is looking good!
Oh Wow ! I just realized it's 9-11. This day really makes me sad each & every year that goes by. As soon as I noticed it I got all choked up with a tear in my eye. Still hurts today & I didn't know any of them. "Let's Roll !"
I had an Aunt working in the pentagon that day.
Her boss was killed I think.
But she never went back to work ever. PTSD and mental trauma.
It was harrowing listening to her tell the story of what happened to her.
Fire and being trapped for a time.
I can't imagine how tough it is on the rest of the people effected. :love:
Take care Buds we all feel the same, I'm sure. 😥

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Just checked the res. on the plants. 1 of them was empty. The others a little over 1/2 empty. The SoHum was finally empty after 2.5 days. I didn't top that one off because it takes so long to use up what it's got.
Not sure I'll be able to wait 2 weeks to start flowering the Cherries. They are growing really fast. I may have to put the 2 Aurora's in a tent to veg longer, so I can start flower on the Cherries.
I had an Aunt working in the pentagon that day.
Her boss was killed I think.
But she never went back to work ever. PTSD and mental trauma.
It was harrowing listening to her tell the story of what happened to her.
Fire and being trapped for a time.
I can't imagine how tough it is on the rest of the people effected. :love:
Take care Buds we all feel the same, I'm sure. 😥

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
This is way OT, but people who are interested in things like 9-11 might enjoy a video called "Loose Change". It has been taken down in a lot of places, but if you Google "Loose Change Vimeo" you can still find it.
If that is too OT, please just delete.
@Buds Buddy do you have aeration in your sohum/org soil SIP? I really think a 60/40 mix will make a big difference. I know that limits space for the bulky nutrition we feed organics and LOS, but I think over a few grows we can work it out. Certainly spiking with some geoflora, even for LOS, will get us most of the way there, but I think our gained efficiencies will impact positively also. Compost etc are a challenge in SIPs - aeration, aeration, aeration.

Too late, I know, but consider (real seriously) next time a major aeration addition into the org soil with lava or perlite and I think it will take up a lot more fertigation side by side. Sorry I wasn't clued in to help from the start.

The reason is that you're hitting field capacity too easily in too much of the soil. With the org soils, usually, they have less aeration and more bio-matter which has to be counter-acted in SIPs. You prob have field capacity-plus for a few inches at the bottom. Aeration will help sort this. Cloth pots help a bit too but a serious aeration increase will help this issue and start moving fertigation through the system. I tested this out in a 27 gal test-bed only, and with org. tomatoes, and it really sounds exactly like you are seeing what I, and many others have, with org soils. Consider too, the surface area lava and/or perlite provide for microbes is about a football field's in a couple of cups worth so its great for organics.

I actually culture bennies in a lava-stone/perlite-only bed (in a 10x20 tray, in a fishtank, with an airstone buried in middle so things don't get scary in there) that I harvest from for every seedling and transplant.

After the fact I can't think of a huge amount to help you. I know it sounds weird, that, "we need to dry your soil out to get it to use more liquid" but that's the real deal.
@Buds Buddy do you have aeration in your sohum/org soil SIP? I really think a 60/40 mix will make a big difference. I know that limits space for the bulky nutrition we feed organics and LOS, but I think over a few grows we can work it out. Certainly spiking with some geoflora, even for LOS, will get us most of the way there, but I think our gained efficiencies will impact positively also. Compost etc are a challenge in SIPs - aeration, aeration, aeration.

Too late, I know, but consider (real seriously) next time a major aeration addition into the org soil with lava or perlite and I think it will take up a lot more fertigation side by side. Sorry I wasn't clued in to help from the start.

The reason is that you're hitting field capacity too easily in too much of the soil. With the org soils, usually, they have less aeration and more bio-matter which has to be counter-acted in SIPs. You prob have field capacity-plus for a few inches at the bottom. Aeration will help sort this. Cloth pots help a bit too but a serious aeration increase will help this issue and start moving fertigation through the system. I tested this out in a 27 gal test-bed only, and with org. tomatoes, and it really sounds exactly like you are seeing what I, and many others have, with org soils. Consider too, the surface area lava and/or perlite provide for microbes is about a football field's in a couple of cups worth so its great for organics.

I actually culture bennies in a lava-stone/perlite-only bed (in a 10x20 tray, in a fishtank, with an airstone buried in middle so things don't get scary in there) that I harvest from for every seedling and transplant.

After the fact I can't think of a huge amount to help you. I know it sounds weird, that, "we need to dry your soil out to get it to use more liquid" but that's the real deal.
So more or less I needed to fill the bottom with Perlite, Lava Rock or something of that nature to keep the soil above water level ? 60/40 mix ? Do you mean 60% SoHum & 40% FFOF soil or 40% rock / perlite / whatever in the bottom & 60% SoHum ?

Has anybody you know of tried the SIP's with Coco using Air Domes like they make for Auto Pots ? The thought keeps going through my head that since I have to feed the same as Coco, I should try Coco. I'd like to know how that worked out if it's been done.
Well guys, I can't wait. The plants will get too big. Don't get me wrong, I love big plants. I just hate trimming them. I need to keep these just a little smaller than the last one in case 2-3 plants finish at the same time.
So tonight I'm getting my 2x4 tent ready for the 2 Aurora Plants. Tomorrow I'll trim the 4 Cherry On Top for Flower & on Friday flip them to 12/12. I'll post some pics after I get it all done.
Hey Buds, uh, I actually mean just a straight-up 60/40 soil to perlite mix, mixed evenly everywhere, no perlite-only layers or anything. In talking about your bottom 'wettest' layers I was referring to the natural moisture gradient in SIPs getting overwhelmed and getting too wet with supersoils and high compost, manure, whatever, soils. In my organic homemade supersoil SIPs I ran 50% (by volume) soil, 50% perlite, but you could likely do well with 40% aeration 'stone'. The effect is to help capillary action move along faster. So when I say aeration I always mean perlite/lava products mixed evenly throughout soil.

As per air injection like autopots. Same rules apply as airstones. I do not think they are the answer to the prob you're having, but it would certainly have an impact if installed in the soil or rez level.
Hey Buds, uh, I actually mean just a straight-up 60/40 soil to perlite mix, mixed evenly everywhere, no perlite-only layers or anything. In talking about your bottom 'wettest' layers I was referring to the natural moisture gradient in SIPs getting overwhelmed and getting too wet with supersoils and high compost, manure, whatever, soils. In my organic homemade supersoil SIPs I ran 50% (by volume) soil, 50% perlite, but you could likely do well with 40% aeration 'stone'. The effect is to help capillary action move along faster. So when I say aeration I always mean perlite/lava products mixed evenly throughout soil.

As per air injection like autopots. Same rules apply as airstones. I do not think they are the answer to the prob you're having, but it would certainly have an impact if installed in the soil or rez level.
Thanks for the reply & explanation. I understand what you're saying better now. I'm not having any problems with the grow so far (fingers crossed). I was just thinking of possible ways to improve things so wanted some others thoughts on it. You & Azimuth know a lot more about these SIP's than I do so second & 3rd opinions help me decide. My stupid questions might help someone else not make a mistake either.... lol.
Sure thing BB. C’mon over to my journal where I’m going to be documenting SIPs for seedlings, harvestable plants and moms with more detail and photos. I’ll prob copy/paste some of my posts from here to there, but add more pics on those occasions.

Since you have all the traffic over here and I want to help people take on SIPs successfully it seems to me posting here is best way to reach people. Nonetheless I’m shortchanging my 🧵a bit so I’m going to try and do more on my thread. Could use your guidance over there. I underline/embolden my questions for senior growers to find easily on my entries so no one has to dissect my text walls to help me out.

Look for “current” in my signature for a link. Thnx again, hope I’ve been helpful. I want to stay in touch indef as the SIP Squad.
Well guys, I can't wait. The plants will get too big. Don't get me wrong, I love big plants. I just hate trimming them. I need to keep these just a little smaller than the last one in case 2-3 plants finish at the same time.
How long have these been vegging compared to the big one from your last grow? Hasn't been very long. Nice problem to have, eh? Plants getting too big. :laughtwo:
How long have these been vegging compared to the big one from your last grow? Hasn't been very long. Nice problem to have, eh? Plants getting too big. :laughtwo:
1 week solo cup, 2 weeks 1 gallon, 2 weeks in 5 gal. SIP Bucket. I think that big one may have vegged 7 weeks total. But these aren't looking much smaller then when I flipped last time. Maybe because the other was 100% Indica & the Cherry On Top is 70% Indica / 30% sativa. The 2 Aurora's I have in SIP's are a ways behind the Cherry. That's why I'm putting them in a tent for a week or two in Veg while I flower the rest.
Pics from when I started flower on the 2 SIP's from my last grow for size comparison later today.


These pics were taken on 6-5-22 & I started Flower on 6-7-22. I still have to work on the plants in the shed & get pics. Already moved the 2 Aurora's to a tent in the house. Fed all 13 of my plants today & harvested 1/2 a plant. Yeah, been up all night working on things.
So here are the 2 "Aurora Indica" plants I moved in to the 2x4 tent this morning. They're just starting to take off; so they need more Veg time.

They are good & bushy. Just don't have the height yet. Maybe 2 weeks more for them.
Man they look magnificent is your drain hole on the other side
OK, I know some of you guys are going to freak out on my defol & trim. But I always trim like this & I'm sure @Bill284 will vouch for me.... lol. Yes, I'm very heavy handed. If a branch isn't thick enough to hold a bud.... it's gone ! If a leaf is covering a bud site.... it's gone !
So here we go. First a couple of before the defol pics to give you an idea of the size & how bushy.

Now some after the trim & defol pics.

I didn't really remove many leaves on the SoHum as she is still the smallest & drinking the least. I'll let her flower as is. The rest....., well the leaves will fill back in, in a week. But it gives the center branches some light to grow upwards till then. Need them branches at the top for good size bud. They will go on 12/12 this weekend.

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