SmokerJoe's Indoor Organic Soil Bagseed Grow

wouldnt freshly dead roots promote mold and a fungus attack in the stem?
I guess it could promote that in worst case times. I dont think about stuff like that in an organic vegetable garden though. I am needing to start another mix cooking for some clones I have and plan to mix homemade sifted compost and bought eartworm castings with used mix and some fertilizer. The first time I brought compost in with bugs I cooked it to kill them and realized I killed some good stuff too so I stopped that and besides seeing some bugs nothing bad happened. We had some wierd flys hatching over the winter because I had a little bucket of the last compost I sifted that fall just sittin in the closet of master bath,no harm to the plants just bothered my wife. I hope to try that water in SNS stuff for spider mites some day if they are following me in the mix.I used again the SNS 217 spray tonight since I noticed some more mites on a couple more plants.I blame this current problem on being grow lazy and not following through on a neem oil prevention program.Sorry for going on I usually dont post much
How long have you used sns products? How do you like them?
good mold. when there is already a lot of good biota there will be no room for bad buds to colonize.

flushing and overfeeding hurt biota.

you want good bugs in your compost that's what it's all about.
How long have you used sns products? How do you like them?

I just bought my first bottle of SNS 217 from a local hydro store about a couple weeks ago. I have only been using pure neem oil in my past grows . I wanted to try it being a sponsor here and first tried this off brand rosemary spray (last year) that my T5 burnt the leaves sprayed since I had done it early with lights on in veg. This SNS 217 for the first time I sprayed I also did it early in lights on in flower and shut the light off for a couple hours that day turning back on then and turning off at normal time.That was my spray on every plant and no hram was done. I sprayed the only effected plant the second time good and nobody else,she is good but they went to another better plant I just noticed today. SO even without useing their product the instructed way I did like the good job it did. Without having their line up I will attemp again the neem prevention in veg first and if needed use this to actually kill them.Like after tonights spray I probably wont do it again since Im in to flower a ways almost 6 of the 10 weeks Im shooting for. Just hoping they will finish out now.
Just a tip to make you neem work a little better. Run the plants in a very low humidity and let the soil get real dry, almost droop dry. Then give it a good watering and bump humidity to like 70 percent for a few days. This will kill a number of the adult mites because their little bodies cant handle the humidity change. They pop! Ive also been known to (if in soil) cut 2 semi circles out of carboard and cover pot with this, tape in place. Turn plant upside down and submerge in garbage can full of PHd water for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Of course this is easy using 3 gallon pot, 6 I would not recommend due to weight.

Sorry for barging in Joe and good morning!
Will you be budwashing?
I have not planned on that.Its funny since I have followed DocBud when I first joined here and watched him setting up the HIgh Brix movement then bud washing too. I tried the wash one time and freaked on the pistils floating off my little harvest. Then I read your wash and seen pictures so Im not so worried.Its just I dont get to spend enough time with my plants or give them the best care.
Hello everyone. Today I just harvested and trimmed a plant. About to wash the buds then hang them as well as possibly harvest a additional plant. Hope everyone has a nice day
Congrats Joe.
No not yet. That picture was about 5 minutes after they were all harvested.
I think I still rather grow outside.
Today I will be harvesting another plant. After its trimmed and harvested I will be bud washing both plants(yesterdays and todays)
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