I got an even better update the blue dream clone has shot out a couple roots. What type of options do I have to keep some clones going for a 2 month flower in order to put them into the same setup I am using now? Everyone's opinions would be greatly appreciated and I will get pics later just making the tea and watering the girls

Maybe I misunderstood??? You wanna flower the clone or hang on to her till ur finished with this grow? I'd veg her out n take more clones.
So I was asked to show some of the other plants around my place and I have decided to post them here and not elsewhere with a link as this is one time and plant related however not 420. I will not make a habit of this if any admin are watching we will be back to our usual program as soon as I can type up another journal submission. So to no further delay I present Stoners garden I have put details in the photos

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Good stuff you gardening monster.
Great around the house pics. I love the potato stealth vent system. Interesting tip about the basil attracting ladybugs and the unwanted weeds will die out. ;)
Great looking cherry tomatoes.
The inside garden looks fab too!

Thank you I forgot to get the strawberry bed in a picture lmfao it is new as of a month ago and a pic of the stealth vent, It works well. I got that from wiki " Coupled with basil seems to encourage lady bugs ".
Maybe I misunderstood??? You wanna flower the clone or hang on to her till ur finished with this grow? I'd veg her out n take more clones.
my plan was see if it would root easy enough and then take a bunch of clones before flipping as I want a net over the BD and the defol will give me clone material. Would 1st generation clones not be better then cloning a clone?
I've nev
my plan was see if it would root easy enough and then take a bunch of clones before flipping as I want a net over the BD and the defol will give me clone material. Would 1st generation clones not be better then cloning a clone?
I've never known a clone to not be exactly as the plant it's taken from. That's the beauty of a clone. You know what your getting. To me they are much better than autos. I say that even with no real experience with the autos but man I see people paying big bucks for just a seed. Then they get the thing and it never germinates or sometimes if they do get two going of the same type. They get variations at times. Hell, I'd grow a few if I was gifted free ones in an order but I doubt I'd ever order any.
ppm down to 460 and ph went up to 5.9 overnight water change any minute and I am boosting the sauce by 0.2 EC or 100 ppm and then take pics because you would not know the Afghan had been tied up heavy 24 hr ago. When I bought fittings for a scrog net the 1" was at a good price but now I realize 1" pvc, although stronger, costs 20$ CAD for 16 ft pipe double the cost of 3/4". oops
Hello everyone today I did the water change and I cleaned out all the buckets and the airstones to remove any residue.
The water that I made up started from 9 gallons RO at 17 ppm; to which I added 30ml of Cal mag and b-52 which was just under half strength. I then added 35 ml of sensi grow a and b to reach 600 ppm or 1.2 EC. I poured that in the system after cleaning it and then dumped 700ml of tea over both plants equally. The water is now at 585 ppm, 70 deg F, and ph of 5.8 all on its own. After I defoliated a little bit of the leaves from the soil ladies like under their skirts. without further delay I give some pictures but please look at my weird leaves and tell me if it is to little or too much food? I don't think she needs anything stronger but she is still light green

I would also like all of your opinions on what I want to see this tent look like and if you would change anything.

I want to make a pvc frame for a scrog net and have a 2'x4' net on the back half of my tent; this net at the back will cover the soil ladies Blue Dream and Wedding cake. The reason I want this net here is Blue dream is stealing the show but I do not want her stealing light; the plan with the net is to let the BD take 2/3 of the net or every square that the wedding cake can not fill in time. Secondary reasoning, the rdwc girls took a minute to pick up speed and now looking nice still need 2 weeks in order to get some more growth sites I can play with; Blue Dream in 2 weeks however is going to be over top of everyone.

That is my plans tell my its strengths and weaknesses, tear it apart and let me know what you think :Namaste: :passitleft:
Hello everyone today I did the water change and I cleaned out all the buckets and the airstones to remove any residue.
The water that I made up started from 9 gallons RO at 17 ppm; to which I added 30ml of Cal mag and b-52 which was just under half strength. I then added 35 ml of sensi grow a and b to reach 600 ppm or 1.2 EC. I poured that in the system after cleaning it and then dumped 700ml of tea over both plants equally. The water is now at 585 ppm, 70 deg F, and ph of 5.8 all on its own. After I defoliated a little bit of the leaves from the soil ladies like under their skirts. without further delay I give some pictures but please look at my weird leaves and tell me if it is to little or too much food? I don't think she needs anything stronger but she is still light green

They all lookin sweet. That bd is going to explode in flower. So what size net you throwing her under? Oops, never mind I see it below now.
They all lookin sweet. That bd is going to explode in flower. So what size net you throwing her under? Oops, never mind I see it below now.
2x4 foot piece of netting with 3.5 inch squares
2x4 foot piece of netting with 3.5 inch squares
Lol. I'm still pondering a response on you request for opinions and ideas... :hmmmm: This place needs a damn chat room.

Lol. I'm still pondering a response on you request for opinions and ideas... :hmmmm: This place needs a damn chat room.
in the inbox options it says you have the option to let others invite people to join a chat but idk if it can group chat but lottsa chat happens in the journals
in the inbox options it says you have the option to let others invite people to join a chat but idk if it can group chat but lottsa chat happens in the journals
I'll check that sometime
I would also like all of your opinions on what I want to see this tent look like and if you would change anything.

I want to make a pvc frame for a scrog net and have a 2'x4' net on the back half of my tent; this net at the back will cover the soil ladies Blue Dream and Wedding cake. The reason I want this net here is Blue dream is stealing the show but I do not want her stealing light; the plan with the net is to let the BD take 2/3 of the net or every square that the wedding cake can not fill in time. Secondary reasoning, the rdwc girls took a minute to pick up speed and now looking nice still need 2 weeks in order to get some more growth sites I can play with; Blue Dream in 2 weeks however is going to be over top of everyone.

That is my plans tell my its strengths and weaknesses, tear it apart and let me know what you think :Namaste: :passitleft:
Depending on your height. You could go up the walls a little with netting and scrog the walls as well. Youd have to move your lamp forward to the front 2x4. Then angle back the footprint so it covers all. You following me? This would give you a lot more sqft on your screen. Maybe 2x3 sides with a full 3x4 in back. That's what...24 more sqft. If the others are to short in the front just boost them up and lower down as they grow. I'm not sure how hard it is to move your lamp in those tents. Ive never used one. Just my thoughts.
Depending on your height. You could go up the walls a little with netting and scrog the walls as well. Youd have to move your lamp forward to the front 2x4. Then angle back the footprint so it covers all. You following me? This would give you a lot more sqft on your screen. Maybe 2x3 sides with a full 3x4 in back. That's what...24 more sqft. If the others are to short in the front just boost them up and lower down as they grow. I'm not sure how hard it is to move your lamp in those tents. Ive never used one. Just my thoughts.
That is very interesting however I feel any plant that is not big so 3 of my 4 will suffer from pointing the light at the back. Ideally I would like to have the 4 plants grow into a table then flower them all upwards
That is very interesting however I feel any plant that is not big so 3 of my 4 will suffer from pointing the light at the back. Ideally I would like to have the 4 plants grow into a table then flower them all upwards
You planning on two more weeks till the flip?
It's hard to say if the BD is hungry or a def. The plant overall has a light green color and looks to me that it's lacking some N. By increasing the food any defs associated with it should clear up. That's my thought on her anyways.
I have been feeding her 900ppm or 1.8 EC I thought I read that 1.6 is a strong veg feed what is the strongest ec you feed in veg?
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