Some of you dirty mofo's have a similar sense of humor to mine, so I figured you would get a chuckle...

I've finally captured a picture of the elusive gerbil wang...

Stay lifted y'all!
Thts a gerbil wang and a a half right there
The Blue Rasperry are phenomenal! :drool:
That's one I've made before and absolutely love them! All the Jolly Rancher mixes have been great so far. They have a perfect "tartness" that makes them taste perfect.... and they are actually cheaper!
If the kiwi doesn't get made this run, guarantee it will be picked first next batch!

Cherry Limeade is definitely on the top of the list because I've never had it. Sounds amazing too!

Thanks for the imput!
Yer blue raspberry would be my first pick closely followed by cherry limeade. Might need ya to walk me through making gummies from fresh cut bud. Think my PE is a good candidate. Do you ever get any of your buds flavours come through?
Yer blue raspberry would be my first pick closely followed by cherry limeade. Might need ya to walk me through making gummies from fresh cut bud. Think my PE is a good candidate. Do you ever get any of your buds flavours come through?
I'm about to throw together a video tutorial for how I make gummies. I've just been sick the last 2 days.
It should be pretty cool. I'll try to cover every step from start to finish. Wait til y'all see my co host! Fun little collab effort to share the secrets. LoL

Stay lifted homie!
I'm about to throw together a video tutorial for how I make gummies. I've just been sick the last 2 days.
It should be pretty cool. I'll try to cover every step from start to finish. Wait til y'all see my co host! Fun little collab effort to share the secrets. LoL

Stay lifted homie!
Yerrr im down for it.
Busy day today....

Noticed a bunch of change in tricomes from yesterday, so I chopped Bitchface this morning.

I'm pretty impressed. She did well...

So... as is tradition here...
Fresh gummies, straight off the plant.

But.... which flavor to choose!?


Stay lifted homies!
Bitchface turned out great Preston! Getting your gummy on now huh? Yum
Bitchface turned out great Preston! Getting your gummy on now huh? Yum
Thanks buddy! All the buds are almost dry now. I'll be jarring everything up today.

I'll be making a few hundred gummies this week. LoL The oil I brewed up earlier this week yielded almost 2 cups evoo. That's like 7-8 batches. LoL

Fighting off a flu bug right now. I'll be back to it soon enough.
Ive literally just started kicking this bug ive had since friday last week. Been sweating like a crackhead at work and in bed at night. I feel for ya P. Now get in the fucking kitchen and make some gummies you pussy!

Damn.... twice in one day! LoL

@newty called me a pussy today too. Gotta toughen TF up... sorry. LoL

I'll be on my feet today.

Damn.... twice in one day! LoL

@newty called me a pussy today too. Gotta toughen TF up... sorry. LoL

I'll be on my feet today.
Hahaha na im not gonna lie. Took 2 days off work and was walking around the house like a dog whos just got the chop.
My misses on the other hand... had a throat infection brought on by the flu, hasn't missed a day at work apart from when our daughter was off school sick for the day.... We think we're tough but females are straight gangster.
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