The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

With those wild girl sativas you're cultivating you need it, eh? :laughtwo::green_heart:

Just kidding Duggan. Have a wonderful day. Hoping it's sunny and bright. :love:
Ditto girl...have a great day !:high-five:

He's been in the procedure room for 2 1/2 hours now. This is when it begins to get stressful. I'm sitting next to a sunny window though, so I get to enjoy a bit of it. Cheers Duggs. :high-five:
I bumped these over from 36Gr0w's thread. The man's on the same relentless search for understanding I am.

Discussion on organic cannabis cultivation

Jeff Lowenfels and Jorge discuss growing cannabis organically.

The routine just became complicated. Damn. We are definitely into the end run with Dale. Turns out that front section of the heart everyone was concerned with has excellent blood flow. Unfortunately, the real problem is that one of the two bypasses done in December is 100% clogged. To further complicate things, the catheter got twisted up inside his blood vessel, so now surgery is necessary to remove it.

Smack! Right into that damned windshield!

Need to regroup. I'm absolutely determined to make this stage as joyful as possible. That's going to require me to figure out how to stop crying. I WILL learn how to do that. Living in the now. Living in the now. In the now. Now.

I can do this.
Darn, can't win for losing. Sorry to hear that.
Here's how to do the math. All you need to do is ask someone who has been using it for a long time.....and I fit that description.

You should start a blog, Doc. Make things easier to find for us noobs. Thanks for the information as I'll probably add this to my current blog post.
Darn, can't win for losing. Sorry to hear that.

Sucks big time Reg. And still, I have to keep it moving forward. All these years preparing..... to find out there is no preparation. That bypass was supposed to be our ticket to years together. His amazing cardiac surgeons are distressed. All the doctors are distressed. Not a hopeful sign, but I appreciate their candor. The last thing I need is sugar coating.
Thanks Duggan. This is that circle of life playing out. Not much worth saying other than what you already have. I've figured out that all one really needs at a time like this is the simple knowing that others care. I'm feeling all the virtual hugs. That's enough for now. :green_heart:
I dont know what to say, but I will sit next to you on the virtual couch and I will put my arm around your shoulders. You can lay your head there and cry until you dont need to anymore, or you can wrap your arms around me and hold on for as long as is necessary.

I feel your pain, I cant imagine it, but I feel it.

Squeeze Dale's hand for me and know that you both have touched me. Im crying with you.

*huggles you both*
Good grief girl, you're good at that. Thank you. I'll take the crying for a while in your arms until my daughter gets here. I keep trying to stop but it's not working well. I can feel those arms Sorenna. :love:

You guys are the best.
Stay strong Sue :love: Of course Crying is allowed and needed so let those tears go. We ache with you.
My daughter is here now. Thank you for the loving arms Sorenna.

Thank you all.
Im happy to have helped. :blushsmile:

Happy thoughts for you and your family.
Hey mate, we've all got all our fingers and toes crossed for you.

You are such an increadible woman Sue, truly and inspiration to all of us here.

Stay strong we're here behind you, and here if you need to fall back.

All of our best thoughts and wishes are with you and Dale.

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