The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Stay strong Sue, take care of yourself, and don't worry about us or time for your journal. We will be here with open arms for you whenever you need it. Don't add unneeded stress trying to please us, keep yourself and your family in high spirits!

Thank you for that 36. I started to feel bad yesterday about missing my update. That lasted almost as long as it took to type that out. Priorities, after all. The garden runs itself for the most part, so keeping up with it won't be difficult. Most of my journal work is done sitting by Dale's bedside while he dozes or riding the many busses to and fro. I do these posts as much for the creative release as for your enjoyment. Posting keeps me from feeling isolated. It's unbelievably easy to become numbed and invisible in the midst of long-term hospitalization. Keeping up with this journal is like breathing to me now.

I assure you though, I will not let it become a stressor. I prefer that it be my expression of joy.
Good morning Sue, hope your loving and laughing

:whirlwind smiley: :love:

Yes I am Tassie. Feeling all Tassie protected too.:love: I have to tell you guys, in my hour of greatest need I can feel you all surround me with strength and power. It's the most amazing feeling.

I'm going to determine if there's really anything to do for Dale from this point. My sense is that anything surgical is too risky, which means we just wait for his heart to go. If that's truly the case, then I'll be looking into palliative care and get his boney ass home. Then everyone can come to him.

We did find out this morning that the blood vessel that caught the catheter yesterday closed up completely overnight. Completely. That caught both Vascular and Cardiology by surprise. Thankfully he's not showing any symptoms of failure in the hand, so his body is compensating for it somehow. His heart function is as bad as it was in 2000, so we've lost all of the gain over the years and are back to square one. It's just a waiting game now. Dale says he's not ready to go. He has a lot more reefer to smoke, in his words. :laughtwo: He wants me to keep on growing so he can smoke some of what I'm growing now. Hey, whatever it takes.
Our thoughts, hearts and minds are with you and Dale.

Glad you're gunna take him home...that's the best place for love and laughs

Glad he's still got what it takes to do some more of that for both of you.

Keep up with the good work Sue, you are an absolutely amazing woman

Hugs Sue and Dale

Thanks Duggan. This is that circle of life playing out. Not much worth saying other than what you already have. I've figured out that all one really needs at a time like this is the simple knowing that others care. I'm feeling all the virtual hugs. That's enough for now. :green_heart:

Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 68

This grow has turned into a demonstration of how to do it wrong and still succeed, because, mark my words, I will harvest some incredibly potent cannabis despite my mistakes.

Sometime in the past couple days someone questioned the distance to the LED (I think it was CC? - good eye there) and I blithely tossed off assurances that we were ok. As soon as my eyes popped open this morning I knew that assessment was wrong. I opened the tent, grabbed a ruler and sure enough, 9" further away than called. NINE INCHES! How in earth did that happen?

Everything came out of the tent and adjustments were made. Everything growing in there is now between 25"-27" from the LED panel. It made me question myself and wonder if maybe I overstepped. Then I decided I was human, and flawed just like everyone else. I caught the mistake and corrected it. That's all that matters now.

I was looking at the seedlings this morning, picking out the heartiest ones.



Poor little Kakashnikova. I know I should pull her in place of someone heartier, but I can't make myself do it. She lived, she's growing. I have to let her ride it out, regardless. If nothing else it will be an object lesson in why you don't get attached to seedlings. I need to keep everything in here alive now, since I can't do the same for Dale. Can you understand that?


The most vigorous seedling is the Easter Bunny's contribution of Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia. Look at the growth getting ready to burst out all over!!


In my opinion, the Auto Destroyer has the best overall structure at this point. Lower to the ground, well-spaced nodes, healthy leaves - there's just something about this seedling.


The Cheese Candy has the healthiest main stem. This one's going to be a sweet plant. You can feel it around her. I mean, just look at her. Isn't it obvious? :laughtwo:


Let's turn our attention to the star. I'm going to let you just enjoy the photo array.










The Devil got a 1/4 turn and the reservoir was topped off. The SWICK got topped as well. Today was Coconut water/Aloe Vera juice drench (with a splash of Agsil added), mixed to a volume of 1/2 gallon and split between all the LOS pots.

Now that I got the Dark Devil closer to the light I'll be watching to see if there's a noticeable increase in trichome production. Still can't believe I made that mistake. Let it go Girl. It's not like I had no distractions going on, eh?

I should be able to order lights and get the shelf purchased this weekend. That will be a relief. Now to design the CFLs. Cannafan was nice enough to send me links to some ideas. Time to get creative.

Life gets challenging and we still move forward. For all the fear and frustration of yesterday I'm feeling much calmer today, likely because I've begun to resign myself to the fact that we've finally arrived at the end game. It will be a journey of fits and starts for a while, I'm sure, but my determination is to infuse as much joy and laughter into each day as is possible. For now he's still recovering from surgery, so he's less than responsive to bubbly, so today I'm opting for presence with him and spreading joy everywhere else.

So get out there and augment my joyful expression with your own. Grab a loved one real quick now and hug deep and long. Hold on that extra minute. Savor the love. You never know.

Hello Sweetsue...hope your feeling OK today....thinking of you. :green_heart:

Awww guys, I'm tearing up here BAR. Thank you all. How did I ever get on without all you amazing people in my life? :hug:
Sue, I'm glad you ae hugging tight before the letting go.

There is a full moon Tuesday and I 'd like to build a prayer for you. I could use some help on how to phrase your desired outcome for the next month.

Many blessings will be included, no matter the words.

I'm honored Rad. I'll give it some thought and PM you. Thank you, dear friend. :love:
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 68

This grow has turned into a demonstration of how to do it wrong and still succeed, because, mark my words, I will harvest some incredibly potent cannabis despite my mistakes.

Sometime in the past couple days someone questioned the distance to the LED (I think it was CC? - good eye there) and I blithely tossed off assurances that we were ok. As soon as my eyes popped open this morning I knew that assessment was wrong. I opened the tent, grabbed a ruler and sure enough, 9" further away than called. NINE INCHES! How in earth did that happen?

Everything came out of the tent and adjustments were made. Everything growing in there is now between 25"-27" from the LED panel. It made me question myself and wonder if maybe I overstepped. Then I decided I was human, and flawed just like everyone else. I caught the mistake and corrected it. That's all that matters now.

I was looking at the seedlings this morning, picking out the heartiest ones.



Poor little Kakashnikova. I know I should pull her in place of someone heartier, but I can't make myself do it. She lived, she's growing. I have to let her ride it out, regardless. If nothing else it will be an object lesson in why you don't get attached to seedlings. I need to keep everything in here alive now, since I can't do the same for Dale. Can you understand that?


The most vigorous seedling is the Easter Bunny's contribution of Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia. Look at the growth getting ready to burst out all over!!


In my opinion, the Auto Destroyer has the best overall structure at this point. Lower to the ground, well-spaced nodes, healthy leaves - there's just something about this seedling.


The Cheese Candy has the healthiest main stem. This one's going to be a sweet plant. You can feel it around her. I mean, just look at her. Isn't it obvious? :laughtwo:


Let's turn our attention to the star. I'm going to let you just enjoy the photo array.










The Devil got a 1/4 turn and the reservoir was topped off. The SWICK got topped as well. Today was Coconut water/Aloe Vera juice drench (with a splash of Agsil added), mixed to a volume of 1/2 gallon and split between all the LOS pots.

Now that I got the Dark Devil closer to the light I'll be watching to see if there's a noticeable increase in trichome production. Still can't believe I made that mistake. Let it go Girl. It's not like I had no distractions going on, eh?

I should be able to order lights and get the shelf purchased this weekend. That will be a relief. Now to design the CFLs. Cannafan was nice enough to send me links to some ideas. Time to get creative.

Life gets challenging and we still move forward. For all the fear and frustration of yesterday I'm feeling much calmer today, likely because I've begun to resign myself to the fact that we've finally arrived at the end game. It will be a journey of fits and starts for a while, I'm sure, but my determination is to infuse as much joy and laughter into each day as is possible. For now he's still recovering from surgery, so he's less than responsive to bubbly, so today I'm opting for presence with him and spreading joy everywhere else.

So get out there and augment my joyful expression with your own. Grab a loved one real quick now and hug deep and long. Hold on that extra minute. Savor the love. You never know.

Hey that twist tie loop looks just like something I would do :) I hadn't noticed it before. Growing is a learning experience all the time, no need to beat yourself up at any point at all. When you notice something seek a remedy and move on, that is what everyone on here is doing.
I think all your spoutlings are awesome. I also think they are just figuring it all out, still barely out of the soil, particularly little Kala. Some of us just like meander through life. :)

I dont think you should kick yourself too much about the light distance or make any big decisions about your garden like plucking little sprouts.

*huggles you*
Hey that twist tie loop looks just like something I would do :) I hadn't noticed it before. Growing is a learning experience all the time, no need to beat yourself up at any point at all. When you notice something seek a remedy and move on, that is what everyone on here is doing.

Hahaha! That twist tie loop was your idea. The African Buzz has the weakest stem right now. The fan blew it right over. Then I remembered what you suggested and at that precise moment I turned and this piece of twist tie was right there. It was "meant to be". Haha! Old family joke. It would take too long to explain. :laughtwo:
Hey Sue, just passing by, little devil is filling out. In your last pic I noticed what looks like a round black "something". What is it?

Are you speaking of the roundish black area near the top of the photo? That's a shadow under a leaf. The tiny white spot is all the light able to penetrate that dense mass of flowers. She's swelling like mad now. Smelling really wonderful too, when you get close to her. Mmmmmm.
Arms about. You are an inspiration, both in your grow and in your response to life's challenges. When my wife and I ride the wave with our silver surfer vaporizer we will tip the wand in your and Dale's honor. Best wishes

Thanks HarleyDude, both for the virtual hug and the honorable vape. :love:

Nice hug, by the way. :blushsmile:

Ok. Now I'm ready. One more node to go and we begin drenches and foliars. Ahhh. Sigh of relief.
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