The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Nay, this one's in living organic soil, second run on the no-till. She gets the malted barley grain every week. It's a strong enzyme solution that excites the biota in much the same way the CAT drench does in HB.
Nay, this one's in living organic soil, second run on the no-till. She gets the malted barley grain every week. It's a strong enzyme solution that excites the biota in much the same way the CAT drench does in HB.

Cat Drench doesn't really excite the biota so much. It's the ammonium form of nitrogen and the sulfates and phosphates in the Cat Drench that change the soil to CATIONIC from mostly ANIONIC in veg.

When you're ready, I'll explain why you're having trouble germinating in the LOS and also why the seed that did make it is so much smaller.
Cat Drench doesn't really excite the biota so much. It's the ammonium form of nitrogen and the sulfates and phosphates in the Cat Drench that change the soil to CATIONIC from mostly ANIONIC in veg.

When you're ready, I'll explain why you're having trouble germinating in the LOS and also why the seed that did make it is so much smaller.

I'm way past ready Doc. Please, explain away.

I really need to understand that change. Let me do a bit of reading real quick here. Be right back.
Wow. That was pretty insightful. Had an "Aha!" moment there. I still don't completely understand it, but I do understand the change from Cationic to Anionic and the reasoning behind that. It made me laugh right out loud, because it made such perfect sense. Still laughing as I type this.

Pretty brilliant actually.

I keep thinking that my next tray, due to be started within the next week or so, should be all HB. This time no lanky babies. Bit by bit Girl.

Ok Doc. I'm all ears.
These ears are attached to a brain that just shut down. Good night all I'll pick this up tomorrow. :love:

You gotta love a day filled with study and insight. Even if it always seems to happen after 1 AM. :laughtwo:
Perpetual Garden: Week 4
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 70.


I made the decision I'd been considering from the beginning. First thing this morning (hell, I didn't even bother to get dressed first) I dug into those cups and found nothing viable. Tossed the contents of the cups and the LOS azalea pots back into the tote holding the reserve LOS, added some water and mixed it well.


With the exception of Kalashnikova, which I may tier onto the LOS pot when the Devil comes down, all the SWICK trays will be Doc's kit soil. This simplifies my life. I'm ok with only having 5 HB pots on this first tray. It gives me less stress coming into this unpredictable stage with Dale's care and it should be easier to acclimate myself to the routine maintenance for the HB soil pots, which will begin this week. The next tray I may go for it and plant a full 12. We'll see.



The lineup above: (Day)

Auto Destroyer (19) New Year's Bag Seed (19) Super Lemon Haze x Blue Satelitte 2.2 (17)

Kalashnikova Auto (15) Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia (17) African Buzz (18)

Yeah, there's no way to actually justify keeping that tiny little Kalashnikova, is there? I'll think about it.

Cheese Candy: Day 19


All of the HB soil plants are working on the 5th node, so drenches and foliars begin within days. The guideline is 4-5 nodes, isn't it? Does that mean I could do the first drenches tomorrow?

On to this stunning Dark Devil Auto. She's swelling and packing on in an impressive way. These little stacks of flowers fascinate me.









Here's the scaled-down version of the perpetual tent. The end of this week should see a shelf unit and some veg lighting up and running and the next tray underway. Hopefully life won't get too much in the way. :laughtwo:


The incidentals: the Devil got her 1/4 turn and the reservoir topped off. She took an entire half gallon this morning, suggesting that she still has some time to go. I'll watch after the next enzyme tea to see if we get any more pistil development.

The SWICK tray got more centered under the light. I'm hoping to get to the big-box hardware store today to check out shelves and lights. I'm so ready to get this done. Depending on how it goes with Dale, that may have to wait another day. He developed complications in the hand of the arm they had to operate on to remove the catheter. There's fear of a blood clot, so they started a heparin drip. That means he's staying at the hospital at least a couple more days. Blood clots freak me out. It's what killed his mother, but then she ignored the pain for two weeks as it traveled from her leg to her lungs. That was one headstrong woman! My personal opinion was she saw a way out and took it. Can't slight her for that.

So troops, your mission today, should you decide to accept it, is to make at least one other person chortle with glee. We want uninhibited laughter. Ok. Go for it. Feel free to share any particularly hilarious stories. We could use the laughs too. :laughtwo::green_heart:

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.

The HB feeding begins at 5th set of true leaves. Sounds like the fun is about to begin!
You're gonna love the ease and results of using the kit. After a couple of weeks, it will be the easiest thing you can do to grow some delightful dankness. :thumb:
The HB feeding begins at 5th set of true leaves. Sounds like the fun is about to begin!
You're gonna love the ease and results of using the kit. After a couple of weeks, it will be the easiest thing you can do to grow some delightful dankness. :thumb:

I know Major. Having all of you watching over my shoulder is reassuring. This is going to be easy and it's already exciting. I'm so glad I removed the distraction of the LOS azalea pots. Now I can focus all the energy of the trays in one direction. This feels right.
Is it just me or does anyone else have a wild urge to go and thief Kala? Its prolly just me. I wonder why she is so little? I want her to live and thrive.

I have some leaves here that we can glue on her to give her the appearance of being bigger. They are a little dry and mangled, but would that help? :)

Nice update and lovely greenery. So exciting to have one about to come to fruitition and so many more just starting their dance. Lovely.

Many of you, likely most of you, plant and grow. I am compelled to study. My study time typically kicks off somewhere around 10PM, as I surf through the threads. By the time I quit for the night papers are strewn everywhere. This was where I finally stopped last night somewhere around 3AM because I simply couldn't keep the eyes open anymore. :laughtwo:

Soil nerds. Go figure. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Possible surgery tomorrow. Something is terribly wrong in that right arm. I'm so frustrated by my inability to keep him from all this pain.
Wow. That was pretty insightful. Had an "Aha!" moment there. I still don't completely understand it, but I do understand the change from Cationic to Anionic and the reasoning behind that. It made me laugh right out loud, because it made such perfect sense. Still laughing as I type this.

Pretty brilliant actually.

I keep thinking that my next tray, due to be started within the next week or so, should be all HB. This time no lanky babies. Bit by bit Girl.

Ok Doc. I'm all ears.


I've been watching and familiarizing myself with the LOS. I did a review of "The Rev's" book a few months ago, so I actually got that book out and re-read parts of it, did some checking online, etc. I'm not an expert on LOS by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know a couple things about soil and here's what I'm seeing.

1. I think you're feeding too much in the way of teas, aloe vera, coconut water and especially Agsil. This has created way too much potassium and probably too much sodium in the soil. Remember how I constantly harp on keep K levels down? Sodium is even worse when it gets heavy, BTW.

2. There is excess humus in the LOS pots which has made life difficult for the biota. Soils do best with about 6% humusl, provided the minerals are in place and the other critical ratio's ( Ca:K, P:K, Ca:Mg) are intact. I suspect with your roots, amendments and cover crops you're over the 10% bueno. Excess organic material acidifies the soil as well.

Add 1 and 2 together and you've basically got a flat battery (so seeds don't germinate) and a toxic environment for biota. so if something did manage to germinate, it will struggle trying to grow because it's got nothing to eat!

Remember all those mentions of Theory and practice? In theory, your LOS should be perfect in every way.....I mean it's a Living Organic Soil! Good lord, what could be better than that?

However, creating a stable environment in a small container takes a lot of practice.....and that's where the theory breaks down.

If you're really determined to use LOS, I suggest going back to the original recipe and mostly adding water with a microbial boost.....with maybe 1 or 2 enzyme teas max during the cycle. I'd stay away from Agsil, Coconut water, Aloe Vera, and leaf mulches. That's where your excess potassium is coming from, although I suspect that your beginning mix is also quite high in K and possibly sodium as well. When you add even more K and Na along with even more organic material, it's quite predictable that your soil will go flat.

Good soil needs to be:

1. mineralized in the proper ratios: 18:1 Ca:K 1:1 K:p, 7-10:1 Ca:Mg, trace elements in trace amounts.
2. full of healthy, living ACTIVE biota
3. electrical energy about 200 ERGS.
4. No more than 8% humus content. 6% is better.

Back in my days of microbial tea brewing, organic soils, yucca juice, guano's and the like I had what I thought was pretty good soil. I was shocked and dismayed when I actually got it tested at a lab and found my ratio's were a joke and the soil was essentially toxic with sodium.

Theory and practice......

I've been watching and familiarizing myself with the LOS. I did a review of "The Rev's" book a few months ago, so I actually got that book out and re-read parts of it, did some checking online, etc. I'm not an expert on LOS by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know a couple things about soil and here's what I'm seeing.

1. I think you're feeding too much in the way of teas, aloe vera, coconut water and especially Agsil. This has created way too much potassium and probably too much sodium in the soil. Remember how I constantly harp on keep K levels down? Sodium is even worse when it gets heavy, BTW.

2. There is excess humus in the LOS pots which has made life difficult for the biota. Soils do best with about 6% humusl, provided the minerals are in place and the other critical ratio's ( Ca:K, P:K, Ca:Mg) are intact. I suspect with your roots, amendments and cover crops you're over the 10% bueno. Excess organic material acidifies the soil as well.

Add 1 and 2 together and you've basically got a flat battery (so seeds don't germinate) and a toxic environment for biota. so if something did manage to germinate, it will struggle trying to grow because it's got nothing to eat!

Remember all those mentions of Theory and practice? In theory, your LOS should be perfect in every way.....I mean it's a Living Organic Soil! Good lord, what could be better than that?

However, creating a stable environment in a small container takes a lot of practice.....and that's where the theory breaks down.

If you're really determined to use LOS, I suggest going back to the original recipe and mostly adding water with a microbial boost.....with maybe 1 or 2 enzyme teas max during the cycle. I'd stay away from Agsil, Coconut water, Aloe Vera, and leaf mulches. That's where your excess potassium is coming from, although I suspect that your beginning mix is also quite high in K and possibly sodium as well. When you add even more K and Na along with even more organic material, it's quite predictable that your soil will go flat.

Good soil needs to be:

1. mineralized in the proper ratios: 18:1 Ca:K 1:1 K:p, 7-10:1 Ca:Mg, trace elements in trace amounts.
2. full of healthy, living ACTIVE biota
3. electrical energy about 200 ERGS.
4. No more than 8% humus content. 6% is better.

Back in my days of microbial tea brewing, organic soils, yucca juice, guano's and the like I had what I thought was pretty good soil. I was shocked and dismayed when I actually got it tested at a lab and found my ratio's were a joke and the soil was essentially toxic with sodium.

Theory and practice......

This is beginning to make more sense to me as I go on Doc, so I appreciate the effort you keep putting into helping me get it. My challenge with the LOS is going to be adjusting those ratios. When I get through this current crisis with Dale I want to try to figure out how to modify the mix. I have a tote full of fresh soil maturing away in the other room that I can begin again with, if need be. My intent with that soil is to hold it aside until I have a light to dedicate to the 15 gallon, so there's plenty of time to work that out.

Using the small pots for LOS was always a questionable step.

I've been watching Conradino with his exploration of adapting the soil and it made me really glad that I'd held off on that soil. That will be my next big project, after I get the SWICK trays all up and running. Hopefully, when I get to that point I can pick your brain a bit?

This grow is turning out to be mostly about change on the fly. Not sure how I feel about that, but I'll have to keep going and trust that it will all pan out in the end.

We just had a whole slew of Vascular and Cardiology surgeons here, all of whom expressed their concern that he may not survive this surgery tomorrow. Never had that much frankness smack us at once before.
If you want to "perfect" the LOS soil, it would be money well-spent to have it tested. Until you know where you are with your base soil, you have no way of knowing what you need to add to get where you want to be. It could be the cheapest $50 you ever spend on medicine.
If you want to "perfect" the LOS soil, it would be money well-spent to have it tested. Until you know where you are with your base soil, you have no way of knowing what you need to add to get where you want to be. It could be the cheapest $50 you ever spend on medicine.

I was just thinking that myself Major. It will be the soundest approach. I can't think of any other way to know what's in this soil. I was thinking keep the pot I have going with the Dark Devil and watch it over time, but dump the other 7 gallon into my tote, toss in some worms to work it until I'm ready to use it, then have it tested and modified to get the ratios under control.

Thanks for the distraction Major. I needed to stop that dull roar inside my head.
Our hearts go out to you & Dale Sue. I'll say a prayer for the surgery tonight.
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