Tomula's Living Organics In Soil With Olla Irrigation Perpetual Indoor Garden

I got my 700 back in the fall of 14' and it was advertised as having 5w didoes and I hope it wasn't 3w's overclocked to 5w's. I'm not financially ready to upgrade any time soon but I still like the lights I got for now, I probably won't go back to mars lighting either. But I checked out another vendor and if and when I'm ready I'll probably go with them. They had better stats on their lights than mars, however mars was the best entry level lights that I could find at the time.

I agree, as a entry level, they serve me and others well. Now I know the power is in the COBs. What are you looking at? Curious. Thank you. :love: :Namaste:
Nice to know Mars are crap if I go LED. I havent looked yet but Newbiegrwer suggests UFO's led's stealth grow? and or King plus LED. I got them both written down.
Thanks for your help Tomula

I do not say that they are crap I say there are COB lights which are much better and you can make them yourself from quality components. If I had the money I would buy Spectrum King. That is a good light. It is more shiny than Gavita on full power. And better spectrum. I think 2pounds are doable under that light. And you can hang it on a light mover and your summer grow is ready. I would stay away from the blurple forever.

Loved the part with the garden hose making it rain on that light!

Oh yeah, they are selling them to big firms and you need something durable or you warehouse could get wet and dusty. After the fire. I was going through threads on RIU, there is very big community revolving around DIY and LEDs. I did find that you do not need almost no far red in your light. Ppl are using 730nm LEDs in separate fixture and it is on 5 minutes after lights out, just to tell the plant the Sun is setting. The plant then goes immediately to sleep, thus it starts budding sooner. When you got just lights it takes up to an hour for the plant to start budding. I will definitely incorporate this to my light fixture. It can also serve to get more stretched plants when you run it longer than 5 minutes. Then the plant thinks she needs to get taller and get to the direct sunlight, light depraved. I'm talking about 15 watts far red maximum. Also I will put single 20W UVA/UVB light tube there to get more quality buds. As you would do with your desert lizard in terrarium. I hope I will get one great deal on CPU coolers for old Pentium 4, just 4 bucks a piece, yay! Great day to everybody! :love: :Namaste:
Oh yeah, they are selling them to big firms and you need something durable or you warehouse could get wet and dusty. After the fire. I was going through threads on RIU, there is very big community revolving around DIY and LEDs. I did find that you do not need almost no far red in your light. Ppl are using 730nm LEDs in separate fixture and it is on 5 minutes after lights out, just to tell the plant the Sun is setting. The plant then goes immediately to sleep, thus it starts budding sooner. When you got just lights it takes up to an hour for the plant to start budding. I will definitely incorporate this to my light fixture. It can also serve to get more stretched plants when you run it longer than 5 minutes. Then the plant thinks she needs to get taller and get to the direct sunlight, light depraved. I'm talking about 15 watts far red maximum. Also I will put single 20W UVA/UVB light tube there to get more quality buds. As you would do with your desert lizard in terrarium. I hope I will get one great deal on CPU coolers for old Pentium 4, just 4 bucks a piece, yay! Great day to everybody! :love: :Namaste:

Damn I've been astray a few days due to it being birthday week but I've missed out on a lot! Regarding the far red Tomula (Infra Red I'm guessing) the manufacturer of my COB LED's (mint) before I started making some cheaper ones offered an IR light but with the recommendation of them being on 15 mins before lights out for 15 mins and likewise just before lights on, switching the hour long winding down and waking up of the plant to 15 mins instead of an hour allowing extra light time at certain stages of flowering. I'd be interested to know which is correct (I never went for that option due to being poor lol), either way I can see why it would work due to acting like sunset and sunrise triggering those inbuilt dna triggers to help the plant on it's way.

As for the Mars LED's I've moved on and they're a great introductory light to LED but they just don't outperform HPS or the more modern COB's. I have loads of their lights, the Mars II 1600, two 96x3 reflectors ('shite for me' excuse my french, bought those a month before they upgraded the hard feelings in honesty but because they underperformed vs the Mars II it did add a little bite) and two new old style 300w lights. The new old style were the best value as the difference in cost just didn't compare realistically. The buds were good from everything for me apart from the reflectors, maybe 3w diodes just really couldn't cut much more than a well grown scrog but the other lights gave a decent yield, not as good as the HPS before but it was nice. I can't fault their customer service though, so long as you understand they're human and will get a little standoffish if you piss them off. A lot of people are pretty rude without thinking but still there's a level of professionalism there, or you can at least call them out on the magazine, God save you all from the fan crowd though :rofl: In all seriousness their lights do grow weed, so they're good lights. The company isn't too shabby at all though as I can attest to, they sent me replacements every time my light's burned out, and even once when I accused them of having a wrong spectrum led in my lights which was kind of rude...although I maintain that it's true ;) tldr: I'd buy if I was new grower as they do grow weed but there is much better out there. No disrespect intended to Mars, they could do the same if they tried...hope this post doesn't get removed by admin for my honesty. :thumb:
Hello Kriaze, thank you for your opinion. I'm reading so much about the lights now. I think I got 100g out of my old mars and the girl wasn't even fed properly. But you need to keep those lights close- under 18''. I wish I had a par meter to check it out.
Also when you power LED at 100% of it's maximum power you get shorter lifespan and efficiency. There is also sponsor here with his Perfect Sun light and he incorporated white LED in the light too and has good results with it. Not many companies do measure PAR and show it to ppl. There is much yet to happen in this industry as it is starting to pick up the pace. Heck there are some Samsung diodes that can deliver up to 200 lumens per Watt which is a class of its own (Quantum boards). You can get more for your buck for electricity bills with added purchasing price. That's the way it is now. In the long run it pays off.
I want to do my own DIY section (I know- I said I would do it but I need to have something decent to put in it :) ) where I will show you how to make your own COB led with numerous videos and info on that matter for those interested. RIU forum is full of data on that matter. But the number of ppl who bash each other, spread well known BS, ruin threads lie and so on is staggering. Not much of that seen here.
Nevertheless having multiple sources is always good and friendly ppl are everywhere. Update later today, so stay tuned. :love: :Namaste:
Hello everyone! The promised update is here!
Ok, so the girls went to sleep before the lights come back on in flower mode tomorrow. They look awesome, lots and lots of growth happened. The Herer in veg is gonna be very big. I give them the tea now. Temps at 25°C as last time and humidity is high but nothing I can do about that. Unfortunately. There is water on the tent's walls when the HPS is on. Well, that won't stop me now, and here are the photos:




Blue Dream:




Veg closet:




:thumb: looking awesome Tomula :)

And I have seen opinions of different lights in the forums by many different members and an honest opinion based on facts and comparison, can't be wrong? right?
:thumb: looking awesome Tomula :)

And I have seen opinions of different lights in the forums by many different members and an honest opinion based on facts and comparison, can't be wrong? right?

Hello Birdie, thank you. I do my best. As for the lights, they do like 40% of the work. It also depends on what strain and how you grow your plant. But nice discussion going on here I like it. Glad you do too. Cheers! :love: :Namaste:
Maybe by summer I will get some LED's. The power bill by then will dictate. Everythings beautiful with it 45-65 deg. outside. Tents humidity, temp. are wonderful!!! I have a bug situation going on in the laundry grow with pics on my thread.
Thanks for your help Tomula.
Hello! So update is here and it looks like the thrips are back! I did not put a blue catcher in each pot and this happens... Also not enough airflow around Shark let the trips lay eggs there and let the larvae to munch on the girl. I will deploy diatomaceous earth thin layer on the soil and some lower leaves. I will sprinkle every girl. I have a few pictures of the thrip larvae and leaf damage. Fortunately I caught them early. :slide:



The thips, last time they got fed by fallen leaves:





One funny looking leaf:


First hair!






Blue Dream:


Veg tent, Shark is still growing roots, few of them are at the botom, I will use old socks next time as a smartpot:




Thank you. Have a beautiful day! :love: :Namaste:
Hope ya get the thrips under control, looks like a big harvest down the road. .

Keep em frosty ya'll

Thank you, everything I make from the harvest will be used to enhance my knowledge and environment capabilities. I want to be pro, might as well get what the pros have (no blue traps?, duh...) . Legalization is behind the door and I want to be among the first to walk in and help ppl. Cheers! :love: :Namaste:
Where im at a new medicinal cannabis law has been voted in. It will be up to 2 years to be fully functional. Will have to wait and see what kind of oppurtunities are available.

Sent from my iPad using 420
Where im at a new medicinal cannabis law has been voted in. It will be up to 2 years to be fully functional. Will have to wait and see what kind of oppurtunities are available.

Good luck! :thumb:
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