I've pretty much managed to extricate myself from the work situation.

you have no idea how relieved i am to hear this. i mean, i was prolly a 7 on the worry scale.

Anyway... hopefully I'll have more time for the plants, within a month or so. Maybe.
I do think I'd be best to dump some of these strains. But which ones ??!!

PLEASE keep the grafts....i don't think you won't, but just in case. and dude, i knew you had a lot of strains, but you really got a LOT o'strains. like A LOT ALOT
Thanks Bob. Definitely made the right decision based on the guts- will take a hit in the money dept but whatever. Life's too short for crappy bosses.

I'm definitely flowering out the grafts. In fact I'll probably flower one of them fairly small just to get a handle on what happens with it.
I chopped the mid sized clone of the CBD Therapy that was in veg just now. I figure I'll have lots of bud from the plant that's currently flowering- and if the stuff works for pain (I'm guessing it doesn't but hoping it will) I can start another from seed. I also threw the Peyote Purple reveg into flowering.
Some of the strains are sort of throwaway- one-off things or I have extra seeds so I don't mind too much axing them. Still it's difficult to let a good looking strain go, or flower it without a clone backup. But I do need to whittle down the number of different ones here.
Maybe our wondrous government will make things legal enough around here that by summer I won't be sitting on the shady side of borderline, and can bring a few plants out in the open and get more space to get better seed production going. The lack of a decent separate room to make seeds in has made it hard to produce any, so far.
Or maybe summer will come and I can put the occasional plant outside to veg when I need space.
The best way to avoid temptation is to stop buying more seeds I guess. I have a bunch more I'm dying to sprout. And the two GT and two Honduras are going to need space- which I'm managing to stay in denial about.
What are you doing Bob- got anything growing?
i do. finally! :) idk if you remember but i had a lot of pH trouble/bad batch of pH down product when i first started and between that and a determined cat, i started with denuded seedlings. the gd cat took at least one cotyledon and at least one leaf each off of 4 seedlings that were barely at 1st node. and he did it while i brought them to the kitchen to water so it was my own damn fault for turning away to get water out of the sink. cats are really fast. little bastard. but so next i gave myself more problems by hitting them w/too much light (i surmise)....blah blah blah....and so now i'm midweek of wk 7 of veg and not a plant is even 6 in tall. granted that's with aggressive bending, tying back, and tucking of big fan leaves, so they're pretty much 1/3ish bent over. but still.

so i've decided (a few weeks ago actually, solidified by that unplanned 3+ day out of town trip--no sitter, timer malfunctioned and they got 3 full days of 700 watts. ayfkm?) that ima call this grow (since it's technically my first real grow) a learning experience. not that it wasn't always gonna be already but as you know i did a crapton of planning and reading and reading and planning...so i really thought that that, chucked in w/my years of exp growing a bunch of other stuff, that honestly, things wouldn't have gone this badly this quickly. don't get me wrong...i expected them to go badly, just thought it would be a lot later...and the consequences a lot...less...severe.

basically, weasel, what i have is three healthy plants that are SQUAT AF so much so at one point i googled dwarfism in cannabis plants bc, you know, that's what i thought i might've had. so it goes... :thanks: for asking...
Well Bob, time is a funny thing. The past is mostly a bunch of stuff we make up anyway. All that really matters is that at the present time you've got three healthy little plants. :thumb: Can't call that a failure.
I read Spitz saying something about how for the first time in a while he spent some good quality time in the room just staring at the grow and being happy to be there. I got to do a bit of that tonight- seems like it's been ages since I've had time- like every time I'm in there I'm in a big hurry, and leaving the place slightly messier and more unravelled than the time before that. Not a satisfying way to be.
Couldn't make it back till about 10pm tonight but then I got a few hours so I took out my old fan and filter and got the new ones in.



The other duct is the 6" one from veg which runs all the way through flowering.
The new filter is 4' long. With the fan and ducting contortions it was more like 7' long. I wasn't sure how well it was going to work, where I tried to squeeze it in, but it turned out great. I think. It takes away a bit of headroom along the right side but at the same time it opens up the centre aisle all the way to the back which is going to be awesome because I can access the plants so much more easily now.


The fan has a zillion times more power than my old one. Capable of making a loud blast of air, but comes with a dimmer switch and I can tell that even turned way down it's pushing way more air than the old one was. I'll play around with it more tomorrow. Not sure why I made the ducting bend kind of crooked but I'm nitpicky enough to try and even it out more now that most of the work is done. I was happy to put a little love into the grow for once, it's been many years I dreamed of replacing that old fan, and my carbon has been well worn out for many months too.

The state of the flowering room. The newest plant is the Peyote Purple reveg which is front/right of center. Hex plants front left.

Also remember you commented last page about pineapple chunk. Was your experience with the strain bad? I got a pack with my last order of beans as I really want to try something fruity. A little added research (after I ordered of course) showed that P Chunk is crossed with Cheese/Skunk.

I've been doing some PCs lately. They're kind of an ugly ungainly teen, but the buds are awesome and will set your brain afire.
Awesome stuff that has gained a foothold in my very small SOG. I'd totally recommend it... just don't freak out when it curls up and starts looking ugly.
Found some sort of little grain and seeds stash-pile upstairs in my house when I got back last night. Someone's been working on moving in here while I'm away...

Little bastards!
My trees are just finishing dropping acorns. The beasties have been numerous and invasive. I need to kill a few and mount their heads on little poles as examples to their buddies!

Those curly CFs put out alot of heat... even normal ones have little ballasts in their base that get damn hot. I've got some 63w (actual) ones that I drag out in the winter time.
Hey nice piece of handiwork there Weasel but that solid ducting looks like it must have been a bit of a pain to work with judging by how many cut pieces I see, looks as though it will last a lot longer than flexible for certain. The fan that you are using is the same brand as mine, are you using the 6" or 8" version, only that carbon filter is huge in comparison to mine. I can't measure right now as it's lights out but I'll go have a look later as I'm pretty sure mine isn't over 14/16 inches, it was smaller than the last that I had up and was always curious as to whether that would affect the cooling in any way.

Excuse the cooling fetish it's just something that I'm always concerned about and never really got my head around totally. I think that's the first time I have seen a walkway in your grow area, I bet that gets filled with plants before too long though, go on, accept the challenge of that I dare you, every plant will be creeping in there, 6 months max :)
Little bastards!
My trees are just finishing dropping acorns. The beasties have been numerous and invasive. I need to kill a few and mount their heads on little poles as examples to their buddies!

Ooh yes that's a great idea. It will totally fit the decor around here too, and give the critters even more places to dance and conduct their weird rituals.

That PC is crying out for some personal improvement. But what can we do about it? Beat its ass? Enlist it in the military?
Kriaze! That's a name I'm happy to see again.
That bunch of ducting actually just consists of two adjustable 90° elbows (8"). The Hyper fan is 10" and so there's obviously a 10"-8" reducer between the fan and where the elbows start. I didn't cut a single piece. I'll straighten up that wonky looking bend maybe tonight. At the time I was just happy to get the whole contraption up there and running.
It was sort of a stoned moment when I ordered the fan and filter. I knew I could have gotten by with an 8" fan- but I had it in my head that my existing ducting was ten inch. I swear that was after going out there and measuring it several times over the years. :hmmmm: Also the 10" fan was pretty much the same price as the 8" so I thought. "Duh...More... Good" and it all fit, in my head.
That's ok. This fan has lots of power and I like going a little overkill as long as I can tune the speed down when it turns out to be too noisy. My space is about 500 cubic feet and the fan is 1065 cfm.
The reason for the filter is that it's the 'Lite' version, and weighs less due to its construction, and I had the thing sent from far away by mail so was trying to reduce some of the crazy shipping. The guy said 'you want this one'- and he was right I guess- I wanted it.
At the time I didn't stop to think about the size of it or how I was going to fit it in, but it worked out in the end. Eventually. I had to make another order of adapters to actually get the fan to fit the filter (important little details that stores don't bother to check before they ship your stuff a thousand miles, no matter how much time you spend on the phone with them trying to nail those details down...)
Oh yeah I haven't PMd you yet - not fully wriggled out of the clutches yet, just halfway- so maybe more drama to pm about when the time comes. Though I hope not.

Oh yeah... the center aisle filling up with plants. I never even thought of that. Ha ha ha. Of course it will. I don't want it to. But how could it not?
You know, whenever I think things are getting out of hand with my little grow setup, I come here. It's like if you were sitting in the ER waiting room with a broken arm, and then they wheel in this torso, no arms,, no legs,, but the guy is still alive and joking around with the paramedics. Kinda puts things in perspective.

Oh, and Tead, tyvm
Hey thanks Weasel and KelticBlue I had a bit of a hiccough with the name but things are better now and I've screwed my head back on after the wobble.
'Tis but a scratch really made me laugh, I always loved those Monty Python sketches and this particular one is so funny, now we just have to find you a murderous rabbit to take care of any critters in your attic.

Kind of boring at this stage - especially with my super-limited photography options under the lights. These six plants are all mid-flower, all squashed together in a jungle. As usual in my grow it won't be till the end that I can drag some outside and get a decent photo- and maybe by that time they'll have more character.
All of them have been suffering slightly from what I think is P deficiency. Very similar symptoms to what I got when I underfed the Panama. I bumped the hexapus reservoir level up a bit to 900 ppm so hopefully that will fix it.




The two P Chunk X Mama Thai plants. All during veg till the start of flowering they were indentical- till one took off.


The shorter PCMT.


The taller one. If you zoom in you can see traces of the alleged P deficiency which has been nipping at all of them.


Can't think of much else to say in this boring-ass update. Things are growing fine. Got the grow cleaned up and prettied up a little. Nothing much to report. If/when I get some clones going I'll do some side by side experiments or something to spice things up a little between harvests.
I stuck the Afghan x Black Domina into flowering. The veg room is getting back under control for now. It's just a stray - one I sprouted ages ago for the current hex run but it was always so sickly and runty. I mainly kept it out of curiosity to see if it would live. It's only 12" high now in veg and was started at the same time as the other plants in this update. Yawn.
Looking great over here! Don't know why you call it a boring update lol cannabis in flowering is always interesting!
To be honest I find them plenty interesting to look at in real life. But translating it into something interesting looking, using my phone/camera thing, knocks the experience down a million notches. It just can't cope with the lights. Soon the days will be long enough that I can occasionally drag them out into natural light for better pics. Plus my brain was vaporized and I couldn't think of anything interesting to say last night, just before I fell unconscious. :)

I had a thought about the P deficiency- which is that maybe I should try for a little more runoff just in case there's some sort of salt buildup going on. Not something I normally experience, but these coco plants aren't getting nearly as much runoff as I get from the hand watered pots. So I'll do a mini flush just to clean them out a little.
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