I'm new here and about to try and start my first grow. Really enjoy what I've read so far. Thanks

Hi optimus, welcome to the forum and to Weasels thread. Lots of good info here! :welcome:
Thanks Snarly. Welcome Optimusfried amd thanks for honouring me with your first posts. I'm trying to verbalized something witty about the image I have in my head, about Optimusfried, leader of the Transformers, sitting on the couch drooling with red eyes, but I can't quite get there.
I went straight from working on the plants back to working for a living. I'll try to post on the hex plants tonight. They went well all things considered- neglect and a few screwups included. The PCMTs were a pleasant surprise. Two distinct phenos which both look very good, other than that vulnerability to mould.
The larger three-sativa graft will take the place of the hex plants soon, and I'll try to squeeze some of whatever female Honduras and GT I get into the space left by the CBD Therapy, once that comes down.
Pineapple Chunk x Mama Thai #2. A gooey frothy type of bud.
Hey Weasle you got any shots of your Golden Tiger? I'm still trying to decide what I want to grow next. Well, the cycle after my next cycle. Just not sure I want to commit to such a long flowering strain.

This grafting thing got me thinking... If you took a root-stock of a fast-flowering plant and grafted Golden Tiger on to it, would the Golden Tiger finish based on the rootstock plant? Because THAT would be pretty slick.

I have too many different strains I want to try and not enough space or time. Where's Stephen Hawking when you need him.
Yes I'm considering grafting one of the GTs on to an indica rootstock. I just don't have any spare indicas right now that are large enough. Or maybe on to a Panama. I've been using the Panama as rootstock so far because it's such a nice strong vigorous plant.

I just grew the one GT and flowered it young in a one gallon pot. Had a few mistakes growing it but it turned out ok in the end. It supplied me for quite a long time and I still have a nug of it left.

~Golden Tiger~






Harvested this one today. Like I said before, she was a heavy plant. At the time she started bending over, I jammed a stick in there to help support her, but she still drooped till her tip was almost touching the floor. This actually suited me ok as after that she was horizontal under the light.
The trimmed plant was sticky and heavy- like holding a large dead eel or fish, perhaps? If a dead eel was sticky? Big, heavy, limp and floppy. You can really smell that Thai in her. I curled the carcass in a circle to fit it in my drying box.

Rereading this it all sounds a little obscene somehow...
i vegged it for a couple weeks I think. I've heard there are different phenos and that the big single cola thing is one of them, but not sure what the others are.
I didn't weigh it but it must have been over 2 because my 12/12 from seed POTM Critical Cheese in a solo cup was about 1,5 and this was much larger. It was in perlite only- and using that sort of fluffy medium (coco, rock wool, etc)- DTW with multiple daily feedings style can get away with a smaller pot.
When I last saw that post I assumed you had chopped the branches and left the apical, damn Weasel that looks like fun to grow. It is rather obscene though looking at it again. I'm trimming atm and thinking how lucky you must have been trimming that, basted Weasel. Why do I always feel green with envy when I come over here, swinging your cola's about as though they're the norm. Fk no not the leopard skin thong vision too, it's all too much I'm off back to my corner :)

I like your thoughts on that CBD mate, I'm feeling absolutely no pain here tonight whilst trimming, not CBD but I feel your relief. Ah bliss, peace.
Ahhgh! Pigeon's horrifying leapordskin G-string vision regurgitated again! Just when I'd forgotten all over again. :thanks:
Yeah that was an easy one to trim. Smallish untopped plants in general are a joy to work on. I've seen pics what you're working on right now Kriaze and I'm glad you're doing it painlessly.
The high CBD experience has opened up a huge window for me- I'm looking at all strains differently now that I see how flowering time and the cannabanoid mix could change things so much. All stuff that we have read before, but seeing is believing.
I don't consider myself easily led no matter how I may come across at times Weasel, sometimes I enjoy being a playful fool and do silly things but as I originally started this to self medicate it's something that I have always taken seriously. Once the biological changes (would chemical change be the right term here?) to CBN are in place I'm a happy man. It's always been put across in more simple terms of head high and body lock but the effects are variable per cannabinol and so we can start playing around acquiring what we require or want from most of the plants one way or another, apart from the obvious Sativa will never go full amber, but does that mean the THC still doesn't break down into CBN after a certain amount of time? Painkilling for me is just a choice of which strain and how long to leave it at the moment but won't it be great when we all know more and start making not just medicine for physical pain but natural, harmless 'mood pill' types too? Could just be me but I'm happy to pop one of those anytime and feel like me :)

Sorry for the wall of text I'm secreted away and only have my phone to hand. I hope that came across as easy to read as I intended it but I only get to see the last 5 words or so here while typing, thank fk for word replace.
I don't consider myself easily led no matter how I may come across at times Weasel, sometimes I enjoy being a playful fool and do silly things but as I originally started this to self medicate it's something that I have always taken seriously. Once the biological changes (would chemical change be the right term here?) to CBN are in place I'm a happy man. It's always been put across in more simple terms of head high and body lock but the effects are variable per cannabinol and so we can start playing around acquiring what we require or want from most of the plants one way or another, apart from the obvious Sativa will never go full amber, but does that mean the THC still doesn't break down into CBN after a certain amount of time? Painkilling for me is just a choice of which strain and how long to leave it at the moment but won't it be great when we all know more and start making not just medicine for physical pain but natural, harmless 'mood pill' types too? Could just be me but I'm happy to pop one of those anytime and feel like me :)

Sorry for the wall of text I'm secreted away and only have my phone to hand. I hope that came across as easy to read as I intended it but I only get to see the last 5 words or so here while typing, thank fk for word replace.

My daughter and I kinda play around with this now. We started with the intent to manage the anxiety, and now we're working on ways to introduce THC in quantities that let her enjoy euphoria without going overboard. Subtle mood adjustments with small additions to the daily protocol.

I just remembered I was supposed to do an update on her protocol for the Study Hall. I'll see you guys later.

No fair Weaselcracker waving that thing around like that. :kisstwo:
I don't know if I have time to update on all of the hex plant harvest right now but I'll pick away at it.

~Hexapus plants~


So as I said before somewhere- these are six DTW plants in coco, one gallon pots, being fed twice daily from the res. They turned out pretty well, all things considered. Six of these plants in a 2'x4' space was a bit overcrowded. Most of the side branches ended up failing completely under the weight of the buds late in flowering and needed to be strung up. It was too crowded and chaotic for me to deal with easily so I just did the bare minimum. Mould, my main concern, wasn't running rampant so I left well enough alone. Actually supporting everything properly would have meant putting in tomato cages or a scrog screen.

I flowered them for a little over 11 weeks, which seemed about right. Another week might have been nice, but it wasn't worth the risk of mould to me.

~Delhi Friend~

This is one I got using a Gorilla Seeds prize coupon. 95% Indica of mainly Indian genetics (supposedly). Dr Krippling is the breeder. They're fond of giving over the top reviews about their strains- the sort of stuff you just read as pure bullshit from the start. You know... 'Incredibly massive juicy sweet scented buds dripping with succulent resinous thc-laden goodness that will knock you the F$$k out blah blah blah'. Claims to yield 'up to 800 grams per square meter'. Extrapolating that to my space- that would be about 950 grams per 600w light. Yeah whatever guys. Yawn.

I didn't get very good pics of this one, but it was actually one of my favourites. Mainly because it has a very pleasant fruity smell. Basically it looked good, smelled good and stayed out of trouble. Recipe for success in a crowd.

Buds were medium dense with that sort of 'pearled' look. I don't know if that's a real word even, but maybe you can see what I mean. The Honeysuckle plant, which I will get to later, had even more of that look. As did the Y Griega I grew last year. A nice plant- though the photos are a bit lacklustre.




Accidentally spelled this 'Hiney suckle' at first...
This one was a freebie. From Advanced Seeds. Strain 'info' is the usual stuff- 'massive yields, rock hard super potent dense buds, etc'.
Whatever. Zzzzzz.

This was the stinker in the room- sort of a pungent floral-cat piss scent. Buds were actually quite dense come to think of it- so I guess they told the truth there. I can't think of anything else that stood out about this plant. It wasn't as pretty looking from a distance as the Delhi Friend, but it didn't cause any trouble, other than gaining fried leaves by being the one in the hotspot when the floor fan for its area died. I think it's less inviting smell made me like it less than the DF.

This is more of that 'pearled' look I'm talking about.
Let me know if that description makes no sense...





Accidentally spelled this 'Hiney suckle' at first...
This one was a freebie. From Advanced Seeds. Strain 'info' is the usual stuff- 'massive yields, rock hard super potent dense buds, etc'.
Whatever. Zzzzzz.

This was the stinker in the room- sort of a pungent floral-cat piss scent. Buds were actually quite dense come to think of it- so I guess they told the truth there. I can't think of anything else that stood out about this plant. It wasn't as pretty looking from a distance as the Delhi Friend, but it didn't cause any trouble, other than gaining fried leaves by being the one in the hotspot when the floor fan for its area died. I think it's less inviting smell made me like it less than the DF.

This is more of that 'pearled' look I'm talking about.
Let me know if that description makes no sense...





Lol that plant pretty much just said F' it I'm done. Looks very nice though!
They kind of all said that- lol. When I was writing that post at first I thought that this was the plant that completely collapsed near the end. I realized later that it was the Critical Cheese cross that did that- just crumpled like a broken umbrella. I'll update that one tomorrow hopefully. Lots of work, not much sleep- past 3 am, and more of the same starting early tomorrow. I'm f'ing done too. :thumb:
This is more of that 'pearled' look I'm talking about.
Let me know if that description makes no sense...

Completely covered in trics, to the extent that the underlying colors are slightly washed into a haze kind of "pearly"?
Yeah- like a bunch of little balls glommed together. This is the Y Griega I grew which I remembered as looking that way too. (Now I see that it's not as much like that as I remembered)

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