White Rhino, CBD Cream & Cheese & Stankberry Medley

Your plants are looking great so far, Stone. :thumb: Nice selection this round. I've never grown a cheese variety, but it is on my list to try someday.
Thanks Luiz! It's the 3rd time I'm growing it. We really like it a lot. That high cbd along with high thc is killer! Add that to it's mostly sativa ways and makes it very pleasant.
Hey otter buddy

Wanted to show you the lemon og candy bar Philosopher seeds bro. She is biggest in my bed bro . Thank you soon much man what a nice smell starting to peak through

Fantastic grow this year again Joe! You're going to love the LOGCandy. I still have a full jar left I'm keeping for a rainy day.

Your plant it off the charts man. Outdoors growing is awesome. I just have one male Stankberry x Blue Dream CBD outdoors I'm taking into the shed every night to force him to pollen up. Might be ready to pollenate his lady in 5 or 6 weeks. She's in the tent vegging away now.

Good day all. I got busy yesterday and potted these babies up to 10 gallon bags. I found tons of roots in them all and they should pick up again soon. My efforts to keep them all fairly the same heights seem to be working so far. The fimmed two have stalled top growth and side growth is catching up. The pipe cleaner lst'd two look fine especially the cbd cream and cheese. She's a star in her structure with lots of nodes coming everywhere. here they are.
Stankberry x Blue Dream CBD
White Rhino
And CBD Cream and Cheese
And finally don't forget to Let's 420 This!
I found roots on one of the clones too YAY!
Damn. 10 gallons, eh?
Gonna be huuuuuge!
They look great. No surprise there.

Smokey, smokey, time for a tokey!!!
Pretty sure these are the last of the 10 galloners. Too Heavy! I'm nursing a migraine from yesterdays work. 5 and 7 are probably going to be my new norm. I was thinking about the strawberry cough I grew in a 15 gallon bag. She produced more than a pound in that bag. These 10's are overkill and likely not using enough of the amendments making the next run a little too much. There I go thinking again. Well that's the plan anyway. First some 7's then re visit the thought of 5's.
Fantastic grow this year again Joe! You're going to love the LOGCandy. I still have a full jar left I'm keeping for a rainy day.

Your plant it off the charts man. Outdoors growing is awesome. I just have one male Stankberry x Blue Dream CBD outdoors I'm taking into the shed every night to force him to pollen up. Might be ready to pollenate his lady in 5 or 6 weeks. She's in the tent vegging away now.
I've reached out on Instagram possibly look for them to post my picture I said stoneotter on magazine hooked me up tallest girl in garden . Thanks again buddy
Looking great, Stone! I really like the looks of that White Rhino. :thumb:

These 10's are overkill and likely not using enough of the amendments making the next run a little too much. There I go thinking again. Well that's the plan anyway. First some 7's then re visit the thought of 5's.
That's my same thoughts for autos. I've been putting them in 7 gallon pots, but the roots have never come close to using up all that space. I'm thinking of down-sizing to 5's or even smaller next year.
Looking great, Stone! I really like the looks of that White Rhino. :thumb:

That's my same thoughts for autos. I've been putting them in 7 gallon pots, but the roots have never come close to using up all that space. I'm thinking of down-sizing to 5's or even smaller next year.
The guy who wrote the book I use to build my soil uses 3 and 5 gal pots if my memory serves me. At that size the soil is working hard to keep roots/plant happy and replenishing with the written amount of amendments seems more effective in keeping the soil at proper levels. My big pots might be hoarding amendments not being used at such a rate giving me too rich a soil somehow. I'm going to try some autos in 3's next I believe, and 7's for photos to start. Then think about 5's for photos. I think back to my strawberry cough in a 15 gallon with over a pound dry outcome. I think it'll be a good thing to try anyhow.
I've reached out on Instagram possibly look for them to post my picture I said stoneotter on magazine hooked me up tallest girl in garden . Thanks again buddy
I can't wait to see her bud up for you Joe! She's a good smeller in the garden for sure! With the power of the sun she's going to be awesome!
Fun Update

I put a stankberry x blue dream cbd male outdoors to grow and I've put him in the shed at 6pm every day and back out at 6 am. I think he got the message and pods are starting up pretty good. I'm hoping to have pollen in 5 weeks or so. Anybody know if this is a realistic goal? @Van Stank , @beez0404 , @Pennywise, @Emilya ? I also have a cbd cream and cheese clone making roots nicely and want to reverse her. I'm wondering if there's time in this grow to do this? So here's the male.

Yes it won’t take anywhere near 5 weeks. If your females haven’t started to flower yet you can spray for a reversal.
The clone is in ProMix BX. Is there enough nutrients in it to get her to change? Or would you put it in a small pot of soil? I just want a little pollen, not much. I never worked with promix before.
Your grow looks amazing and I am using ProMix HP right now and I tested some run off the first good watering and it was a EC of like 1.8 I hadn't fed it at all at this point so I assume ProMix amends it a fair bit
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