Winging It In Winter By The Window: Soil Auto Grow

Tuesday 5th July UPDATE


Caramel King
65 Days AG, 46 Days In Flower

No water since 2 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Lavender Best 50 Days AG, 27 Days In Flower

No water since 1 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Bruce Banner 2
29 Days AG

No water since 2 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Wedding Cake 29 Days AG

No water since 2 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Thank you for checking in and growing with me :)
What are you bottling love and feeding it to your plants..... Geez got some lookers over here :cheesygrinsmiley:

And hey I wanted to ask are you fond of dieantwoord?
Happy, thank you :) That really made me smile. And, yes I do like Die Antwoord. Have you heard of Fokofpolisiekar?
Happy, thank you :) That really made me smile. And, yes I do like Die Antwoord. Have you heard of Fokofpolisiekar?
Nope I just listened to that song tho... That's awesome very punky.. but I'm a huge fan of dieantwoord, anything odd or vulgar lol.... And glad to have made ya smile enjoy your day/night growmie
Ha! No worries. We're just trying to help a fellow grower diagnose a troubled plant. When it's as perplexing as yours it becomes a challenge to right the ship! There are so many variables that can be at play and none of us, including the soil producer, can know each of your particular variables.

I remember reading about a cloning process that almost everyone who used it had great success with, except this one guy. Everyone focused on all of the same things from temps, to humidity, to wetness of the soil, to bottom heat, to lighting and on and on.

Turned out he had some funky and unique water supply that was blocking his success. He switched water source and BAM had success first try.

So, it's hard to identify all of the variables sometimes because many of the standard fixes work for almost all of us and so sometimes it's hard to expand our solution set especially not knowing all of the nuances for your grow.

You'll figure it out, bit it can be a bit frustrating until you do. :Namaste:

Hi Carmen! I hope it fixes your issues, I'm running into the same thing. Everyone swears this soil has all you need and I'm having nothing but problems when I try to run it that way.

Very timely post @Azimuth, I'm wondering about my water as well. Tap pH is 9.2 but they don't break out what's in it. In my previous grow cycle almost 10 years ago I was already in this house as a renter and the gutters were a mess. Bad for the house but great for my grows, I would collect 40-50 gals of rainwater every time we had a decent rain, and that was all I used. I never had any issues although I was growing in perlite. Before that though I'd tried soil with tap water and it was a disaster. When I bought the house I fixed the gutters - good for the house but bad for growing lol.

A few years ago I bought an RO filter setup for the house but the plumbing is such a mess I've never installed it. I have everything I need to fix the plumbing and I'm going to do that very soon. I got a bid from a Plumbing Company 2 years ago to replace everything with PVX for $5500. Mind you I have 2 bathrooms and a kitchen and 2 outdoor spigots. That's it. I bought all the PVX pipes and fittings last year for about $300. Unfortunately everything is in the nasty crawlspace under the house and it's not my favorite place to work, and I'm sure that's why the bid was so high. But for 5K I'll risk it. I almost did it last year before the rains hit - it floods when it rains hard.

Sorry for rambling Carmen but the water you're starting out with can definitely affect things. Good luck!
Hi Carmen! I hope it fixes your issues, I'm running into the same thing. Everyone swears this soil has all you need and I'm having nothing but problems when I try to run it that way.

Very timely post @Azimuth, I'm wondering about my water as well. Tap pH is 9.2 but they don't break out what's in it. In my previous grow cycle almost 10 years ago I was already in this house as a renter and the gutters were a mess. Bad for the house but great for my grows, I would collect 40-50 gals of rainwater every time we had a decent rain, and that was all I used. I never had any issues although I was growing in perlite. Before that though I'd tried soil with tap water and it was a disaster. When I bought the house I fixed the gutters - good for the house but bad for growing lol.

A few years ago I bought an RO filter setup for the house but the plumbing is such a mess I've never installed it. I have everything I need to fix the plumbing and I'm going to do that very soon. I got a bid from a Plumbing Company 2 years ago to replace everything with PVX for $5500. Mind you I have 2 bathrooms and a kitchen and 2 outdoor spigots. That's it. I bought all the PVX pipes and fittings last year for about $300. Unfortunately everything is in the nasty crawlspace under the house and it's not my favorite place to work, and I'm sure that's why the bid was so high. But for 5K I'll risk it. I almost did it last year before the rains hit - it floods when it rains hard.

Sorry for rambling Carmen but the water you're starting out with can definitely affect things. Good luck!
No worries BK. Rain water sounds the ticket. Isn't your tap water PH too high at 9.2? The water I am using now is the same tap water I used last year for my summer outdoor grow. I used mountain water when I could, and supplemented with tap water. Other growers I know locally use the tap water. We dechlorinate it first though.
Ola my maatjie van die gordonsbaai. Your buds are frosty carmen. Great work on your plants. How has this loadsh##ting been treating you. Its killing us here and I am so worried about my plants with the different times. My ups for the one light also gave up so I am basically screwed.
Ola my maatjie van die gordonsbaai. Your buds are frosty carmen. Great work on your plants. How has this loadsh##ting been treating you. Its killing us here and I am so worried about my plants with the different times. My ups for the one light also gave up so I am basically screwed.
Oh no, I see benefits of growing autos with the electricity situation. It is a disaster. Just waiting for the next riots now. Sorry Skottelgoed, it must be very disappointing. Are yours ready for flower yet? You could leave it to mother nature to flower them maybe? Going over to see your journal now.
Tuesday 5th July UPDATE


Caramel King
65 Days AG, 46 Days In Flower

No water since 2 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Lavender Best 50 Days AG, 27 Days In Flower

No water since 1 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Bruce Banner 2
29 Days AG

No water since 2 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Wedding Cake 29 Days AG

No water since 2 July. Next feed will contain the calmag and the mosquito bits.


Thank you for checking in and growing with me :)
Wow! Nice work. That Lavender is frosty already, eh? Yay!
Wow! Nice work. That Lavender is frosty already, eh? Yay!
Yes, thank you :) I hope these ones will put on more weight than the CK did!
Saturday 9 July UPDATE


Caramel King
69 Days AG, 50 Days In Flower

2 L Water with mosquito bits and calmag 6 July

Lavender Best 54 Days AG, 31 Days In Flower

2 L Water with mosquito bits and calmag 6 July


Bruce Banner 2
33 Days AG

750 ml Water with mosquito bits and calmag 6 July

Top tied down, Carhooking as best I can. Top internodes are on top of one another. Please look and comment on this. I am worried that the flower sites will be too compact on the main if it continues this way.

Wedding Cake 33 Days AG

750 ml Water with mosquito bits and calmag 6 July

Top tied down, Carhooking as best I can. Top internodes are on top of one another. Please look and comment on this. I am worried that the flower sites will be too compact on the main if it continues this way.


The two photoperiod plants' canopy development. Wedding cake left and Bruce Banner #2 on the right.


Thank you for the support and friendly conversation to those of you who visit! Have an awesome weekend :)
Carhooker folks
Nice save :rofl:

And yea Carmen I agree with otter.... That second pick is beautiful... Not sure why it's called Carmel king tho:hmmmm: that mofo is purple and white lol.....awesome tho.

Have a great weekend growmie :headbanger:
I actually like tight node spacing. Usually the tighter the nodes, the chonkier the buds.
The only thing I can think of is increasing the distance from the light, and if I remember correctly that's not possible for you.
I actually like tight node spacing. Usually the tighter the nodes, the chonkier the buds.
The only thing I can think of is increasing the distance from the light, and if I remember correctly that's not possible for you.
Me too. For me it's a space issue, so I have to keep them compact.
Hi carmen, your second pic steals the show a little. Like fuzzy grape clusters! So nice on the eyes! Usually plants can get out of their own way with a little help. You might have to help the leafy one if tucking doesn't get it done. Let's hear from the Carhooker folks.
Ah thank you so much Otter :) LOL @ Carhooker!
Nice save :rofl:

And yea Carmen I agree with otter.... That second pick is beautiful... Not sure why it's called Carmel king tho:hmmmm: that mofo is purple and white lol.....awesome tho.

Have a great weekend growmie :headbanger:
Thanks growmie, you too :)
I actually like tight node spacing. Usually the tighter the nodes, the chonkier the buds.
The only thing I can think of is increasing the distance from the light, and if I remember correctly that's not possible for you.
Thank you Mel. I can take the books out from under the plants to move them further from the light. I will do that now. It's the top nodes that have no spacing to speak of lol... let's see what happens when I move them :)
Me too. For me it's a space issue, so I have to keep them compact.
Thanks Azi. I need to do that too. They can grow taller once I have the autos harvested, because then I can raise the light as far up as it can go, which will give them more than a meter :)

I just reread the strain information and it looks like I may have longer than I initially anticipated before I can harvest the autos. Those triches on the Caramel King are still clear to my eyes and that is a week after it was suggested that another two weeks might do it. I'm not so sure, unless the triches start changing color soon it might be another ten days or so for that plant, and mid-August for the Lavender Best pictured again below.
Hi Carmen! Your Carmel King is the lavender-looking one, just beautiful.

Your BB and my Red Super Skunk could be twins. The same clawing leaves, the browning at the bottom, no stretch, it's uncanny. Get used to it, it's not going to get any better unfortunately.

I think my mistake was waiting too long to water them after the transplant. I kept waiting for the bag to get really light, and I was starving the feeder roots closer to the surface. Also her bag was almost saturated when I did the transplant. I'll never do that again. The good news is it's got great looking buds. So there's that. I'm hoping to get 50 grams, but we'll see. Good luck!
I am worried that the flower sites will be too compact on the main if it continues this way.
No worries, Carmen- the plant is going to grow wider, so there will be enough room for all the branches...
but, for a little while, things are going to be a little crowded- as @StoneOtter said, given a little time, she will get out of her own way.
In the meantime, you'll have to do some leaf-tucking.

*There are a few leaves on the BB that I suggest removing now, to let more light through - I can show you which ones, if you'd like.
But, I don't want to force my methods on you, if you've got your own training regimen, then I'll just follow along and see how things turn out...;)
Hi Carmen! Your Carmel King is the lavender-looking one, just beautiful.
Thanks BK! Maybe the reseller mixed up the beans :laugh: She does look more lavender and there is some purple in some of her leaves. The so-called Lavender Best is supposed to grow purplish lololol. She does smell like caramel though. Whenever I walk up to my front door arriving home, I get this whiff and then I open the door and it's almost a coffeeish caramel smell I get.
Re the twin Red Super Skunk lol, shame man it is a frustration when things disappoint. I hope my photoperiod plants will stretch out some. The lowers are stretching, it's just the mains that are growing one node upon the next lol. I have loosened them a bit. Maybe I pulled them down too far.
I've decided I can't get hung up about the leaves being imperfect. My grow is in such an uncontrolled environment, probably way too humid, sometimes hot and sometimes bloody freezing. I've got rolling blackouts for 8 hours of ever day... it's a wonder I have weed growing on my dining table in my living room that is actually producing bud ... I am happy to be able to fill some jars and not to have to stress about getting bust buying and spending way too much money on inferior product :)
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