2 Girls & 1 Kit: Major PITA Takes High Brix Outdoors, Summer 2015

Hey Major, beautiful plants! Can you post that spreadsheet you made again? Or link me to the original post? I appreciate it!

Here you go (it is post #22 in this journal)
Ignore the decimal points. Just round off to the nearest reasonable, measurable amount. Again, this is my first time with the kit so you may want to adjust the formulas shown in the bottom screenshot using feedback from the other HB growers.
I keep forgetting about that 1/4 transplant...Oh well, I guess the original instructions work just as well! Maybe ill start doing that to see if I can make the girls happier lol :)
Thanks Major. I was just getting ready to track that down. What perfect timing! :love:
I won't call this bud porn exactly. More like flipping through a National Geographic.
This is some White Widow from my first grow, titled "A disaster in rockwool" aka "What not to do with your first grow".
Still, in just over three months, from three plants, the grow yielded well over 1/4 lb. of cured, trimmed bud + enough trim for cannaoil. So all thing considered, not such a disaster, and I learned a few things.


No better high than the one you grew yourself Major. In a year you'll compare those shots with current ones and have a hearty laugh. Nay! Much closer than that. :laughtwo:
Okay I am all caught up and sub'd of course. Nice Journal Major love the title too :) It is amazing how easy it is to tell the difference between the OG and HB plants. Those pictures speak for themselves. How could anyone see that and not want to try the HB. I was already convinced before reading your journal but you solidified it in stone now. Thanks for the great pictures and updates. I think you are going to get a couple MONSTERS by the end :slide:
I want to grow outside here in Greeley, CO but they have a stupid law here that says it has to be covered on all sides and locked. Idiots. Anyway, I am glad some get to grow outside using the Star for energy instead of a grid powered by dirty non-renewable fossil fuels.
Hey xtrchessreal - WELCOME! Glad you made it.
Yeah, the difference is staggering. I'll do another update tomorrow most likely. The difference is even more amazing, IMO.
I won't represent my OG soil as being any good. It was my first attempt and I know it is too heavy. It should have more aeration material in it. The OG plants are finally hooking up with the soil, so are better than they were. Still they look like they are at least two weeks behind the HB gals.
The Weakly Update (Week #5)

:welcome: Not a lot to report. All went well at Rancho PITA this week. :thumb:

I'm calling this week 5 even though I officially began the journal on 4-20. I took the Ace of Spades cuttings on March 26 but they were in the cloner for nearly two weeks. I picked up the first Pitbull clone (OG) on April 2 and the other (HB) on April 7. They both hung out under a small T5 in their cups for several days while I waited for slots in my veg space to open up.

The AoS are probably a good two weeks behind the Pitbulls. They were still in the bubble cloner when the PB's were being up-canned from cups to 1 gal. pots. The HB PB is actually almost a week behind the OG PB and was smaller until the move to 7 gal. pots. After that...!!! WOW!

I still hope to move all into their 26 gal. softies around the first of June. However, my veg space is tiny, about 32" square = less than 7 sq-ft. These are getting so large I'm not sure they will fit much longer. Also, my up-canning has been two weeks apart for the HB girls (cups > 1 gal. > 7 gal.). I had roots out the bottom of the 7 gal. pots just one week after transplanting so I'm not sure they will be happy for another two weeks in these pots even if they fit inside my veg space. They may have to go out and stay out. Luckily all frost danger is past and the photoperiod is getting close enough to what they're used to, so it shouldn't stress them much if I have to push things up a little.

The HB PB has real attitude. When I accidentally topped her a few days ago, she didn't even seem to notice. I'm beginning to think she likes it rough. I may need to subtitle this journal, "50 Shades of Green". The real sleeper just may be the HB AoS. It is two weeks behind the PB but is coming on very strong.

HB on the right, OG on the left. / AoS in front. PB in back.

Ace of Spades, OG left / HB right

Pitbulls, OG left / HB right

For comparison, here are the two Pitbulls in 1 gal. pots, exactly two weeks ago

...and today in 7 gal. pot after accidental topping and a little SC/LST

I think I'm satisfied with their shapes so I'm probably done with the topping and SC.
Their last drench was three days ago. They will probably be ready for the next one late today or tomorrow.

What's "OG?" The high brix stuff looks normal. But what's OG?
When I use the note "OG" for this grow, it means a plant in my OrGanic soil mix. "HB" for the plants in Doc's kit. Eventually I'll have one each: HB PB, OG PB, HB AS, OG AS (or AoS).

I'm about 60 miles from the Pacific - too far for Ocean Grown. :laughtwo:
Ah....got it. I don't know why I didn't understand that.

What's in the Organic Soil mix?

The base soil is sandy loam from our place, peatmoss, some compost, pumice, and EWC. It is too heavy. I didn't allow enough aeration material. I found the amendment for the OG soil locally. It contains: Feather Meal, Kelp Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Soy Bean Meal, Worm Castings, Rock Dust, Potash, Molasses, Liquid Kelp, Sea Salt, Azomite, Humic Acid, Oyster Flour, Bone Meal, & Mycorrhiza. It is from the guy I told you about that was shut down by the state because of his labeling (lack of).
In case it helps new users to HB decide how much to mix up, I've been able to do the foliars with 1 ml. Brix or De-Stress in 1 oz. (30 ml.) of water - up until now. I'm going to increase that amount by 50% to 1.5 ml. in 45 ml. next time. Only the two HB plants above get foliar sprays.
Mornin' duggs!
Yeah the HB stuff is soooo fun to watch. The plants change by the hour. I see new shoots in the morning. By evening, a new node and leaves are established. About 1/2 hour before lights out, the girls look sleepy. Next morning they are praying to the sun god and ready to get back to business.
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