ChemDawg D BX 3

I fed it some compost tea today :)
Here's the two blooming under the 600 watt HPS; they get thicker but the lower buds seem a lot frostier:

All of these seemed to respond a little to the compost tea. Here's the C4DD-1 mother rejects I gave it to and the Chemdawg D BX3 plant I'm probably going to reveg now instead of ending (both my 1024 plants got tobacco mosaic virus and I can't keep them going). :(

C4DD-1 (4 of the 6 plants; I didn't give any of the compost tea to the two under the 600 watt HPS because I fed them before that):


This one has a different look to it I'll keep my eyes on it for the reveg I'm wanting to do of this strain:


Chemdawg D BX3:

Great job there ... your "rejects" look pretty good to me. Actually I take that back, they need to be run down to the end, dried and cured and send them off to ... ummm oh - ME, I will dispose of them properly and promise to share with friends! Your buds are looking mighty fine.
they look good. feed em up :morenutes:

The pots won't dry up from the last watering but they should be dry enough by tomorrow then I'll give them some. :)

Great job there ... your "rejects" look pretty good to me. Actually I take that back, they need to be run down to the end, dried and cured and send them off to ... ummm oh - ME, I will dispose of them properly and promise to share with friends! Your buds are looking mighty fine.

I smoke continuously and everything seems pretty much the same as far as the buzz goes, but the first run of this every time I smoke a doob of it I seem to get a little higher than I do when I smoke anything else I have. I like these Chem D phenos! :thumb:
Note: The mother and four of the mother rejects got more compost tea today, and I'll give the other two some when the light comes on in that unit later. Growing these in too small of a pot has the leaves yellowing out prematurely, but their main reason for existing is to compare to each other in order to see how much they look alike, not to flower out for yield or to nominate for POTM. :)
they look incredible. I use small pots and follow a feed, feed, water schedule. maybe hit yours with a dose of epsom salt and see if they green up?
A part of the problem is closeness to the bulb; as an example, here's what everything just below the top looks like on all of them now:


Here's a few nugs on another plant (I don't like this one so much):


That one oddball is getting some color to it. It's pretty pale too, especially at the top:


I'm keepin' that one and maybe two of these; I'm not sure yet.
Thanks here's a few more pics of the 600 watt C4DD mother rejects (about 3 weeks left on these):


I've got a few clones at the bottom of this Chemdawg D BX3 plant I hope they stay alive! :)


Yeah I may lose my 1024 plant because of that virus, so I need this strain to repeat; it's one that has a little yield and a good buzz too.
Beautiful... rejects? Meh
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