Cultivators Cultivation High Quality Yields

the trouble with mh wen running 1000w is the heat. they are far hotter than the hps. and this tent is already running a little higher than it should at 88f, running the mh would push it nearer 100f. i think i'll just chop the dwc, see how quality is. Like i said i usually run multiple 600's so i'll see what i feel is better after this is down. will let the coco plants run for now.
if you havnt already cult, would you consider testing out CMH bulbs on a small crop?
i hear only good things about them as far as spectrum/heat and efficiency.

i think they are better than MH or cfl flowering but not quite as good as a pure HPS....but you can have a lot more watts in an area because they cooler than both.

they contain the entire spectrum, including the uv, so sunblock is advised, lol.

i simply dont have the cash to try it myself yet =(
Ok no problem as I'm going to use 2 600w horiz and 1 400 mh vert as to try encourage lower light for bottom growth and the cooltube seems to let out better light spread with no reflector. I will keep you posted on that one soon.
I see what you mean there not cheap atall lol over £70. I paid £35 for a 400w mh expencive I know but its a sunmaster 72k so better than a standard mh.
could i beg a favor cult. when its time, could you photo a bud on the plant. one that you look at yourself and decide 'cut now'
i dont need a zoomed one just a good look at the whole bud.

im about to try a new way of timing my plants....ignoring trich colour all together and only looking for fat seedpods and pistils sucking back into the calyx's.

i got a sneaky feeling after reading a guide that i was massively too early on my last crop...plant should almost look dead from old age it seems.
40 days from flip to 12/12. i think im going to give them one more week but they could definately come down now.




heres a little update on my flood and drain grow. 10days since potting cuttings, growing nicely. having issue with water temps at 80f, the res is too big to cool with frozen bottles. I will have a chiller next week to fix the the issue. But althought the temps are high, i can get away with it temporarily as i have short flood times so roots stay well oxygenated.




its prob one of Advanced nutes best products, i combine it with voodoo juice and a little carboload early on and its great. after first application i go half strength and let it grow in res by feeding carbo load. i use it in my aerocloner, ive never changed my res since october in aerocloner, just top it up with water and add a little carboload to feed enzymes and beneficials once per week. I get killer roots.

I agree there are other good products out there mate. I just get great results with my nute mix and additives now that i doubt i'll be changing it. ive been messing around so long with different mixes and now i have a regime that really works for me.

Totally understandable.
that looks really young to me. bet it packs a punch tho...damn i need to crack this potency thing.
my fasts looked further gone than that but no kick to em =(

it is young mate. its not near fat enough, just surprised at the number of amber trichs already, its unusual for this strain to have so many this early. My whole routine is the same apart from lights so that has to be the cause. im going to monitor daily and see how it goes.
ive already bought these THC bombs to try out, but i definatly think ill try the ams next.

it could very well be that i get myself an airocloner at some point and try clones again. my seed thing was based on wanting to breed, but right now i dont care. i just want to grow superb strength gear with a respectable yield.

where im at you pretty much get average gear at 180/oz or 'crow' as people keep calling it, for 240/oz. i would love to be the annoying asshole thats doin crow level gear at 180....fight the price rise, lol.
well on the amber thing, your using more light right.
they say amber is degrades trichs and they say light degrades thc...maybe this early going off is the result.

there may be something in this business about reducing the light strength for the last week or two before darkness.

mate i just wish i was further along my own path so i could experiment more. rather that just coming up with hearsay =/
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