Neiko's High Brix Garden Powered By NextLight

Good evening Neiko,
Finally caught up from the beginning. Been trying to stay current and catch up at the same time on several journals. Hope it's OK if I tag along.
Welcome equinox, glad to have ya. Sorry not a whole lot happening right now but I'll try and keep a little something going.

Morning Neiko! Just popping in to see how things are going, :passitleft: Here’s to good health to everyone
Morning farmer, things are not to great right now. With the way things are around here I'm getting a little stir crazy. My only time out is to go to the grocery store and they have been out of 2.5 gallon jugs of water for 2 weeks now. That is how I water my plants until summer weather comes and I can recover my AC water. My well water is too hard to use. I'm down to my last 3 gallons of plant water. I hate to do it but I may end up picking 2 plants to finish flowering and cut the others down. I think I'm going to clone what I can and kill everything else until this crisis is over. I got enough to last me and stuff isn't moving very fast right now anyway. I've been procrastinating on doing the cull but I'm getting down to the end of my water and will have to buy gallon jugs to finish what I have left. I'll make 1 more trip to the store for water but I doubt they'll be restocked and they put a 3 jug limit on purchases when they have it anyway :( .
Damn Neiko. That sucks bro, but I get it. As we discussed I was kinda there end of last year and still just now getting ramped back up. It's taken 5+ months. I just took a few more pics. I'll send you a few to see how BH is coming along. Here's hoping you can get some water.

Hell, I think I have a low-flow RO filter I'll see if I can find it. I might be able to send it to you. Takes a bit to fill a pail, but sitting around we got nothing but time, right?
Damn Neiko. That sucks bro, but I get it. As we discussed I was kinda there end of last year and still just now getting ramped back up. It's taken 5+ months. I just took a few more pics. I'll send you a few to see how BH is coming along. Here's hoping you can get some water.

Hell, I think I have a low-flow RO filter I'll see if I can find it. I might be able to send it to you. Takes a bit to fill a pail, but sitting around we got nothing but time, right?
Cool, I look forward to seeing them. I do have a whole house filter I used on my old well. When my new well went in I had to take it out or it would plug up in 5 minutes with all the debris in the new well. I just never put it back in. I don't know if it lowers the hardness but it may help. I was also thinking about mixing it with the distilled but I'd just be guessing. I've been reluctant to do that because everything is in 2nd run soil and I didn't want to ruin all that soil with iffy water. I appreciate the offer but I'm not going to mess with installing an RO system. I could probably distill my own water a gallon at a time in my distiller but I'm not eager to run that thing non stop either.
Welcome equinox, glad to have ya. Sorry not a whole lot happening right now but I'll try and keep a little something going.

Morning farmer, things are not to great right now. With the way things are around here I'm getting a little stir crazy. My only time out is to go to the grocery store and they have been out of 2.5 gallon jugs of water for 2 weeks now. That is how I water my plants until summer weather comes and I can recover my AC water. My well water is too hard to use. I'm down to my last 3 gallons of plant water. I hate to do it but I may end up picking 2 plants to finish flowering and cut the others down. I think I'm going to clone what I can and kill everything else until this crisis is over. I got enough to last me and stuff isn't moving very fast right now anyway. I've been procrastinating on doing the cull but I'm getting down to the end of my water and will have to buy gallon jugs to finish what I have left. I'll make 1 more trip to the store for water but I doubt they'll be restocked and they put a 3 jug limit on purchases when they have it anyway :( .
Go out today and put a barrell under a rain downspout neiko
Welcome equinox, glad to have ya. Sorry not a whole lot happening right now but I'll try and keep a little something going.

Morning farmer, things are not to great right now. With the way things are around here I'm getting a little stir crazy. My only time out is to go to the grocery store and they have been out of 2.5 gallon jugs of water for 2 weeks now. That is how I water my plants until summer weather comes and I can recover my AC water. My well water is too hard to use. I'm down to my last 3 gallons of plant water. I hate to do it but I may end up picking 2 plants to finish flowering and cut the others down. I think I'm going to clone what I can and kill everything else until this crisis is over. I got enough to last me and stuff isn't moving very fast right now anyway. I've been procrastinating on doing the cull but I'm getting down to the end of my water and will have to buy gallon jugs to finish what I have left. I'll make 1 more trip to the store for water but I doubt they'll be restocked and they put a 3 jug limit on purchases when they have it anyway :( .

I have one of those water chillers that holds the 5 gallon jugs and I order from Crystal Springs. They can deliver 5 gallon jugs within a couple of days, still. You need to start a "subscription" but, I always order a bunch of jugs for "emergency" water and then just cancel the subscription until the next time I need to order.
Welcome equinox, glad to have ya. Sorry not a whole lot happening right now but I'll try and keep a little something going.

Morning farmer, things are not to great right now. With the way things are around here I'm getting a little stir crazy. My only time out is to go to the grocery store and they have been out of 2.5 gallon jugs of water for 2 weeks now. That is how I water my plants until summer weather comes and I can recover my AC water. My well water is too hard to use. I'm down to my last 3 gallons of plant water. I hate to do it but I may end up picking 2 plants to finish flowering and cut the others down. I think I'm going to clone what I can and kill everything else until this crisis is over. I got enough to last me and stuff isn't moving very fast right now anyway. I've been procrastinating on doing the cull but I'm getting down to the end of my water and will have to buy gallon jugs to finish what I have left. I'll make 1 more trip to the store for water but I doubt they'll be restocked and they put a 3 jug limit on purchases when they have it anyway :( .

This sucks.....but you won't kill the plants if you mix your water 50/50. Hopefully, that will get keep you from culling everything.

This is a very challenging time and what's coming after the virus is what I'm worried about.
Are the water kiosks empty? I used to fill 5 gallon jugs at those. That have them in alot of Walmarts and grocery stores here. Also there should be a water supply company like that do deliveries for office buildings. I have heard them advertising here that their water supply is fine.
Been out of mix a good while, hate to hear your problem. I don't think hard water will kill them, just won't be 100%. Can keep the ones you like then no need for the Purge.
When you're looking at the end of the rope you should be looking into survival means, Neiko. I think this should work for you until you can get your clean water from the store. I'm so lucky my tap water is as good as any bottled mineral water, so I never had to R/O, but this should fix any water problems anyone might have!

The thought of culling plants over water is heartbreaking....hope you can find a way to get things sorted so that doesn't happen.

I picked up this berkey filter (charcol filter) not long before the lockdown and it was the perfect time. When stuff goes back to normal I am definitely gonna grab a bunch of fresh filters to squirrel away. My GR used to run on store bought RO and I would be in the same position without this filter. There is no way I could keep up with the needs of my plants. Hardness is a whole other story than filtered though isn't it?

This state of emergency just keeps getting extended every 5 days....can't wait to see the numbers of cases start to decline. I don't know what it is like for you it is only possible going to a grocery store or pharmacy. Really intense screening and supervised hand washing stations to enter the stores with wait times around 30 min to just enter.

I'm lucky to be healthy and pretty well stocked.....:bongrip:
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm just frustrated with the panic buying creating unnecessary shortages (like toilet paper). I will be keeping all my "keepers" and culling new plants from seed that are under performing. I have a sensi star and purple punch that are growing slower than molasses. Those will go. I've cloned the plants that I'm going to cull that are in flower. I really don't need 8 flowering plants right now. I'm laid off for who knows how long so I don't really want to be using a bunch of electricity to run lights. I'll be shutting down 1 tent for the time being. The situation in Detroit is getting pretty dire and I'm only 2 counties over and the numbers are quickly increasing my way. My gut says to slow things down for a bit.
Stay healthy gang and stay indoors as much as you can.
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