Perpetual Ghetto Dungeon - AKA The Snake Farm

Happy 4th to ya G.G.!:volcano-smiley:
Thanks and welcome, MetalPoet! :ciao:

I harvested Afghani Girl #1 last night. She had the pollinated branch for my seed project. It seems I got too cocky, complacent and lazy. A little bit of pollen goes a long way. I have lots seeds in the lower branches that shouldn't have any. Not many on the main upper colas thank goodness. Girl #4 has some seeds in her as well. She was directly down wind from #1 in the tent.

The scissor hash from trimming #1 kicked butt.



Remaining 3 girl under 600W.




I hope these 3 finish up soon as my next round will ready to flower in a couple of weeks.
two Plants showed female preflowers at 26 Days. Three more have shown today at 30 days.



Time for a bong now :roorrip:
Popping in for a quick weekly update. These pics are from Thursday night. Girl #3 (the hermie) was chopped and trimmed at 55 Days of flower. it is still drying. Girl #4 is starting to get cloudy and probably has another week to go. Girl #2 is still packing on nicely and looks to have a couple of weeks yet.

Girl #1 has been in the jars for almost 2 weeks. It has some seeds in it from both stray pollen from my seed making and it's own hermie nanners. It is not saturated with seed like much of Girl #1 was. I got sloppy with the pollination process this time. I only kept the best looking seeds from the branch that was actually pollinated with the male. There's a possibility of a hermie pollinated seed in the batch but I will probably not grow these over the other genetics that I have. I regret even doing it this round. Live and learn.







Temps are doing much better with the 1000W light turned off but the RH is still very high this summer. Sticky dog days of summer.


Stay cool and keep'em green...

High GG,
Your veg gals look wonderful. I expect an epic run with them.
I'm sorry your pollination project didnt go as expected.
Chalk it up to an experience bro.
Stay encouraged my man. :Namaste:
Thanks Stage. I'll salvage what smoke i can. 2 of the plants were just hit in spots and I haven't seen any seeds forming on girl #2. I got my fingers crossed on that one. She is the very sativa looking plant and is starting to smell like lemon pine-sol.

I'm not too upset about it. Shit happens. I'll give the seedy budz to the mooch and hoard out on my last jar of THC Bomb from last grow :)

I'm just days away from going to flower with the 6 AK47 girls. I have been doing some minor training on them this past week. I have lots of nice shoots up and ready to take cuttings and toss them in the tent. I can't wait to try out my new toy. Finally got an aero cloner setup.




I will take my cuttings the next day or so and probably veg them about another 5-7 days before flower.
High GG,
Nice cloner. I think I have the same model. 36 sites?
The next successful clone I make will be my 1st.
Cloning time is coming soon for me also. I expect to take my clones in the next week or so.
I'm currently at day 39.
Stage, I have the 25-site cloner. I will be taking cutting today/tonight. I will probably document the process here so people familiar with these can't chime in and tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right.

I'll be checking in on your technique :thumb:
Cloning Party

I took 2 cuttings each of all 6 females. I stuck to the original instructions that came with the cloner. Let's see how she does for me. The set up was easy. FIlled with tap water corrected to 6.5Ph. Added CFL shop light about 12" above canopy.

I took the branches that had about 3 healthy sets of leaves at the top and at least on node down below on a 2-3" stem left on the cutting. I trimmed the leaves off at these nodes. I clipped the tips of the larger leaves at the tp of the cutting to slow their growth and promote the growth to the roots and tops. (in theory).

I placed the trimmed cutting in the foam insert then into the basket and then the reservoir. I have the baskets/foams in all holes of the reservoir. Not sure if leaving a few holes open would allow more air in the spray below or what? Good or bad? I will end up testing it different ways. Any tips will be appreciated.


Cutting taken with clean razor blade. Cut at 45d angle below lower node.

Trim lower leaves by running razor blade along stem for flush cut.

Place cutting into foam disk.

Place cutting in foam into the plastic basket.

Place basket with cutting into resevoir.

Create a chart to track which clones are from which mother plants.

Repeat process until desired number of cuttings have been taken.

Check back in a week and I should have lots of roots from all I've read on these things.
i thought I would share my outdoor plant here. When my wife and I were staying with my elderly mother back in April and May I took a few of the THC Bomb seeds that I had just made and tossed them on the back 40 of the old home place. This is where I grew my first plants 40 years ago as a teenager.

Four weeks after I put the seeds in the existing soil with no preparation I went back to check. After cutting away a 6' tall stand of poke salad and other weeds I found this little plant all stretched out trying to find some sunlight. IT was about 12" tall with only about 6 nodes. I cleared a large area for it to get sun and went and bought a $4 bottle of fish emulsions ferts (6-1-1) and fed it about half strength.

In just 2 weeks it had really perked up. I hit it with another dose of the fish fetz at half strength. Again, I had to chop the poke salad and weeds back.

At 8 weeks it was looking very healthy but not branching out much so I topped it.


It was a whole month before I could go check on it again, but was pleased to see the progress. More fish fertz and weed trimming.

Today I finally got back after 3 weeks away. It is as tall as I am now with 3 major growth tops. I didn't feed as there had just been a heavy rainstorm before I got there. But here she is as of today




It still hasn't shown preflowers. If it a dude I'M GONNA BE PISSED! Please send girly vibes!
Grow Update

Chopped and trimmed girl #4 tonight. Very dense buds and super skunky. My house wreaks right now and the in-laws are meeting here tomorrow to go to a show. Fun fun. Girl #2, the last Afghani will come down sunday night.

One more of the AK47s dropped her panties yesterday. Seven girls headed to flower about monday. And the beat goes on.






Bongs then bed...
I have those last 2 Afghanis all trimmed out and an empty tent. Going to do a good cleanup in the flower tent tomorrow before the AK47s go in. I will be getting them into flower about tuesday. All these AK47 plants showed sex before 6 weeks. 7 girls, 3 males. This is the first time I have vegged at 18/6 instead of 24/0. Could just be the strain, but it seems they showed sex earlier than usual for me.

Hi lolsmyfc, the first chop Girl #1, has been in jars for a few weeks and just now getting her flavor. Mild sweet licorice smell, Smooth uneventful flavor toking in with a little hashy taste on exhale. The high is thick and long lasting. Second chop, Girl #3 has only been in jars for a little over a week. She is very similar in smell and taste to number one but the high doesn't hold up. After 30 minutes I'm ready for another bong. Not impressed with her at all. Will feed her to the "mooch"

Girls #2 and #4 are still drying. #4 has the most dense buds and a very strong skunk odor. I have only smoked a few small scruffy buds that I had placed on the cable box during trimming. It works well and lasts long. She will be much better after some time in the jars. #2 should go into jars about wednesday. Haven't tried her yet but I am intrigued by the strong "lemon pine-sol" odor she has. She is different. Can't wait to see how they cure out.

Thanks for stopping by.
Busy day at the snake farm. Got the 7 AK47 girls into flower.



These 12" / 3.5gal pots have no fastening points for LST

Much better. Tie the mutha down!

Seven girls waiting for the HPS and 12/12

Can't say anything bad about this new aero cloner. Works like a charm. Girl #4 cuttings grew small roots by 5 days, now look at 9 days

eight of fourteen cuttings in cups of dirt jst 9 days from cutting
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