Thai Stick

The worry I have on this grow is that these 4 plants will start to rootbound in these close-to-a-gallon pots before I have room to put them under HID lighting. Another thing besides 11/13 flowering periods that I'm not going to do again (for the same reason; it's a yield killer) is leaving plants under a blue spectrum CFL for the first 2 or 3 weeks of flowering to control height. I'll tie them over if they are prone to stretching; it's not worth losing that much grass..... :(
Post pics tonight hopefully.
Thai Stick and Critical Jack - 4 weeks and 4 days from seed:


They're starting to look like the pics you posted earlier in this journal, Graytail. :thumb:
They will surely need the bigger pots when they go to 12/12. I used to just transplant to the large pot, tie them over and toss into 12/12 at the same time. That way I would get a better stretch from the side branches and improve yield.

They will need root room for the stretch as the roots stretch like the plant above ground. I have had some that hardly stretch and other strains (sativa doms) that triple in size the few 2 weeks of 12/12.

I thought I should mention for the record on here. My Mama Thai looked like it was nearly ready to harvest up at about 11 weeks as I mentioned. Well… It has remained 'nearly ready' for the last three weeks or month or whatever it has been since I posted that comment. I dialed the lights back so the sun sets on them 15 minutes earlier now - maybe another 15 next week and hopefully that gets them moving.
Thanks jaga :)
I'm hoping that the 11.5/12.5 flowering cycle will keep that from happening to these Thai Stick plants, Weaselcracker. If they get to a nearly-ready-then-stay-like-that point, I'll put it down to 11/13.
Ol' Critical Jack couldn't handle Taiwan time and started turning into Critical Jackie on me (putting female hairs out). I supercropped it so bad to slow it down, I'm surprised the top didn't fall off :tokin: I guess I should mark the calender as flowering started on that one.
One bit of good news though the runt Thai Stick plant looks to be a male. :yahoo: I should breed this strain out.
Post more pics soon.
Oh by the way the flip me off plant still isn't done either and it's the same exact thing you have going on with the Mama Thai; it's hanging dead still at 10% brown hairs. It's been 12-1/2 weeks since the first hairs too and I'm giving serious thought to just letting it dry up in the pot and not water it anymore that'll brown 'er up yessiree! :)
That was the Old Timers Haze plant I joke about all the time :) Wish I knew then what I know now!

I understand now I have done a few grows :rofl::rofl:but they was great times PC I used to look in at awe on that grow I had a great time but I never saw the finished product how did she smoke :circle-of-love:
Not good. I only removed the shade leaves there were so few buds and they were so wispy I had to leave something :) It had a nice lemony smell and taste to it, but the buzz wasn't as good as I would have liked.

I had a very similar thing happen with some seeds I brought back from India the plant was a monster an I hardly had anything from her either :Namaste: Do you ever hear from the Ol Fishcake:Namaste:
Oh, I was talking about your plant and your finishing technique- the drying her right up and 'browning up' method. Wow, she looks worth waiting for!
I'll check tomorrow as I am away atm. Things were looking better. One of those Mama Thais I can harvest for sure- the other one I think was progressing.
There was a problem, however... I dialed the timer back by another 15 a couple days ago. I just happened to check the next morning because I snuck in to give a little extra watering for my time away, and the light had stayed on instead of shutting off 15 early. As it was they got an extra 4 hours or so.
I should have learned my lesson already with my wonderful digital timers. When I tweak the settings, their state of the art circuitry can't seem to compute and they stay on. I have to unplug them, pull the little backup battery or hit the reset button, and reprogram everything from scratch. I did this once before, should have remembered. A bit of a hiccup. I may just harvest them both if the other one is even close. Looking forward to the next round of 'doing it right next time'.
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