Thai Stick

Here's the Thai Stick plants again (the Critical Jack is in the back left corner):


Thai Stick:


Critical Jack:


I fed them 15.2 ml/gal Iguana Juice Grow with 1 tsp/gal SensiCal Grow tonight.
Thanks jaga the one area I need to work on is the second half of flowering. I seem to make the most mistakes there.

Honestly ,,me too if mine is gonna go wrong it can go any time around the middle to end of pre flowering :high-five:I think the results will ring out real nice causes they look so healthy:yahoo: ]
Picture a totally saturated soil 100%, and a totally dry soil 0%. An article I recently read said to keep the soil 30% wet 70% dry during veg and let it dry up mostly before rewatering. In flower it said to keep it at 50% wet and 50% dry, never letting the soil get to the dry point. I'm not sure I like letting the soil get almost dry; they seem okay but they get a slight wilt to them:


I know the small pot size doesn't help but they're not rootbound; I transplanted the Critical Jack into a 3 gallon grow bag last night. Oh by the way, since that plant couldn't handle 13.25 hours of light without going into flower I decided to just put it under the 600 watt HPS and start it into flower. Post more pics soon.
PC, I'm going to check one of your other threads to see how you go about breeding them, without pollinating everything in the room. Pretty sure I noticed you had a breeding journal...
Hmmmm... Don't really see one in your signature. Any tips to point me in the right direction? I was sort of waiting till summer when I can put the male outside for a while when it's doing its thing, and collect a bit of pollen in a paper bag or something. Seems like it would be hard to make it work having it indoors with the others.

Edit- oh yeah, the pollen shaking one. I remember now. Going to go look there....
The Chemdawg D BX 3 grow is my breeding project. I don't know if they're still a sponsor here so I won't mention the brand name, but I purchased a locker when I first started growing and that's what I put the male and female in when I do a pollination. I also have two of my grow units (I have six small ones) behind a fake wall, and that area doesn't get any airflow from the other grow area.
I didn't think it could happen either it tripped me out :) Here's the Critical Jack; I'll get close up pics as soon as the buds are more formed:


This unit is so tall I don't need to bend the plants over, but it'd help the yield, so I think I might go ahead and do it before it hardens off. I'll try to get pics up of the Thai Stick plants. They're getting pretty big too!
Note: I'm considering trying gibberillic acid on one of these (even though all the info I've read says it doesn't work). It's a few days too early to tell, but it looks like


It's going to be a male (the runt)


A male


And yippee yahoo hooray the third one's a male too!


I can't confirm this yet, but every time I see small light green dots at the nodes of a pot plant instead of hairs they turn out males. I'll be doing a pollen collection (and maybe a GDP x Thai Stick project) to keep this from being a total money loss if this is the case. I'll keep every one informed. Damn..... :(
I'll be doing a grouping of them again soon, jaga. But this throws me off, as unfortunate occurrences do. When you're running multiple continual grows things get complicated enough when everything goes right.
It's not 100% confirmed an all male grow yet, but if it turns out that way I'll leave the best one in here and put a GDP female plant in with it. I'll read up on how to collect and store pollen also, and it'll be the first thing I cross with what I did in my own breeding project.
After more than a few of these all male grows, you can understand that I'm leary of running something I got all males from before. But I might still run Zamal Reunion again. With a Thai Stick male pollination happening in one unit and parents from my second breeding project (C4DD) going into another unit in about 3-4 weeks, I can't start what I wanted to (which was a second run of these Super Lemon Haze x DJ Short's Blueberry seeds I grew). I won't have room to pollinate two more parents, which was why I wanted to do them. When I see it coming up that one of the units I can use for breeding is open, I'll start the SLH x Blueberry grow.
Now another thing is I'm running low on weed when I look at the long run :) So I could go with a Hippie Killer grow, which are fem seeds and mostly Sativa. I may just pull a rabbit out of my hat and go with a bunch of oddball Sativas like Maui Wowie, Dr. Grinspoon, and Wild Thailand :)

Should just go right back at the throat of this beast and run 3 regular Lao Sativa seeds, huh?
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