The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

+1! I can't find the rep button in the mobile app, so I hopped on a PC just to rep it, lol. Love it Sue.

:laughtwo: Thank you Heirloom, you sweet thing. :hug:

Good Morning :) Birdie is juuuuuuust fine :)
And I said... bow and arrows with double purpose

Good morning, oh! It's already afternoon. Lol! I was doing qi gong this morning, and kept thinking of you in the third practice, which is executed as though you were rising up from the saddle, drawing the bow as you settle back down into the stance. :laughtwo: Made me smile the whole way through. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Ooo... I missed this earlier. I'll have to swing by and catch up. Who doesn't love a harvest? :woohoo:

Thanks. Check out the picture I took today in the update.
It's just beautiful! I'm definitely running another one soon. Apparently, you can get at least two totally different beasts! I have a couple of seeds here, may drop whatever I have so I can see the different little devils! LOL

Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
I get white ash from the crap I just grew. When did white ash constitute quality? I've read that here a few times. Am I missing something?

Sorry if questions sound harsh.

I think dark ashes would indicate that you're smoking chemicals added to the plant. It doesn't mean it's strong weed, just organic and better for you, IMHO...

Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
Sue, your old devil is so amazing! She gives all these signs of being ready, yet when you look at her, all those white pistils keep saying "no, no, no!"

Remember, mine went through to day ninety something. ;)

Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
Why bother with cannabinoid therapies?

Exactly! . . . .

Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
Jesus woman you sure keep busy!

I'm completely envious of all those capsules!! I'm sure going to give that a shot this winter I'm telling you!!

I've decided to up my operation 2 fold and I'm certain at that point I will be able to have enough resources to start experimenting with capsules. 2 fold means 20 flowering plants!!! It'll be fun in its own right.

Love you, I'm sure you're going to reply to this right away but knowing me I'll be passed out in about 15 minutes. But it's Saturday and I'm crazy baked on some Thunder Paw and I think I'll be on the PlayStation for a little bit.

Talk to ya soon


I don't envy all the trimming... 3 plants last week almost killed me, and I have a couple more about ready to pop. .

Nonetheless, a great problem to have. .

Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
Harvest: Med GOM 1.0, Day 72









She weighed in at 220 grams wet. She may surprise me with a two ounce yield. This afternoon I'm adding 100 grams of this to 125 ml of coconut oil and making an extraction. I've a friend who needs these capsules ASAP and I'm hoping they'll do the trick for his many layers of pain.
Why do you wash/rinse the harvest? I'd never seen it.

Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
Beautiful harvest! I like your method of hanging! Stick of bamboo through the kitchen cabinet handles. I'm currently using paper bags, so I can gently shake them or turn them during the day.
Me too! . I flip mine twice a day.


Got trippy with the dryer shots...


Sent from my SM-N920T using 420
Apologies I Didn't realize the protocol. I will field further inquires appropriately. Many thanks.:thanks:


Oh Fire, I don't really follow any protocol. You're always welcome to ask here. :hug: I transfer relevant conversations over there anyway. This is a good reason why my journals get to be so long. Well that, and I'm quite the wordy wench. :laughtwo:

Feel free to ask here anytime.
It's just beautiful! I'm definitely running another one soon. Apparently, you can get at least two totally different beasts! I have a couple of seeds here, may drop whatever I have so I can see the different little devils! LOL

I have three running right now and all three are going to look different from the others.

I think dark ashes would indicate that you're smoking chemicals added to the plant. It doesn't mean it's strong weed, just organic and better for you, IMHO...

Precisely, a healthier, cleaner plant.

Sue, your old devil is so amazing! She gives all these signs of being ready, yet when you look at her, all those white pistils keep saying "no, no, no!"

Remember, mine went through to day ninety something. ;)

She's playing with me, and today she got a malted barley grain drench, so I expect tomorrow she'll explode with more new pistils. :laughtwo: I had one go close to 90 days once. I just wish she'd been less of a runt.

I don't envy all the trimming... 3 plants last week almost killed me, and I have a couple more about ready to pop. .

Nonetheless, a great problem to have. .

Yeah, I'll take that problem any day. Lol!

Why do you wash/rinse the harvest? I'd never seen it.

It's along the same principle of why do you wash your vegetables and fruit? You're going to ingest these plants, in one form or another. In the course of a grow any number of foreign and undesirable things like small flying insects or dust and dander attach themselves or embed themselves on the plants. Bud washing rises all that off.

It also speeds the drying process and helps to start the curing process on a better foot. That sounds counterintuitive, seeing as how you're dipping and swirling them in water, but we swear, our experience shows it does precisely those two things.

Once you try it you likely won't look back. Done properly there's virtually no damage to the trichomes, and you'll be shocked at what washes out of your carefully grown cannabis.

Love the garden, you grow such tight internode plants Sue.

Why thank you Shiggity. The tightly-nodded one is stunted. We're waiting for her to figure out how to grow. She's already at 16 days and this is all she's chosen to show us. Hoping for a growth spurt any day now.

Man... streamin her on my 65" screen.... she looks even bettah!

I'll have to transfer it to the Spot so I can enjoy it again later. Thanks Tead. I'll play it for her. Maybe it'll help. :laughtwo:

Dear Sue it's raining fiercely here, so no work today. I hopped on the welcome wagon in introductions and posted in Detention. Well it was Study Hall for some, but for me it was called Detention hahaha. Thank you kindly I also started some seeds for a grow here. :green_heart:>.<

Will you be starting a journal Fire? :laughtwo: I got all excited there. It makes the blood run faster to hear of a new journal. It's such an obsession. Lol!

If it's detention, it's the friendliest detention hall on the planet. Hahaha!
Harvest: Med GOM 1.0, Day 72









She weighed in at 220 grams wet. She may surprise me with a two ounce yield. This afternoon I'm adding 100 grams of this to 125 ml of coconut oil and making an extraction. I've a friend who needs these capsules ASAP and I'm hoping they'll do the trick for his many layers of pain.


Rock on Sue!
Daily Update: Monday, August 29, 2016

Good evening everyone, it's time for another update. Let's start the stroll in the kit tent tonight.

The Carnivals (Day 34)



Carnival #1


Carnival #2


Interesting how differently they're structured.

Over in the neighboring auto tent.....



Dark Devil Auto 2 (Day 16) got topped. It was a "Now or never" decision. Now it's done.


Dark Devil Auto is fox tailing like crazy now. Let's see how she reacts to the malted barley grain SST the LOS pots got today.


Dark Devil Auto 3 (Day 6)


Around the corner in the tiny closet lives Dark Devil Auto 4. (Day 6) Her SWICK got topped as well, and she got half of the malted barley drench.



And that's all I got today guys. Thanks for stopping and joining in the joy. I have things to get done here real quick, so I'll catch up later. :ciao: :green_heart:


Rock on Sue!

Thank you Cy. Your opinion of my cultivation prowess matters more than you realize. I put you up there next to bobrown14 and 36Gr0w as my LOS mentors. :hug: :love:
I fell asleep right after I left that last post last night, woke at 3 AM to turn off the lights, and dropped back off until 8:30. :yahoo: I haven't slept that soundly in years. Literally, years, but most definitely since Feb 13, 2015, when they amputated his foot and our world crashed and burned.

It took a long time guys, but I finally made it all the way out of the forest of grief. Oh God, there's hope for me yet. Time for my morning THC capsule. :battingeyelashes: :love:
@Duggan, I just received a package from Doc with my new supplies. In there he included a bottle of the Way Ahead foliar. I don't want to bother Doc, and you enjoy explaining these particulars anyway, so if you would be so kind as to explain to us how one properly uses this product I'd be so appreciative. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I've been too busy on the oil threads to stay up to date with the kit and you guys move at the speed of light over there anyway. :helpsmilie:
Thank you Cy. Your opinion of my cultivation prowess matters more than you realize. I put you up there next to bobrown14 and 36Gr0w as my LOS mentors. :hug: :love:

Thank you Sue those are big words coming from you. Bobrown and 36Gr0w are definitely rockin it with the organics, and are two growers that I too have a lot of respect for. But let's not forget where all this indoor crap started for me Miss Sue. If it wasn't for me stumbling across your organic soil discussion thread, I would have never even heard of Living Organic Soil.That seems like a long time ago, and now you're killing it on all sorts of different levels with your concentrates and edibles, while I play with all this silly soil. Thanks again for the compliment Sue, it really means a lot. Keep up all the good work, and let's keep this train Rollin for as long as you can. Ya got something special going on here and you can definitely spread the word people all over the fricken place. Take care Sue!! Congrats on the harvest!!:thumb:
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