Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

My problem with this is that you are forcing her to hermie. That could potentially be a trait that is passed on.

Uhh... It doesn't... Stress isn't creating a genetic trait, lol. It's just stress. By punching someone in the nose, you are not turning them into a hemophiliac (you're just making them bleed). Now... if you have a decent-sized breeding population, initiated a program of stress, and spent a few - several / the more, the better - (plant) generations picking out the plants that create opposite-sex flowers quickest and easiest, and use only those to produce the next generation... rinse/lather/repeat... Then you are selecting for a trait.

Many female cannabis plants will eventually produce a male flower (or ten) if allowed to continue flowering long enough (without being pollinated). Based on my limited experience, I would even postulate that most will. With some especially long-flowering strains, the term "eventually" is somewhat unnecessary ;) - I have noticed it in strains which have a 16+ week flowering period. A male flower here, a male flower there... Pretty soon (okay, that's a relative term when your plant must flower for over four months, lol) the question stops being "Is it going to seed?" and becomes "I wonder how many of these buds will have %@#^ing seeds in them this time?" That's one way that a monumental strain can get lost; people decide that growing them just isn't worth the hassle, ditch the mother plant (or breeding pair of male and female)... and find themselves wishing, a few years later, that they hadn't turfed the champion(s). Then they ask their friends who all got cuts (and/or seeds) if they can have one(/some) back, only to learn that no one else kept the strain, either. At least... <COUGH> a little birdie told me that happens....
Heya maynman,
Howgozit brutha ?

It goes well my man! :thanks: Harvested my first Blue Blood. She came out fair. :thumb: Maybe a zip. I checked my other four and they are ready. Put them in the dark today. Lots of amber trichs. Lookin' for the high CBD for pain relief for the wife. What we have tried so far, just little cheater buds, have given her some good relief. :slide: She has cut back on her opiates by about 20-25%. :yahoo: The fully mature should be even better. :woohoo: :thanks: for asking :circle-of-love:
:thanks: to everyone for their help and knowledge. Couldn't have done it without you all!!!!! :thumb: :circle-of-love:
Since I only had boxers and black socks on I thought I would check in... ow oh shit

hurt myself doing the pose


See what I get for jesting :cheesygrinsmiley:
I know I don't come over as much as I used to. Feel like a jack ass for it, but I just can't keep up over here. If there isn't an update on the last two pages, I move on and leave some likes for you guys. Just don't want you two thinking I bailed on you.

Cheers C&N

Give me an hour or so and I'll have pictures here. :thumb: :roorrip:

Crown Royale Flux
Day 10



Brix Chix - on the left, Blue Dream and Strawberry Cake, on the right we have SSH, Kosher Kush, and Tutankhamon. I'm starting to like the shape of them. Keeping them short and letting them branch out like a flux.



Then we have some giant colas on some autos. Wipeout express auto, Pineapple express auto, and in the back we have the Buddha seads mystery and the Narcotic Kush. They are getting close and have been put on a water only diet.


Devil's Carnival is starting to take off. No signs of pistils or flowering yet. She is in a #1 and I can see roots coming out of the bottom of the pot.



That's all I have for this evening over here. Today we smoked some of the carnival and it was delicious to say the least. I had rolled one up with a maple syrup blunt paper and it tasted like apples, cinnamon, and the maple syrup. Didn't have to eat breakfast this morning since I smoked it. :rofl:

Now time to go hit up the other 2 journals with pictures. Have a high night :passitleft:
Looks awesome you guys!!! How's the HB going? We hope to start a few in the next month or so. Your girls always look so freaking good :)

Blessed Buds ore friends. :passitleft:

The HB is a lot easier that using nutrients. I have noticed that with bottom watering they seem to be growing faster than top watering all of the time. Also, you have to keep up on your training since the branches become stiff and hard to move. They respond extremely well when you water and especially after a drench. The colors are just screaming "I'M HAPPY!" :laughtwo: :thanks:
The HB is a lot easier that using nutrients. I have noticed that with bottom watering they seem to be growing faster than top watering all of the time. Also, you have to keep up on your training since the branches become stiff and hard to move. They respond extremely well when you water and especially after a drench. The colors are just screaming "I'M HAPPY!" :laughtwo: :thanks:

you get less soil compaction and roots can 'expand' when soaked from bottom than from top. :thumb:
A very good morning to ya Canna and Nis! Have a great day you two!:Namaste:
Good morning duggan! Had to stay home from work today. We are thinking that I had some bad sushi yesterday. The red eel might have been the culprit. It'll get better after a couple healing bong rips.

How does that Pineapple Express smell? Can't wait for the smoke review on that one.
A couple weeks ago she smelled like roadkill and cat piss. Wasn't pleasant at all. But now that she is approaching the finish line she has lost all of that and it is a very sweet fruity smell. I'm going to pull her aside today and have a look at the trichomes with the USB microscope that I coming today. See if we can get a couple pictures.
you get less soil compaction and roots can 'expand' when soaked from bottom than from top. :thumb:
Helps draw the air in. When lifting the pots out of their drench, it almost feels like it is pulling a vacuum. Pull slowly and at an angle and I sucks air through the top and makes its easier to get most of the extra water out of the pot. So many cool tricks can learn.

Hoots all around! :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip: :roorrip:
hey guys. i just received some DDA pollen from a friend. Just curious what the best way to store it is ? Also if I am gonna do all of the flowers on a single plant with a brush is there a ratio of flower to mix ? i am thinking of mixing up around a 1/4 gram of flower and just a "touch" of Pollen.

Thanks y'all
hey guys. i just received some DDA pollen from a friend. Just curious what the best way to store it is ? Also if I am gonna do all of the flowers on a single plant with a brush is there a ratio of flower to mix ? i am thinking of mixing up around a 1/4 gram of flower and just a "touch" of Pollen.

Thanks y'all

Toast some flour until it's browned. Let it cool and mix your DRIED/Dessicated pollen at 1:50 or 1:100 with the flour. Your pouches of pollen only need to be about 1/4 teaspoon each. That will make a LOT of seeds. Then you can put it into your refrigerator for a day then you can move it to the freezer for storage for 3 - 6 years. Hope you have some fun with that pollen. It worked wonders for us. :thumb:
Trichome Watch October 2016!

Today we received a new USB microscope. So now we can get quality pictures of the trichomes. We already had some fun with it and took a bunch of pictures. I labeled them in the gallery but it makes it difficult to tell which are which with no titles when putting them here. I can tell a few of them but we have the Bubble Bomb, THC Bomb, Green Love Potion, Purple Kush, Pineapple Express Auto, and the Wipeout Express Auto.




Wipeout Express Auto



Pineapple Express Auto



Then we have the Unknown Mixture. They are all pretty close to being the same.





That's all I have for this evening. Time to light up a :blunt::Namaste:
Are those reddish brown strings, that are also covered in what appears to be trichs, pistils ?
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Awesome trichs Nis! What brand did you get and is it specific to your phone or is I universal?
Was just a cheap $20 one off of the rain forrest. Does a hell of a lot better than I was expecting. Doesn't have a focus on it but you use the magnification to act as the focus. Not too bad if I say so myself. Also it is USB to a normal USB 2.0 port on a computer. So had to take the laptop down there and walk around with it like a tablet for the taller ones. For the autos I was able to do it by myself since I could bring them to me at the table. So if there is one thing I would change, is to make it more portable for our needs.

Edit - it also has a dimmer switch for the light on the microscope. So on the PK we turned it down so more of the purple showed up in the back ground.
Are those reddish brown strings, that are also covered in what appears to be trichs, pistils ?
Yup. Those are pistils that have matured and have receeded.
Re: Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Was just a cheap $20 one off of the rain forrest. Does a hell of a lot better than I was expecting. Doesn't have a focus on it but you use the magnification to act as the focus. Not too bad if I say so myself. Also it is USB to a normal USB 2.0 port on a computer. So had to take the laptop down there and walk around with it like a tablet for the taller ones. For the autos I was able to do it by myself since I could bring them to me at the table. So if there is one thing I would change, is to make it more portable for our needs.

Yup. Those are pistils that have matured and have receeded.

How cool is that. Thanks for the eye candy before I try n bake em shut in a few minutes. Have a great night.
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