Highya Carmen,

Nice green color, and happy looking girls! What more can you ask for at this stage?!? Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! :) Happy smokin' too
Hey Carmen,

The Gals are looking very well trained❤️😎.

Heres a nitrogen tip for organics.

Nitrogen, sooner or later, and usually around the 30 day mark, releases from its bindings and you quite often experience "The Claw".

Nitrogen requires water to work, so excess nitrogen requires excess water. Its how proteins are processed, and proteins are pure nitrogen, its what greens compost down into, so if you see the claw, dry them out a fair bit for 7-10 days and you should see them lighten a bit, and new growth wont be clawed.

It happens in new soil because calcium and magnesium are struggling with each other to find the perfect ratios. Calcium moves better in the soil so after 5 or 6 waterings it fully mixes with magnesium and releases magnesiums grip on the soil.

Prior to magnesium becoming balanced, its locked to nitrogen on a 1 to 1 ratio for every molecule of magnesium that hasn't yet interfaced with calcium.

So in real life, about a month in you give them their 1st real deep full saturating waterings as the roots are now formed, and Bam! that nitrogen gets released all at once.

If you look at most of my past grows you will see a line of lower fans in almost every picture, that are clawed.

I look at it as a sign of success. When I see it I know its time to dry the soil a bit and start cranking up photosynthesis. It means your soil is ready.

You will likely see a good growth spurt now, it usually follows the claw if you dial the H2O back a bit on that pot for a week or so.
Aha, this makes so much sense. Let's see what time does. This plant seems more sensitive than its sister plant too, I think that is a factor.
Looking fine here Carm! Nice color to them!
Thank you Otter!
Flat as a pancake! I was wondering if leaving the flowering one au naturel rather than flattening it would give you a chance to see the difference in cola length in the end. I think you mentioned something earlier about when to stop training them.
Thanks Shed. Here's the thing. I'm not sure if you recall the buds from the last RR XXL I grew. They were very thick and way too close together. I thought that it was because of the quad. That's why I don't want to do anymore cutting on these two. Opening the branches up into a canopy is another matter. I just want them not to grow one mass of bud again. That was the plant that got a bit of bud rot and fungus if you remember? So I felt opening the branches outwards might help get some light and air in there.
I'm wondering too. Hoping you get another beastly beauty like the one I saw. Those were some thick buds.

I know with photos you can sometimes (sometimes) delay flowering outdoors by topping or pruning heavily. Only by a week or so and again , not always. The weed gods have to align the weather and lighting properly.
I have found that to be the case with autos too. I think timing is of the essence and that is where I am still feeling my way.
Not sure I would do that to an auto though. Unless you absolutely hate having long fat buds.
I mean, I don't but, I'm just saying.
Did you catch the cricket yesterday. What a game.
Have a good one
I didn't get the cricket. Was it a T20 or ODI? I love cricket but there's a pecking order for our DSTV and as the more devoted sports followers, the men are front of queue for streams. I managed to find the rugby world cup on the radio which was excellent.

Enjoy setting up your grow spaces this week
Oh my, have I got an interesting anomaly.

Both my RR XXL auto plants have double branching and double buds forming on both node 2 branches, as seen in the pics below! Aren't I lucky! (bear in mind that I removed node one branches on both plants so node 2 is the first remaining level of the canopy.

Same anomaly on both plants. I removed node 2 on my last Red Russian XXL auto, so I have no idea how consistent this trait is. I should contact Victory and ask them what they know about it.

Oh my, have I got an interesting anomaly.

Both my RR XXL auto plants have double branching and double buds forming on both node 2 branches, as seen in the pics below! Aren't I lucky! (bear in mind that I removed node one branches on both plants so node 2 is the first remaining level of the canopy.

Same anomaly on both plants. I removed node 2 on my last Red Russian XXL auto, so I have no idea how consistent this trait is. I should contact Victory and ask them what they know about it.

Thats cool😎 Shes gonna eat more, get ahead of that. Your not going to have time to be reactionary, you have to be proactionary. She may out grow it in a node or 2 as well. At least with photos anyways, young anomalies like whorled phylotaxxy, often gets out grown. Hopefully she stays this way until harvest. Again, very cool😎
Thats cool😎 Shes gonna eat more, get ahead of that. Your not going to have time to be reactionary, you have to be proactionary.
I have already given them a layer of EWC when I up-potted them. The plan was to feed them the fish stuff (my trusty old Seagro) once a week until flower, and then go with the Nourish every two weeks as directed.

The small one probably doesn't need the Nourish because it is so small (unless it get's bigger of course 😎) and I deliberately gave water the last two feeds only because of the high N issue.

I had to give the RR1 a spot of calmag in the last feed, and will continue with that going forward. This plant also only got water in the last feed. I will see how it goes this week and depending on development I might add Seagro or Nourish to the next feed.

Other than the spikes, which I can't add this time around, do you think I have it all covered? I will add another layer of EWC later in the grow.
I have already given them a layer of EWC when I up-potted them. The plan was to feed them the fish stuff (my trusty old Seagro) once a week until flower, and then go with the Nourish every two weeks as directed.

The small one probably doesn't need the Nourish because it is so small (unless it get's bigger of course 😎) and I deliberately gave water the last two feeds only because of the high N issue.

I had to give the RR1 a spot of calmag in the last feed, and will continue with that going forward. This plant also only got water in the last feed. I will see how it goes this week and depending on development I might add Seagro or Nourish to the next feed.

Other than the spikes, which I can't add this time around, do you think I have it all covered? I will add another layer of EWC later in the grow.
I like to use a mineral based topdressing in flower. Guanos and whatnot, but thats what works best with my system. I would just give that one a little extra over your normal ways, if its going to grow more foliage and buds. Don't get lazy on adding the EWC, make sure its always available, that sort of thing.
Looking good and lucky bonus. An extra branch.
It was cricket world cup.
Sitting outside in the sun and realizing the summer sun is already here. My ladies are loving it
Have a winning day
I just saw the time and it took me by surprise. I didn't realize it is 4.20 already and the sun is high! Whoohoo! I'm gonna get higher.
Have a lekker evening :)
Screenshot (800).png

RR1 is training out normally. I took the training hooks away from RR2 because the branches are woody and so strong they pulled them out. This plant will have to do its own thing now. They both got a liter of water today as their pots were bone dry. They are each drinking a liter of water every 4 days.
Blueberry has made an appearance on day 4. The tail is still short so I will wait several hours to plant in the first, solo sized pot. I have made a mix of 50 % seedling mix to 50 % soil.
All is going well here! :thumb:
Thank you Shed. I can't get over the size discrepancy between my RR1 plant and LKA's Bubblegum. His has SIP advantage, but he says that prior to the SIP his plants were sizeable anyway. Do you think that synthetic nutes make bigger plants?
Looking good :dreamy:
Thank you Absorber!
The only constant between folks who grow autos well is a very consistent environment. As I mentioned in my earlier conversation here, autos do best under very controlled conditions. Your dining room might be cold at night and warm during the day and have different RH night and day. I have found those conditions make for very inconsistent sizes and veg timings.

I can't recall how well you did with your photos and your fancy plastic bag blackout curtains, but if you can get a little solar powered LED light to turn on during load shedding times, it might be something to consider again if autos aren't supplying you with the harvests you need.
Flat as a pancake! I was wondering if leaving the flowering one au naturel rather than flattening it would give you a chance to see the difference in cola length in the end. I think you mentioned something earlier about when to stop training them.
Right on, InTheShed! That's a fresh perspective on flushing. And I always learn something new when you drop knowledge. Light and love to ya! 🌞
I like to use a mineral based topdressing in flower. Guanos and whatnot, but thats what works best with my system. I would just give that one a little extra over your normal ways, if its going to grow more foliage and buds. Don't get lazy on adding the EWC, make sure its always available, that sort of thing.
Right on, Gee64! I've been thinking about adding guanos to my mix too. Thanks for the heads up! Keep growing strong!
Double your pleasure, double your fun!
InTheShed, always with the catchy lines, huh? 😄 Keep those spirits high, and the plants higher! Cheers!
Right on, InTheShed! That's a fresh perspective on flushing. And I always learn something new when you drop knowledge. Light and love to ya! 🌞

Right on, Gee64! I've been thinking about adding guanos to my mix too. Thanks for the heads up! Keep growing strong!

InTheShed, always with the catchy lines, huh? 😄 Keep those spirits high, and the plants higher! Cheers!
Hey RootRasta, welcome and pleased to meet you.
What did you find most interesting about it?

Did you have a favorite line in that jingle? You didn't "like" the video.
I'm convinced that these are fake accounts being operated by an AI learning program. It's disturbing that Bots are able to mimic human behaviour this closely. There are several such accounts and none of them respond when questioned. It won't be long before they do and then how do we tell each other apart from Bots. What would be their purpose here? To repackage our knowledge and experience how?

AI art is ALL STOLEN. None of it is original. The elements and motifs are all stolen from existing art. It is copyright theft, and I believe that is what is happening here.
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