Arteekay's Second Grow - Autos & Feminized - Mixed Strains

Wooow there are some really nice pictures over here!
Thanks for that! :)

Welcome Blulezard! Thanks for stopping by. Just in time for our third CKS Candy Cane's harvest. I'll be posting her life story and harvest day posts after my daily update.
June 21 (Tuesday) Update.

Autos: Red Poison is 56, Cheryl (Amnesia Haze) is 40, Early Miss 3 is 26, and Train Wreck is 11 days old. Temp is 82 today with RH at 47%. They are on an 20/4 schedule and are 15-20 inches from their lights.

Photos: Purple Kush is 77 days old (day 13 since flipping to 12/12). Temp peaked at 81 and RH is 43% at the canopy, 81 and 45% at the top. She is 13 inches from her main light.

  • TW got ~2 liters of bubbled tap water (600 ml down her stem, the rest around the edge) at 159 ppm and 5.8 PH @ 67 f
  • AH got soaked with three quarter strength bloom nutes (6 liters with 22.5 ml each of DNF Bloom A+B, 5 ml of GO CaMg+, and .5 g of DNF Bloom Fortifier) at 709 ppm and 5.8 PH @ 67 f

Busy night, our third CKS Candy Cane got the chop, wash, and hang routine. We ordered in a sock/small item drying rack, hopefully a step up from our wire hangers and clips we've used for the last 13 harvests. Clips are far cheaper than I'd hoped, but overall pretty happy with it. Pics in the harvest post later tonight.

I didn't grab pictures of it, but after we finished C3's harvest I went back it's our third Early Miss for more lollipopping. C3 was a pain in the ass to harvest. Although she was lollipopped, I should have taken more side branches off well before flowering, there was just too many suckers off the branches to really have some big top nugs. While the experience was still fresh in my mind, EM3 got ravaged! :) Pics tomorrow.

Our first Sweet Seeds Red Poison is getting stupid big, can't wait to see her in another week. By the breeder's schedule she should have come down today. NOPE! hehehe

TW at 11 days (10.47 lbs down from 10.78 yesterday, 14.69 lbs after watering tonight) Leaf curl is from being a bit to close to the lights, or at least that's my guess:

EM3 at 26 days (10.81 lbs, down from 13.68 yesterday):

Cheryl (AH) at 40 days (13.85 lbs down from 19.59 yesterday, 26.06 lbs after watering tonight):

RP at 56 days (16.08 lbs, down from 21.33 yesterday):

PK at 77 days, 13 days from flipping (24.26 lbs, down from 27.29 yesterday):

Back in the tent,, the new one is a Canuk Seeds Quarter Pounder, supposedly averages 2m tall and give around 6 zips at 85 days:

Today marks the end of the line for our third CKS Candy Cane. She could have gone another few days, maybe a week before she started to foxtail really badly, but I really need the space to let the young-uns out to play.

She was a pain in the ass to harvest, the next Candy Cane we do (and it'll be a while) we'll take off far more branching early in life. I'll guess we'll get 4+ ounces from her, but it'll be small and a bit fluffy. Honestly Trudy gave us the best nugs from a Candy Cane so far.

Anyway, first world problems. About halfway through our complaints, I couldn't help but laugh. "oh, you poor fellas, having to trim all that weed." Jesus we are spoiled, 7 months ago we've have given just about anything to spend an hour trimming a mature Cannabis plant. :)

Her life story:

One Week old:
April 19 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 7.

I spent about 10 minutes each on each auto, minor defol and lollipopping, but there wasn't a thing to do today but admire.

C3 (8.4 lbs, down from 9.2 after watering yesterday):

Two Weeks:
April 26 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 14.

C3 (10.4 lbs, down from 11.4 yesterday):

Three Weeks:
May 3 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 21.

C3 (8.4 lbs, down from 9.0 yesterday):

Four Weeks:
May 10 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 28.

Our third Candy Cane (and the first one that we trained) is going crazy and is going to be far outside the edges of her pot in the next week.

C3 at 28 days (15.4 lbs, down from 19.2 yesterday):

Five Weeks:
May 17 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 35.

Our third Candy Cane is well into flowering now, so training is slowing down except for a bit of bending here and there. She's gonna be seriously low on water by tomorrow, but we're gonna let her suffer it.

C3 at 35 days (11.4 lbs, down from 16.4 yesterday):

Six Weeks:
May 24 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 42.

Our third Candy Cane auto is about done her flowering stretch. I'd forgotten just how spindly her branches are, and looking at her now I'm thinking I'll try scrogging the next one.

C3 at 42 days (18.6 lbs, down from 24.6 after watering yesterday):

Seven Weeks:
May 31 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 49.

Our third Candy Cane auto got watered for the third day straight. She's pouring through the water, and we've decided to give this one everything she'll take while in flower, never bottoming out.

C3 at 49 days (16.48 lbs down from 25.08 after watering yesterday, 25.51 lbs after watering tonight):

Eight Weeks:
June 7 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 56.

C3 at 56 days (17.16 lbs, down from 24.26 yesterday after watering):

Nine Weeks:
June 14 (Tuesday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 63.

C3 at 63 days (14.55 lbs down from 19.69 yesterday, 25.73 lbs after watering tonight):

Day short of Ten Weeks (last night):
June 20 (Monday) Update. Candy Cane 3 is 69.

C3 at 69 days (11.95 lbs, down from 14.76 yesterday) She's getting the chop tomorrow night:

Next up... Tonight's before and after harvest pictures:
If only I had the room you guys do all I can keep thinking is one day I'll have separate spaces for the autos and photos I grow in my tent yours seem like they have quite a bit more growth. If that's what PK is going to look like when I pop a bean I'm going to be one happy camper the DDA has gone a nice deep purple for me now and would love to add more color to the garden.
Not much of a harvest post, I got a little burned out by the time we got to it.

Here's tonight's pics of C3, and some after shots hanging in the tent above our Purple Kush.

The weight difference between before and after chopping was 1.75 lbs, or 794 grams. I'll expect around 4 ounces dry of quality nuggage, and another ounce or two in stuff too small to avoid the BHO jar.
I totally unsubscribed from this journal... Must have been the dreaded double tap. I was sure that you were a daily update and I've cleared my subs list twice this week. Haha my bag! Although I'm Just in time for another harvest, nice job Les boyz, that's a huge haul if your estimates are even close to what it turns out to be. :high-five: my friend, and a big :thumb: to the Bizz. I've got some catching up to do...

KiG :green_heart:cheers

Edit : I'll just read up this page... I'm stopped to :drool: over that purple Kush. That's a monster guys, wow. Excellent scrog!! Is that Bizz's work or are you trying out the scrog... :bravo:
Congrats on the harvest. Sorry I missed it arteekay. I still have a lot to learn about germinating seedlings under LED. I'm not getting the tight nodes I'm after because they're stretching too much. I may need to go back to starting them under CFLs until they're ready to be free of the solo cups. There should be some way to get those tight nodes with this Vero 240. :straightface: As it is I'll just collar them with a solo like I did the last DDA. That actually worked better than I'd anticipated.

The color in your PK is fabulous! I'm enjoying all the color p opting up in everyone's gardens these days.

Training looks so easy and quick to do! Results are impressive!
Thanks for the candy cane life time.


I spend maybe 10 minutes a day for a couple weeks on training, nothing but a topping before day 21, and not much to do past about day 35. After that it's 5 minutes checking them over and doing some defol or lollipopping. Our first grow was left untrained until late, and two just left almost completely alone. We had other problems that kept them from excelling, but it was enough to teach us the value of training.

Something I seem to have forgotten lately honestly, not doing the early cleanup I should be for our style. Our first Amnesia haze got a late cleanup today, losing a half dozen foot long skinny branches and getting lollipopped up another inch or two. The Candy Cane we harvested this weekend was a pain in the ass in the number of long skinny branches ending in a small nug. Tired of it. :)

I totally unsubscribed from this journal... Must have been the dreaded double tap. I was sure that you were a daily update and I've cleared my subs list twice this week. Haha my bag! Although I'm Just in time for another harvest, nice job Les boyz, that's a huge haul if your estimates are even close to what it turns out to be. :high-five: my friend, and a big :thumb: to the Bizz. I've got some catching up to do...

Meh, just jump to live and be done with it. Nothing really exciting has happened recently. I still post daily, but traffic is way down now that there is little drama. :)

Well, that, and that I haven't made it around to everyone else's journals nearly as much as I should be doing.

We've had two previous CKS Candy Cane harvests, Trudy and Candi from our first grow.

Besides general appearance, I figured, since we got 1.6 ounces from Trudy and nearly 6 from Candi, that we'd do somewhere in between and on the higher end since we didn't nearly kill it or just do one supercrop on it. Our training has definitely changed since back then.

Edit : I'll just read up this page... I'm stopped to :drool: over that purple Kush. That's a monster guys, wow. Excellent scrog!! Is that Bizz's work or are you trying out the scrog... :bravo:

Our first photoperiod and scrog, CKS Crown Royale, was all Jaybiz's, I just took pictures. This one is all my fault. We'll find out in about 8 weeks how I made out.

:high-five: my friend.

If only I had the room you guys do all I can keep thinking is one day I'll have separate spaces for the autos and photos I grow in my tent yours seem like they have quite a bit more growth. If that's what PK is going to look like when I pop a bean I'm going to be one happy camper the DDA has gone a nice deep purple for me now and would love to add more color to the garden.

We did luck out quite a bit on our space and setup. That said, we're expanding this fall. :)

We're taking over a 14 x 7.5 foot room in the basement. Right now the tents are the first damned thing you see if you take three steps down, and harvests stink up the entire house. We'll have one of the tents in there to flower photos, but the rest of the room will be for autos, drying, curing, and harvests. Jaybiz and the nutes will stay where they are, but we'll keep far more product behind a carbon filter or two.

To the casual eye, it'll just look like we've shut the door to the room with the electrical panel.

Very impressive update rtk. It's nice to watch the growth from seedling to flower. Congrats on another harvest. Can't wait to see the pics.

Thanks Noob, always good to have ya 'round!

We only get about 5 days before we cut them from the stems and jar 'em up, trying to get in around 70-75% RH. We let one go to 7 days and they went into jars at 45%, much lower than we'd have liked. Mid to low 70's, dropping slowly over two or three weeks down to 62% has been working fantastic for us.

Anyway, the point of that was we'll have a much better idea what the yield will end up being by this weekend.

Congrats on the harvest. Sorry I missed it arteekay. I still have a lot to learn about germinating seedlings under LED. I'm not getting the tight nodes I'm after because they're stretching too much. I may need to go back to starting them under CFLs until they're ready to be free of the solo cups. There should be some way to get those tight nodes with this Vero 240. :straightface: As it is I'll just collar them with a solo like I did the last DDA. That actually worked better than I'd anticipated.

The color in your PK is fabulous! I'm enjoying all the color p opting up in everyone's gardens these days.

The first four we sprouted back on Halloween last year were started under a single big 125w CFL, and we bought our first LED (the Spider x4) after we started to see 'em stretch. The following 16 have all been started and finished under LED. We've had the exact opposite problem a couple times, not enough stretch and nodes right on top of each other, and the last couple have curled up some early fan leaves like a heat or light intensity issue. I guess what I'm saying is, we're still learning under LED ourselves. :)

Biz mentioned the other day that we have to grab some natural light pics of our Red Poison before she gets the chop, my pics haven't done her coloring much justice yet.

It's funny to me though, I've had dealers tell me that I'm getting Purple Kush, or some other purple colored buds, but it's always looked green with some red hairs at most. It wasn't until our first DDA that I can definitively say I've smoked purple weed.

I'm hooked on color now, can't imagine not having something for contrast constantly.

My Timber Vero 240 is supposed to be 18-20" from the canopy, and that's proving to be too far away for the seedlings. For now I can always collar, but at some point I need to find a way to duplicate the tight nodes I was getting under CFLs. I may be better off just having a separate nursery with CFLs to get them through the first couple weeks until the first topping.

I'll figure it out sooner or later. I finally figured out consistent germination, my single biggest stressor in a grow. Time to tackle that tight node building. If I can get these two stages down I have the rest of it figured out. I feel like the last year I've been pulled in so many different directions I'm really hankering for some steady consistency for the next year so I can finally learn what the hell I'm doing. :laughtwo:
Congrats on the harvest. Sorry I missed it arteekay. I still have a lot to learn about germinating seedlings under LED. I'm not getting the tight nodes I'm after because they're stretching too much. I may need to go back to starting them under CFLs until they're ready to be free of the solo cups. There should be some way to get those tight nodes with this Vero 240. :straightface: As it is I'll just collar them with a solo like I did the last DDA. That actually worked better than I'd anticipated.

The color in your PK is fabulous! I'm enjoying all the color p opting up in everyone's gardens these days.
Using MH @ 400 watts (4200K) is a great veg light.



White light works wonders for veg. Not sure how balanced your LED'S are but I'm sure you are working with more PAR energy then I. 1000 watt MH bulb only gas about 385 watts of PAR energy, considering I'm using 420 watts of MH I'm under 200 watts of PAR. I'm sure a ~300 watt LED actual draw would work better. But these two know how to grow too. A lot of it comes from their nutes as well.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
June 22 (Wednesday) Update.

Autos: Red Poison is 57, Cheryl (Amnesia Haze) is 41, Early Miss 3 is 27, and Train Wreck is 12 days old. Temp is 85 today with RH at 50%. They are on an 20/4 schedule and are 15-20 inches from their lights.

Photos: Purple Kush is 78 days old (day 14 since flipping to 12/12). Temp peaked at 84 and RH is 45% at the canopy, 83 and 49% at the top. She is 13 inches from her main light.

  • EM3 got soaked with 75% strength grow nutes (6 liters with 22.5 ml each of DNF Gro A+B and 5 ml of calmag+) at 709 ppm and 5.8 PH @ 68 f
  • RP got soaked with weak bloom nutes (6 liters with 7.5 ml each of DNF Bloom A+B) at 366 ppm and 5.8 PH @ 68 f

After yesterday's desecration of our third Early Miss, our first Amnesia Haze (Cheryl) got a good cleanup. I took at least a half dozen thin branches. I should have taken then a week ago, but she's got 44 days still to recover, and hopefully we get better top nugs from her.

We also decided we have to harvest on the weekends, weeknight harvests are just too much work for us. I don't believe a day or two in either direction makes a significant enough difference in overall yield, and we need to balance the ROI of our time in as well. In general I'll say we'll run through to the next weekend rather than take it more than a two days early, assuming we have the space to make it that long.

TW at 12 days (13.56 lbs, down from 14.69 after watering yesterday):

EM3 at 27 days (8.07 lbs down from 10.81 yesterday, 21.41 lbs after watering tonight):

Cheryl (AH) at 41 days (18.56 lbs, down from 26.06 yesterday):

Geeeeez, I'm getting worse, not better, at this.​

RP at 57 days (12.33 lbs down from 16.08 yesterday, 25.64 lbs after watering tonight) May be slowing down:

PK at 78 days, two weeks from flipping (21.40 lbs, down from 24.26 yesterday):

Back in the tent:

How dare you be human and forget pictures. :laughtwo: Stop beating yourself up about it. That was said in a very soft and loving voice and comes accompanied by a warm and loving hug. :hug: :love:

She'll look just as beautiful tomorrow.
Very clean grow guys, looking great on that SCROG. Very happy plants in both tents.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
How dare you be human and forget pictures. :laughtwo: Stop beating yourself up about it. That was said in a very soft and loving voice and comes accompanied by a warm and loving hug. :hug: :love:

She'll look just as beautiful tomorrow.

It's a sign of progress that I accept that I missed one, and don't just go down and pull everything apart again to get the required pics. :)

Thanks Sue.

Very clean grow guys, looking great on that SCROG. Very happy plants in both tents.

Small problems here and there, but that's to be expected with sprouting new strains from seeds every time. I do think we've got a working system figured out though.

June 23 (Thursday) Update.

Autos: Red Poison is 58, Cheryl (Amnesia Haze) is 42, Early Miss 3 is 28, Train Wreck is 13, and the Quarter Pounder is 1 day old. Temp is 81 today with RH at 46%. They are on an 20/4 schedule and are 15-20 inches from their lights.

Photos: Purple Kush is 79 days old (day 15 since flipping to 12/12). Temp peaked at 81 and RH is 39% at the canopy, 80 and 43% at the top. She is 13 inches from her main light.

  • QP got 340 ml of bubbled tap water for her first day in the sun
  • Cheryl (AH) got soaked with 75% strength bloom nutes and fortifier (5.92 liters with 22.5 ml each of DNF Bloom A+B, 5 ml of GO CaMg+, and 1 g of DNF Bloom Fortifier) at 810 ppm and 5.8 PH @ 67 f
  • PK got soaked with half strength bloom nutes and fortifier (7.26 liter with 20 ml each of DNF Bloom A+B, 5 ml of GO CaMg+, and 1 g of DNF Bloom Fortifier) at 467 ppm and 5.8 PH @ 67 f

Our newest girl was born sometime today, a Canuk Seeds Quarter Pounder auto we got as a freebie from our order of their Lemon Skunk autos. 85 days from harvest, apparently up to 2m tall (untrained of course) and 6+ ounces. Huh, if it's anywhere near as frosty as their LS, I'm in. :)

I spent a few minutes with a scope on our first Red Poison, couldn't find any amber and still probably half clear. She's two days past the breeders schedule of 8 weeks from seed, and I'm guessing she'll be better with another week of weak flush nutes.

Otherwise, typical night.

QP on her first day (8.25 lbs, 9 after her first watering):

TW at 13 days (12.79 lbs, down from 13.56 yesterday):

EM3 at 28 days (17.96 lbs, down from 21.41 yesterday):

Cheryl (AH) at 42 days (12.74 lbs down from 18.56 yesterday, 25.79 lbs after watering tonight):

RP at 58 days (19.70 lbs, down from 25.67 after watering yesterday):

PK at 77 days, 15 days from flipping (19.09 lbs down from 21.40 yesterday, 35.09 lbs after watering tonight):

Back in the tents, with C3 drying above PK:

You guys will love moving to an actual room! Much easier to control environment. I think it's going to work out great for you. Will you add outlets there too? If you do make sure they are 20A. Gives much more room for expansion.

Oh and btw I am going to post a great July 4th forum wide smokathon thread. Start planning your nugs, edibles, and general craziness. 4/20 smokathon was fun, And I wouldn't want you to miss this one!
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