Aurora Indica Feminized - LED - Soil - 4x4 - Grow I


PurpleGunRack - 420g
Leeroyz420 - 400g
Coloradokid19 - 350g
Friend #1 - 325g
I guessed - 273g
TheBlaze - 262g
Dirt Mcgert - 246g
KingstonRabbi - 225g
Rodgers - 220g
Friend #2 - 150g

Thanks to all who guessed. Now lets see who gets closest!
Looks really nice in there, you could try to spread the branches of the stretchy lass further under the net.
I just pruned my flowering plants a lot for the same reasons a few days ago and lowered the lights a bit, and it really seems to help.
Looks really nice in there, you could try to spread the branches of the stretchy lass further under the net.
I just pruned my flowering plants a lot for the same reasons a few days ago and lowered the lights a bit, and it really seems to help.

Thanks for the reminder! I was going to do that after the stretch stopped and it has stopped for a couple days. I used a couple of my soft ties to hold some of the taller branches to the net for support as well. Now those really tall colas on the one are only an inch or so above the others. I also just got done spreading them all out very evenly and spinning the pots to get an ideal usage of the space of the tent. I had a big smile when I was done, it looks good. :)
Too many posts today so I apologize but I did a lot of work at different times of the day so here is the final picture of a more even canopy. A little tucking around the net and a little spinning of the pots. Two of the colas that were by far the tallest got tied down just a bit as they will need support anyways. I am pretty excited to see what they look like after the feeding in the next couple days.


Day 28 Flower - 4 weeks! I felt like these gals got noticeably thicker overnight. Definitely getting more frost. The next couple weeks hopefully will be full of fattening up. The plant structure is losing the green color and it is hardening up. Humidity has been around 50% and temperature around 79F. Pretty happy with the way everything looks but I really hope they pack on some weight.

Colas week 4

Different angle of some colas

Family photo week 1

Family photo week 2

Family Photo week 3 (Moved the scrog net up)

Family photo week 4
Very nice work Assassin. Don't stress about bud size. They will definitely get fatter. Just focus on keeping them as happy and healthy as you can.
Hey Asesino, i noticed on my day 28 update some of my pistils are maturing, do you have all white pistils still? Your on Day 29 correct?

Yeah. I actually noticed a couple brown hairs a few days ago on one plant. It was my scraggly plant. Today I noticed some on a couple colas of a different plant. Maybe 10% total have brown hairs. That's likes 6-7 for me.
Very nice work Assassin. Don't stress about bud size. They will definitely get fatter. Just focus on keeping them as happy and healthy as you can.

Environment, environment, environment! 45-51% RH and 72 low temp lights off and 79-81 lights on. That's pretty much where I want them right?
Day 30 Flower - The pictures do most of the talking now. The branches are really hardening up good. I really like the structure of these plants. They all seem to have 6 main branches and then another 8-10 non main branches. I feel like they are getting fatter and at the very least I should get some decent sized bud. A couple of them are noticeably fatter though so I'm excited to see if I can have a couple of really cool colas.

The plants have not dropped many leaves as of late so I haven't had much to do. I'm headed away for the weekend camping so I will water with just regular water and a little cal-mag tomorrow and then see what they look like when they get back. I may skip a nutrient feeding (or just make a light feeding) for the scragglier looking plant. I probably should have semi-flushed it earlier. It never really occurred to me to do that until now.

Bling Bling

Sea of Colas? Almost...
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